Chapter 321, cheating

Wei Chengjun watched the live broadcast seriously.

Now the scene is a bit chaotic, very lively.

The live broadcast room is full of excitement.

[The 800 yuan amulet seems useless. 】

[That woman is outrageous. 】

[Many people are like this, not surprising. 】

In the shopping mall, the man and woman knew about it, and the atmosphere was very delicate.

The woman looked at it and pulled the man to leave.

The lady onlookers smiled and asked, "Can you leave now?"

The woman is about [-] years old, it is not scary.

The man opened his mouth and said obediently: "We have something to do."

Another man held his phone very high and said with a smile, "Let's hear what Shi Lingling has to say?"

That girl still wants to slip.

A group of people blocked her.

Another man ran over and shouted: "She cheated money! She cheated me hundreds of thousands before!"

The lady is concerned (eating melon): "How did you cheat?"

The man has come to his senses now, and regretfully said: "She chatted with me on the Internet, and then met. She said she knew my family's birth date. If I don't listen to her, something will happen. I really should call the police."

The lady's son who was carrying the bag raised his head and said, "Me too, she knows my family's birth date."

The eldest brother laughed: "Hahaha, you are so good! I don't know if you call the police and don't know the law. You think you can save money and eliminate disasters? You can't use it after holding the horoscope? The horoscope must be useful? How many times has Shi Lingling said it? As long as you do it right Sit upright and not be afraid of anything! Clearly, you are not upright."

The boy's face turned pale.

An aunt said: "I don't know much about metaphysics, so I get scared very quickly. Kneeling when I'm scared, it's really sad!"

The boy murmured, "My mother..."

Auntie smiled and said, "You are so filial! You are so touching! Apart from being a little stupid and soft, you are indeed an excellent son!"

A beautiful woman sneered and said, "Even if I don't call the police, I'll give her two big ears first."

Hit and hit.

The woman hurriedly took out a talisman, called again and shouted: "Master, help!"

Cops come, handcuffs, and windfall.

I didn't get through on the phone.

There was a burst of yin from the talisman, there was a ghost.

The police have batons, beat them.

Wei Chengjun didn't see a ghost, he just watched the police by feeling.

Someone in the mall said, "A brat."

The middle-aged man, holding the talisman, beat the little ghost to nothing.

Everyone looked at him, surprised.

The man smiled and said, "It's my hobby. I got the talisman from someone else."

Shi Lingling said, "Your talent is quite good."

The guy with the phone quickly ran to the uncle.

The uncle laughed first and said, "You are the busiest."

The young man smiled brightly, and said, "Didn't Shi Lingling just fancy my ability to run errands?"

The uncle pointed at the camera and greeted Shi Lingling: "Really?"

Shi Lingling smiled sweetly: "It must be."

The uncle nodded and stepped aside first.

The scene is chaotic, and there are quite a lot of scenes.

The lady in the live broadcast room shouted: "Of course my son is filial! What's wrong with him being careful?" She spat Shi Lingling crazily again, "Isn't it all about you? You always curse people!"

The guest ranted over: "Can others compare with Shi Lingling? Shi Lingling's evidence is there! Are you afraid of the police arresting people at any time? The police arrest the bad guys! Shi Lingling cursed the bad guys! What is it really like?" What kind of son does a mother teach!"

The lady scolded her: "What are you?"

[Although my classmate is not like Shi Lingling's national one, he has won the provincial one. 】

[What do you think can be compared with my classmates? 】

[Talented women are not called for nothing. 】

[Papers published abroad when I was in college. 】

[What a talented woman! 】

[We all thought she was going to study for a Ph.D. 】

[At that time, she was going to be a graduate student, but she didn't go. 】

【Scholar! 】

[What about the top student? 】

[He has at least been a master, can you do it? 】

[The world of Xueba is not something ordinary people like me can understand. 】

[I heard that he was planning to go abroad, and he was good at foreign languages ​​at that time. 】

Guests do not want to say more.

Shi Lingling said: "Metaphysics is like wind and rain. There are strong winds and heavy rains. But there is nothing to be afraid of when the wind is light and the weather is smooth. Wind, frost, rain and snow can also be carried. I don't understand, why are they so fragile? It seems Still not falling enough, lack of exercise."

Shi Lingling said: "It is said that no matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives. Don't just play with kitchen knives after hearing my words. Why don't you listen to what I say? Therefore, I have no responsibility. What you have to do is to let yourself Get stronger, those crooked and half-baked ones won't be able to move you at all."

The guest said: "Be frank and open, and don't do anything wrong, so why be afraid?"

In the mall, someone laughed.

"I still want to see, what the hell is going on?"

"Shi Lingling's level is too high, let me see what ordinary ghosts are capable of?"

Someone shouted: "It is said that Master has been arrested."

[It is said that Master’s Master has a certificate. 】

[Hahaha I'm still Shi Lingling! 】

[If you want to solve it, you have to cure the root cause. 】

[So, those are the ones who will cause trouble. 】

[Why are you not afraid? 】

[I thought it was just cheating some money. 】

Shi Lingling said: "Sister-in-law, stop Liao."

The guest smiled and said, "For details, wait for the police to report."

Shi Lingling sent the lady away, and the live broadcast room became quiet.

[I didn't even think of it, there is such a thing? 】

[They're all liars, no matter how many tricks they play, it's the same. 】

[Hahaha, I know your birth date, bring me the money! 】

[Isn't this too easy? 】

【impossible. 】

[Call the police. 】

Shi Lingling said: "We will choose the next one."

Zhao Yunjun watched the live broadcast and thought it was very interesting.

If it was him, he would definitely not be afraid.However, scammers have multiple preparations.There are so many scammers out there now, you may not be able to escape the next one if you escape from one.Liars work very hard, and if you don't work hard, you won't be able to keep up.

In the live broadcast room, a successful man appeared.

Forty years old, wearing an old padded jacket, eyes like a blind man, but still looks successful.

Shi Lingling greeted: "Hello."

The man smiled and said, "Shi Lingling is good. I have something to ask for your help."

Shi Lingling said: "Please tell me."

Zhao Yunjun saw that his posture was very successful, that kind of self-confidence.

The man said: "It's New Year's Eve, I'm going back to my hometown with my family. I haven't packed it yet, and it takes a long time to answer the phone. My wife and my mother went to the street. The house is empty, and a thief took advantage of it. You see , Stealing money, stealing my glasses, and stealing my coat.”

Shi Lingling hahaha.

The man said helplessly, "Take away my computer too."

The guest asked, "Did you call the police?"

The man said: "Not yet. I just received a call from Shi Lingling."

Shi Lingling said: "Call the police."

Someone came over and said, "If it's Chinese New Year's Eve, why not call the police?"

The man showed his aura and said: "It's not good to steal things when it's Chinese New Year's Eve? The things in my computer are worth at least tens of millions. Is it possible that the New Year's Eve will let the thief sit through the prison?"

The man changed color.

The guest asked, "Did he do it?"

Shi Lingling said: "He is watching the wind."

A woman shouted: "I've already called the police! Stealing things, including my underwear hanging out to dry, is it unethical or not? Is it just for acquaintances?"

(End of this chapter)

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