Chapter 317, sell brother
On Saturday afternoon, Ruan Lingwen sat at home without taking a break, but continued to broadcast live.

The live broadcast room was bustling.

Ruan Lingwen chose the guests.

Boom boom boom boom!The moment is an orgasm.

"Shi Lingling, wait a minute!" the woman shouted, and the camera shook.

"We were chosen by Shi Lingling!" The aunt shouted like a ghost/zi entered the village!

"Shi Lingling chose us?" The old lady ran faster than the young man.

The current guy can't.

There is a lot of chaos, like a wedding scene or a New Year's Eve.

The woman greeted the camera: "Hello Shi Lingling! Our square dancer is preparing for the Chinese New Year competition!"

Ruan Lingwen said politely, "Hi everyone."

The old lady was so excited: "Shi Lingling is good!"

Another lady came over and shouted, "Does Shi Lingling have a boyfriend?"

The woman holding the mobile phone hurriedly said, "Shi Lingling is still young."

The lady hahaha said: "Twenty years old, not too young! You can get married!"

The lady actively advocated: "You must get married as early as possible, and have a few more children."

The lady is in her 40s, not the oldest, but the thief actively asked: "Does Shi Lingling want someone to help you take care of the child? I will help you, no money hahaha!"

The woman is holding a cell phone.

The lady squeezed into the live broadcast room and shouted: "What kind of Shi Lingling do you like? Let me introduce you! I promise you are good-looking, good-tempered, and the family conditions are not bad. They are all college students!"

The scene was already a sensation.

More people gathered around.They have to drill into the phone.A small mobile phone can't bear the weight.

The woman backed away with her mobile phone, fearing that she would be stepped on.

Another old man came from behind.

The old lady pulled the woman to avoid the front and rear pincers.

Another old lady yelled, "What are you doing? How many people are watching? It's embarrassing!"

The lady said: "No, just say hello to Shi Lingling and care about her."

The old lady said: "Who are you, it's your turn to care?"

Another woman said: "Don't talk about what you don't have, because there are too many people watching."

At the scene, everyone was watching with their mobile phones.

But other phones can only watch.Although it can send barrage.

Only this mobile phone can enter the live broadcast room.

The old man looks at the camera.

The woman is embarrassed, she is not good at explaining to Shi Lingling.

That old man was quite the case, so the woman had to give him a chance.

The old man put his hands behind his back, opened his mouth and said: "Shi Lingling, you don't study hard, you don't learn well."

Ruan Lingwen lowered the guest's voice to twenty decibels.A voice equivalent to a whisper.

The old man was posing and giving a lesson there.

Ruan Lingwen bowed his head and called the police first.

In the live broadcast room, it was more lively than the scene.

[What's going on with this TM? 】

[There are not many normal ones. 】

[What is this old man doing? 】

【Guest selected by Shi Lingling, why did she do this? 】

[Is it polite? 】

[The money in her family is for everyone to spend? 】

[You don't mind being Lingling's guest, do you? 】

[A group of people don't have any summer vacation, just saying hello is enough, there is no end to it. 】

【Hahaha I'm waiting to eat melons. 】

[Shi Lingling must have melons. 】

[Baby Lingling is good, don't get angry. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'm starting to choose people now."

The first person to be hugged was a man.

He seemed to be hiding in the bedroom, and he still didn't have much sense of presence.Thin, unhealthy white, with a kind of fragility.Men are not supposed to be strong.

Ruan Lingwen greeted softly: "Hello."

The man took a moment to say hello: "Hello Shi Lingling. I just have something to do."

Ruan Lingwen encouraged: "Please speak."

The man looked at the door and said in a low voice: "I have depression, and my brother is better than me. For my brother's future, my parents plan to let me marry a woman. I am at a loss."

Ruan Lingwen asked: "An excellent person who needs to betray his brother? An excellent person who doesn't care about his brother's health? An excellent person who doesn't care about his future? It can be seen that he is a fart."

The man was surprised, and repeated the fact: "He is better than me."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Your parents wanted to have one more son, and then they got their wish. Then they liked the cute little son, but they didn't want the older one. So, they didn't want one more son, they only had one son. They didn't deserve it! They didn't deserve it! Not good enough for your son."

The man was speechless in shock.

【Shi Lingling is right! 】

【exactly! 】

【That family is trash! 】

[Only two sons, they can't raise well! 】

[Hahaha I know his younger brother, he is a peacock! 】

[I never thought that Peacock would need to use his brother's waste. 】

【Brother is not a waste. 】

[He has nothing to do with his parents. 】

【When parents wanted a second child, they ignored and suppressed him. 】

[Long-term family pressure and violence. 】

[This is cold violence/force! 】

[Brother is just a victim. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Leave this home that doesn't belong to you, and live your own life. Even ordinary is meaningful."

The man hesitated: "I..."

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "I'll give you a talisman."

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Ruan Lingwen drew a good talisman, looked at the bullet screen, and was even happier: "This is a good luck talisman. As many people bless you, you will have as much good luck."

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[I seem to see a golden light! 】

【Shi Lingling, is it true? 】

[Shi Lingling, if more people bless you, isn't your luck against the sky? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "No. He can only receive a little of everyone's blessings. It's like eating, what you can bear depends on the situation."

[This is really understandable. 】

[The average person can only eat one bowl. 】

[However, how many people's blessings are enough for a bowl? 】

[I think my brother's ability to bear is very strong. 】

[After being bullied by this weird family for so many years, I'm not crazy. 】

The man laughed, like melting ice and snow, and said warmly: "Thank you Shi Lingling, thank you everyone, I feel much better."

[Brother looks good when he smiles! 】

[Very healing! 】

The man said embarrassingly: "Actually, I lived with my grandfather for a while. Later, my grandfather passed away due to illness."

【I understand. 】

[Actually, the grandson is more important. 】

【Shi Lingling, is the little grandson jealous? 】

Ruan Lingwen said disdainfully, "He thought he was robbing the throne."

[So shameless! 】

【Steal your parents' love and step your brother into the dust, this kind of scum! 】

"I'm going to go," said the man.

Ruan Lingwen said, "Let's go."

【I'll pick you up. 】

【I'll go as well! 】

[Don't hold a grand ceremony, right? 】

[Don't. 】

[Are you going to watch the family of three? 】

[You don't know, that family of three is wonderful. 】

[It would be great if it could be broadcast live, so that everyone can open their eyes. 】

【Shi Lingling, I am sincere. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "You are the only daughter in your family, and the family property cannot belong to outsiders. So you really want to hire a husband, regardless of his thoughts. Are you rich and amazing? He~tui!"

(End of this chapter)

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