Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 319, Suppression of Culture

Chapter 319, Suppression of Culture

Lou Chao, Feng Zhan, and Yuan Weijun went to Ruan Lingwen's house together to watch her eat.

This kid is heartless.Anyway, it's not her who has something to do.So many old men and women are protecting them.Just because she is cute.

Feng Zhan came over and patted her head, it was very cute like this.

It's not that Ruan Lingwen didn't welcome the guests, they and Brother Ling Jie came.

Yuan Weijun took off his coat, feeling quite at ease, and asked the little fairy: "Feng Lang Ju Xu, what do you want to do?"

Ruan Lingwen was in a happy mood while eating the beef, and said, "Wei Chengjun is that young man."

Feng Zhan ravaged her and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ruan Lingwen's head shook from being rubbed, and he smiled happily.

Forget it, Feng Zhan is old, even if he looks good, he has a different taste.

Lou Chao doesn't care, he is not that type.Wei Chengjun really has that taste.

Yuan Weijun said: "Donghan University would like to invite you to see how to change the fountain pool?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Any Feng Shui master will do." Do you still want her to pay?
Yuan Weijun said: "I probably want to use your reputation to bring other things over."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Can it work?"

Yuan Weijun nodded and said, "Sure."

Ruan Lingwen was not worried.Waiting for her to be officially notified.

That's not a trivial matter, and she wouldn't agree to it in private.Some people think she doesn't know.

Knowing that she will not be sold, Lou Chao is very relieved.

After Ruan Lingwen finished eating, everyone sat in the living room and drank tea.

The living room is a bit small, it's crowded with handsome guys, overlords, and uncles.

Ruan Lingwen sat obediently.

Just like Chinese New Year, those big families have a little sister or sister-in-law.

If the seniority is high, it may also be the aunt.As long as they are young, they are all pampered.

Ruan Lingwen said about the feeling of youth: "This drama is mainly for children, and there will be less bloody/bloody things. There will be battlefields, but they are clean and neat. I think the key point is how does the Hussar general fight? For example, martial arts, Perhaps even earlier, they served the country faithfully, and the Xiongnu are still alive, so what is the family doing?"

Yuan Weijun nodded, this momentum is extraordinary!
Ruan Lingwen said: "The aspirations of a young man are the will of the country, and the strength of a young man is the strength of the country! Although he has an extraordinary background and extraordinary honor and favor, he did not indulge in pleasure, and the situation is also great. He was only 24 when he died, and his age Those who are old have no momentum, and those who are young, few of them have enough background now."

Lou Chao nodded.

Those who always talk about background and social circles, but don't talk about being a country.

Where can a home be without a country?Thought to go abroad?If the country is not good, people will look down upon them abroad.

You must have the consciousness of relying on yourself and being strong!
Ruan Lingwen suggested: "Let Wei Chengjun go to Liu's house to study until the machine is turned on."

Feng Zhan smiled and asked, "Learn from Liu Piaopiao?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Although it's not the taste of a thousand years ago, it's definitely better than it is now."

Feng Zhan nodded and said, "The Liu family also has this idea."

Let's work together to shoot something real.It has to look good and make sense.

Lou Chao asked Little Fairy: "It will be shown worldwide, what do you want to do?"

Ruan Lingwen shook his head.

Lou Chao asked, "Don't want to do anything for the box office?"

Ruan Lingwen stood by and watched: "I believe in everyone's efforts."

Lou Chao nodded.

Ruan Lingwen said: "There is also Ying Xiang (Yun) who can also be filmed. You need to pay close attention to the youthful feeling, it will be gone in two years."

Feng Zhan asked, "Does the donkey need to hurry?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Didn't he want to make money to pay off his debts?"

Feng Zhan said: "[-] million, I don't know how long it will take."

Do you think that people in the entertainment industry are really stupid and have a lot of money?Those who can earn are few.Most people will not earn 100 million in their lifetime, maybe even [-] million.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care, and just said: "His boy group, you can play whatever you want."

Feng Zhan stroked his chin and said, "Go to Liu's house, maybe I want to."

It's hard to say what young people think.It seems that there are many people who are willing to learn from senior Zhu You.There are those who are unlearned and incompetent, and there are those who are constantly improving.

Jiang Lingjie received a call and looked at Ruan Wenwen.

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's very easy to change. You can either erect a stone in the middle or build a pavilion. The effect is similar."

She didn't even bother to talk about leveling the fountain pool.

Yuan Weijun imagined, what does a pavilion in the middle of the fountain pool look like?
However, if it is not sprayed, it will be a pool with a pavilion in the middle, and I still can't think of it.

Ruan Lingwen said to him: "Move back the things in the memorial hall. It doesn't take much, but the meaning can be achieved."

Yuan Weijun understood.It is also towned with a memorial hall.Pavilions are not necessarily for people to go up.

Zhang Yunyan also came to join in the fun.

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly and greeted Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Yunyan asked: "How to get rid of the stones in the water?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "If you want to make a bottom on the bottom, and a bottom on the top, you need a whole big rock."

Zhang Yunyan asked: "Is it gathering literary energy?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

Yuan Weijun said: "Donghan University used to be in the front row, and the culture is gone?"

Ruan Lingwen said here: "I won't restore it. The key is in themselves. If they do well, Feng Shui is not important."

Feng Zhan patted her head, yes.What are you doing with so much?Now that Feng Shui has been destroyed, it is almost over.No matter how good Feng Shui is, if people are not good, it is useless.

Zhang Yunyan asked, "How did you spend the new year?"

Ruan Lingwen laughed.

Lou Chao looked at the child as stupid.Like Chinese New Year?
Zhang Yunyan gave the child a big red envelope.

Ruan Lingwen accepted it happily.

Yuan Weijun also had a big red envelope, which was given by his old lady.

Ruan Lingwen accepts everything, and if there is a red envelope, of course he accepts it.

Zhang Yunyan saw the child very happy, and the old people like this kind of thing.

Foolish people are blessed with foolishness. If you smile sweetly, you will be beautiful in your heart.Her eyes are bright, and she looks like a good child.

Ruan Kailin called.

Ruan Lingwen was in a good mood and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ruan Kailin was not in a good mood, and said: "Then who said that her husband lost his computer, there are a lot of important data in it."

Ruan Lingwen comforted his sister: "It's okay." Looking at the message sent by his sister, he said casually, "The data is very important, it's better to hand it over to the police."

Ruan Lingwen called the police.

Jiang Lingjie and Yang Xiaolong spoke.

It's not that Ruan Kailin doesn't give face, why give face?

Ruan Kailin was happy and said, "Thank you sister, I'll go first."

Ruan Lingwen cheered up: "My most resistant sister, come on."

Ruan Kailin responded: "My most beautiful sister has worked hard, take a good rest."

Yuan Weijun looked at this, amused.It is better than drinking more water, such as drinking more 38-degree hot water?Drink more 82 years of mineral water?
Yao Juan asked, "How is it?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The husband and wife don't do any serious business. It is estimated that they will be in prison for a few years."

Feng Zhan laughed and said, "It's more terrifying than repairing a computer. How dare she look for Little Fairy?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "If someone else finds out about it and threatens it, it will not be fair to the police."

Feng Zhan rubbed her again, what he said was absolutely right.

The police are the most fair and just.Even if you break the law, you can protect some rights.Bad guys don't pay that much attention.Therefore, it is still reliable to find the police.

Ruan Lingwen said: "The police can help you to be a new person, but others may be lost forever."

Feng Zhan nodded, it would be foolish not to call the police.

(End of this chapter)

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