Chapter 318, happy to be a mother
[It's so funny! 】

[This woman just wants to find a man who is honest and easy to control, right? 】

[Isn't it better to control the sick? 】

【nausea! 】

【No, I have liked him for a long time. 】

Ruan Lingwen sneered and said, "He has two sons, one more, and you are following him. Do you want me to continue?"

[Disgusting woman, don't disgust me to death! 】

【Playing with Shi Lingling?When we are Lingling careless. 】

[Our Shi Lingling's eyes are sharp, and the child's words are unscrupulous. 】

[Shame on you, don't get out of here. 】

[Hahaha we are here to pick him up, his parents are back. 】

【His younger brother came back, saying that he can't live without leaving home? 】

【Shi Lingling don't worry, we will help him leave. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Thank you. I will continue to choose candidates."

On the screen, another lady soon appeared.

The lady cried: "I didn't expect to hide, and I was really chosen by Shi Lingling."

Her friend persuaded: "Don't cry, just tell Shi Lingling if you have anything to do."

The lady said: "I'm sorry. My parents sold me for a gift of 50 yuan. The man is 40 years old, has been in prison, has a background, and has a marriage certificate. I don't know if Shi Lingling can help me. , if it doesn’t work, forget it.”

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "I'll call the police for you."

The lady's friend came back to his senses and said, "Yes. It's useless for us to call the police. Shi Lingling will definitely do it."

Ruan Lingwen called the police.

The lady cried again: "I went out to work before I finished junior high school, and all the money I earned went to my parents. They only have a son in their eyes. They don't even care about my life. From now on, they will treat me as dead."

Her friend persuaded: "Don't say that. You will have a good life in the future."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Your biological parents can call the police if they beat you."

The lady's friend got angry and said, "That's right! Are you still afraid of what others will say?"

The lady wiped her tears and said, "This is the last time. It is said that the man's ex-wife was beaten to death, but there is a background, so it's okay."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Hurry up and hide in another place."

She draws another good luck charm.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Netizens are very kind and sincere wishes.

The lady was very moved and said: "I have nothing to repay you. Thank you!"

Her friend persuaded: "You are welcome, we will do our best to help each other."

[This friend is so brave, I dare to help this one too. 】

The lady is ready to go out.

Her friend explained with a mobile phone: "You don't know, she saved my life. We don't have very strong abilities, but as long as we work hard, I think we can still do something."

Ruan Lingwen waved his hand and said, "Be careful."

[I think they are all good. 】

[Although women are weak, they can also be strong. 】

【God helps those who help themselves! 】

[Some parents are really disgusting. 】

[Aren't the most disgusting ones Luo Gong and Cao Kun? 】

[Can Luo Gong and Cao Kun rank the most disgusting? 】

[I vote for them. 】

[It is said that Luo Jingjia was involved in the affair of Mencius Court. 】

[That's a shit-stirring stick, not surprising at all. 】

There was movement from the guests.

The old man talked for a long time, very dissatisfied.

Ruan Lingwen turned up his voice.

Someone ran over and shouted: "Gu Degang and student Piao/Chang have been arrested!"

The old man opened his mouth wide, as if he could eat people!

People were not afraid of him, so they specially shouted: "Gu Degang and the four students wash their feet collectively!"

Someone excitedly ate melons: "Five?"

The man approached the camera and said clearly: "Isn't this the end of the project, let's celebrate together and connect with each other?"

[From Donghan University. 】

[I'm at school, so embarrassing! 】

[I'm at the scene, and I'm not wearing any pants. 】

[Isn't it? 】

[This is afternoon. 】

[The old man didn't teach his own son well, so he still wants to teach others? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The project I worked on is worthless. Also, outside Donghan University, there are a lot of water on the car. Are there buying and selling to promote the economy?"

【Shi Lingling hit the entertainment industry, and hit the university. 】

[It's not about Shi Lingling. 】

[The luxury cars and water outside Donghan University have already existed. 】

[I often see it when I pass by. 】

[Donghan University, it's time to take care of it! 】

【Who is Gu Degang's father-in-law? 】

[Could it be that my father-in-law also likes Piao/Chang?It's unusual to have a good friendship together. 】

[Don't talk nonsense. 】

[Who knows? 】

[No internal digestion? 】

[There must be. 】

[Did you turn off the live broadcast room? 】

【He wants to. 】

[Our Shi Lingling never tells lies, why should we cover our mouths? 】

Ruan Lingwen looked at Donghan University with a small yin and yang mirror, and said with emotion: "This school originally had a good memorial hall, but it was demolished and a fountain pool was built."

[Isn't it? 】

[Feng Shui has been changed? 】

[Hahahahahaha!It was my father-in-law who asked me to demolish it! 】

[I am an old schoolmate, and I am very impressed with that memorial hall.Later, I went to see the school celebration. A fountain pool is quite strange. 】

Ruan Lingwen reminded, "Look for yourself."

[I went to see the comparison photos, so I don’t need to understand. 】

[How can the memorial hall be demolished? 】

[Isn't there a new building over there?Move things over.Make this a fountain pool. 】

[I'm only a beginner in metaphysics. I think there's something wrong with Feng Shui! 】

[Donghan University: No problem! 】

[Absolutely no problem! 】

[You fans/believe! 】

[Our Donghan University is absolutely fine! 】

[To sue Shi Lingling! 】

[You ruined the reputation of Donghan University! 】

【Shi Lingling is about to kneel! 】

[Don't make fooling around! 】

[We have evidence about Donghan University! 】

[With your bad reputation, what are you pretending to be? 】

[The latest evidence is a paper written by Gu Degang's student, copied. 】

[Only one article? 】

[I just found one, don't worry. 】

[Students like this, who would be ashamed? 】

Ruan Lingwen muttered, "It's because I'm not worthy of going to college."


[Shi Lingling, we are going to Changdu University. 】

[It's time for Lingling, don't try to rub it. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I am not worthy. Continue to choose people."

【Children, don't be afraid, mom is here. 】

[Grandma is here, so I'm not afraid of ten Gudegangs. 】

Ruan Lingwen was happy and said, "I can say it with confidence."

[Son, let's restrain ourselves? 】

[It's okay, just dare to say it! 】

【Grandpa keeps you safe. 】

Ruan Lingwen was very happy.

On the screen, a bride appeared.I'm getting married tomorrow, and I'm already very nervous.

The bride said happily: "Shi Lingling is good."

Ruan Lingwen was happy: "Congratulations, happy to be a mother."

The bride froze.

Her mother came over and asked, "Shi Lingling, what did you say?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Although it was an accident, the child is innocent. His family likes children, so they must raise them. They don't have to give birth to themselves."

Mom said angrily: "Shi Lingling, if you are here, I will beat you up."

Ruan Lingwen said happily: "You can't hit it."

Mother was helpless, and said: "Forget it, you are the most innocent. Oh, I won't be able to get married tomorrow, and I have worked so hard for so long."

Finally, I don't have to work so hard, my mother wants to lie down on the spot, and the bride looks complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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