Chapter 322, Selling Talismans

[What an acquaintance, steal everything? 】

[The data in the computer is very important, how to judge? 】

[Under three years. 】

[Because what he wants to steal is a computer. 】

[The value of data is not easy to measure. 】

The police really came, the man was in a hurry.

He was in his forties, like a very common person in the village or town, who came to say hello when he saw people coming back.

He was wearing an old leather jacket and a pair of leather shoes on his feet. He didn't know where to go?
Shi Lingling called the police.There are not many police officers in the town, but they are barely enough.

Not far away, a woman shouted.

Men, a group of people ran over.

The woman blocked the door and called the police: "You can't go in!"

The police show evidence.

The man's wife dragged the woman aside to whip her!

The woman yelled, "I beat someone!"

A few more people from the town came and smoked her!

A young man leaned in front of the man and said in the live broadcast room: "I also lost my watch before."

Another woman yelled: "My gloves are gone!"

Several people rushed into the house to find it.

Someone persuaded: "Let the police go in."

Another boy came over.

Shi Lingling said: "This is one of the thieves."

A masculine kicked it over: "Damn (eighth)!"

The boy panicked and shouted, "It's not me!"

Shi Lingling said: "There are a total of ten people in this gang, and there are more people who know indirectly. The four young ones were the ones who killed, and the two big ones who dealt with things. One of them has been in prison twice for a total of eight years."

The man asked, "They're all from the town, just stealing acquaintances?"

Shi Lingling said: "Stealing those of you who go back to your hometown. Most of them have good things during the Chinese New Year."

[My God, is this still a human being? 】

[They're all acquaintances, and it's Chinese New Year, so you're embarrassed to care about them. 】

[He might as well be Ming Qiang. 】

[What is there to be embarrassed about?You can't care about things being stolen? 】

[Believe their nonsense!He stole from you, you have to give face? 】

[The things you brought home during the Chinese New Year look good but are not usable, can you help me deal with them? 】

[Take someone else's coat today, and someone else's pants tomorrow? 】

[If it were me, I would be mad! 】

[These people are too shameless! 】

[Although it is a minority, it is enough to be angry when you encounter it. 】

The woman shouted desperately: "You are so rich!"

Another old lady came over and shouted, "The child is still young!"

The man reasoned with her: "When children are young, it's time for education! If they don't educate at this time, they will be ruined when they grow up!"

The old lady didn't listen.

An old man came over to beat someone, and said angrily, "What's wrong with the child taking something? Is it worth arguing with the child?"

"It's so ugly during the New Year's Eve! You don't think it's embarrassing!"

[There is such a shameless person in my hometown. 】

【My brother must treat him. 】

[My brother is a doctor but not a hospital, and my brother is not that professional. 】

[Then let’s talk about what to do now, Guo Jia has to be this good, even if you are not good. 】

[He also said that my brother's medical ethics is not good. 】

【My brother is too.If there is any illness in my hometown, I will go to him. 】

[This is the so-called someone. 】

[You have someone, whether he is annoying or not. 】

[It's not worth it at all. 】

[If there is no one, it will not be done, which is a big problem. 】

【Is the door open only for your own people?Everyone else discounted? 】

The police found many things from the house.

A bunch of people were messing around there.

The man down the wheat, deal with this matter.

Shi Lingling said: "I will continue to choose people."

A man appeared on the screen, in his early thirties, overweight, like a boss.

The boss said happily: "Hello Shi Lingling, hello guest, I happen to have something to do."

The guests greeted: "Hello." When it was over, they stood aside.

Shi Lingling said: "Please tell me."

The boss held the mobile phone in one hand, and pulled out a bunch of things from the counter with the other, and placed them on the counter.The phone shoots something, it's pretty clear.

The boss smiled and said, "It's not me who collects peace talismans. This is a different and beautiful peace talisman. It was sold by beggars these days."

The boss said angrily and helplessly: "It used to cost [-] yuan each, but now it costs [-] yuan. Come in and kneel here, kowtow."

The boss said angrily: "It's not that I just believe it, can it be useful? I just keep it as evidence. As long as I operate legally and uprightly, can I still believe in deceitful things? This is simply leading people astray."

Shi Lingling said happily: "You send a courier. I will send them a talisman. They are on the street. Go quickly."

The boss was cheerful and rushed out the door immediately.

There are many people on the street.

Many people watched the live broadcast.

The boss, employees, and shoppers in the store were all sensational.

Make way for everyone, and someone will show you the way.

The boss ran forward.

A group of chasers followed.

You can't see it in the live broadcast room, just listening to the footsteps is very lively.There are people on the street who don't know, and they are all excited.

Let the boss arrive first.

The boss entered a store, the camera was facing there, and a beggar was kneeling and kowtowing.

The owner of the store stood up and said, "I saw the live broadcast."

The beggar is very efficient. He stands up, looks at the camera, and wants to leave.

The door is already blocked by a human wall.The camera shakes, the human wall is impenetrable, the copper wall is impenetrable, it is really hard to fly.

Shi Lingling held a talisman.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Wei Chengjun, Wu Jiajun and others all swiped with their mobile phones.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Swipe the screen, very imposing.

The youngest, Shen Bojun, was very curious and asked, "How many can there be?"

Wei Chengjun guessed: "The people on that street hate it the most, and the weight should be the largest."

Zhao Yunjun said: "It is difficult to take effect of the usual curse. At that time, Lingling gave the rules, and the effect came out."

Shen Bojun said excitedly: "So, mastering the rules is the best!"

【Shi Lingling, I have a monk here who sells peace charms. 】

Shi Lingling opens the wheat.

Sure enough, a bald head appeared on the screen.

When Lingling takes the talisman.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Shen Bojun thought it was fun while brushing.

Just look at the monk, who ran out cleverly and got under a car.

The camera didn't capture it, and everyone dropped their mics.

【very scary. 】

[Scared the driver. 】

The guest said, "What else did he do?"

Shi Lingling said: "The money was stolen, and the victim also had a car accident while running."

The guest said: "Retribution."

[How much does the driver have to pay? 】

[No compensation.The insurance company paid more than 1 yuan. 】

[Isn't it compensation for the driver? 】

[Forget it, the driver will suffer a bit. 】

[Shi Lingling, it seems that the accomplice hit a telephone pole by himself. 】

[Telephone poles are innocent. 】

Shi Lingling said, "It's another robbery."

[Shi Lingling is so spirited! 】

[It's not that the time has not come yet! 】

[Shi Lingling is very busy, she has to call the police. 】

[The bad guy really hates it!It's New Year's Eve, come up with all kinds of tricks. 】

[Don't let any one go! 】

[He still wants to have a happy new year? 】

[If it's hard, it's hard! 】

[The anchor kills! 】

[You have done a lot of evil, just wait! 】

(End of this chapter)

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