Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 327, mother-in-law supports

Chapter 327, mother-in-law supports

The lady has a lot of affection for her aunt and said: "My aunt and aunt, I usually call them parents. They have two sons, but no daughter. My mother gave birth to me, just took a look, and let my aunt take me away. gone."

The lady didn't want to say it, but couldn't help but say: "My biological mother gave birth to the eldest daughter, I was the second child, and then gave birth to twins. Their family of five is fine. My aunt's conditions are worse here. My biological mother I don’t want to recognize me at all. I go to visit relatives during festivals, and my sisters and sisters suppress me together.”

The woman said: "My aunt has a tough temper, and my father is hard-working. My two older brothers, one went to college, and I also went to college. Now they are married and have children."

Ruan Lingwen listened quietly.

The lady sighed again: "I'm going to marry into a wealthy family. My biological mother has been looking for me for the past two years, as well as the sisters of the compatriots. My aunt has a hard temper, and she is afraid that I will have a hard time marrying into a wealthy family. She doesn't contact her very much. She doesn’t want any more money.”

The lady wanted to get to the point, and she became even more sad: "A while ago, my biological mother came to me and said she wanted a kidney transplant, and asked me to give one."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "My aunt and my biological mother want a kidney at the same time, which one do you give?"


【ruthless! 】

【Yes! 】

[Doesn't the biological mother have three children? 】

【How?This kindness is worth every penny and you have to go back? 】

[No one has the right to force her! 】

[I don't think that sister is a thing! 】

【Haha, I know her sister!What a bitch! 】

【Tell me now! 】

[I just like whores! 】

[Her biological mother is probably a millionaire.That sister pretends to be a wealthy daughter! 】

[Where is my aunt? 】

[My aunt is in the country, and the current conditions are not too bad. 】

[Both brothers are good. 】

The lady was lying on the table, wondering if her kidneys were hurting or her heart was hurting?

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Your biological mother and your child both want kidneys, which one do you give?"


[Shi Ling Ling Niu beeps! 】

[Of course for children! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "She loves her child so much and set an example for you, why don't you hurry up and learn from it?"

The lady raised her head, laughing uglier than crying.

Ruan Lingwen said: "You know that when you marry into a wealthy family, you lose a kidney, and the wealthy family agrees? Even if you have children, how unusual is it to get divorced?"

The lady's voice was a little hoarse, and she said, "I'll tell you something that makes you laugh. Someone wants to marry a wealthy family for me."

Ruan Lingwen asked: "Why don't you get a divorce first and see who can win, your sister or your sister?"

The lady laughed a lot this time, and said, "You have to ask my husband what he means."

Ruan Lingwen said: "When you marry into a wealthy family, you don't serve your husband or your mother-in-law? Do you want to peach each one?"

The lady sighed and said, "Actually, they know that I don't want it, and they just want me to pay more."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Where did you get the money? Did your mother-in-law agree?"

The lady held her forehead and said, "My mother-in-law disagreed at the beginning."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Look, your biological mother doesn't even think about how you live in a wealthy family. I don't think she wants to have a kidney transplant, but a life change. The whole family thinks they have a rich life?"


[It's really cheap! 】

Ruan Lingwen asked: "That sister, whore, what are you calling me for? I'll burn paper for you."

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman, which spontaneously ignited without wind.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Dare to scold Shi Lingling? 】

The lady sighs.

[It feels like that family has a lot of drama. 】

[I sent this one to my aunt's house, so there are many chances to meet him? 】

[Send it far away, out of sight, out of mind. 】

[The sisters are about the same age, and they happened to be bullied and sent out together. 】

[I've heard my sister scold wild/kind, isn't it strange? 】

【real or fake? 】

Ruan Lingwen and Ms. Ruan said: "Your aunt is in poor health. Are you filial to her or to your biological mother? Take care of the child or serve your mother-in-law?"

The lady immediately stood up and said, "How is my mother? I'll be right back."

Ruan Lingwen waved: "Go."

The lady stopped again and said seriously, "Thank you Shi Lingling."

[I have a real relationship with my aunt. 】

[You must be filial to your aunt. 】

[What about the wealthy mother-in-law? 】

[The wealthy mother-in-law is at home with her grandson. 】

[Shi Lingling, can you turn on the microphone for me? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the microphone.

The mother-in-law appeared on the screen.

Ruan Lingwen said embarrassedly: "I know you are very good to your daughter-in-law."

The mother-in-law laughed loudly and said, "It's okay. I treat her well on the basis of her goodness. If she is not good, then I must treat her badly. Everyone, do I have a reason?"

【Have! 】

[Mother-in-law supports her daughter-in-law! 】

The mother-in-law looked very young, with a very cheerful personality, and said very imposingly: "She is kind to my aunt, I think she should, she should support her! If she is too kind to her biological mother, she will be right and wrong, and she will bring down my grandson in the future."

[Mother-in-law is mighty! 】

[Are you still short of a daughter-in-law? 】

The mother-in-law said: "I have the cheek to go to Shi Lingling's live broadcast room, and I have a few words to say. Some shameless biological mother and that sister, please leave me as far away as possible! Don't say I am a wealthy family, I am just ordinary People don't bother to care about you!"

[The birth mother must have been hated by her mother-in-law long ago. 】

【That's why I came up with such a wicked move. 】

[She still has three children, don't think about other people's ideas. 】

The mother-in-law said: "There is no shame. My son is married, and he told me how her daughter is. I didn't understand it at first. Then my son told me, and I realized it. Isn't this too wicked? I What I want to say now is that I don't want to change my daughter-in-law for the time being, so you don't have to act for me."

[Grandma, what did you say? 】

[Look down on the background of the daughter-in-law there? 】

The mother-in-law said: "My daughter-in-law graduated from a famous university and is a classmate with my son. Now that I have grandchildren, my biological mother must be better than the stepmother. If there is a problem, it is my family business."

【Wow!I want to eat CP! 】

The mother-in-law laughed loudly and said, "I do too. My son and daughter-in-law are fine."

[Mother-in-law, you don't care that someone snatches your son away? 】

The mother-in-law said: "My son has been here for decades, what's the point?"

[Having grandchildren is enough. 】

The mother-in-law said: "I would like to thank my aunt for raising the child very well."

[Isn't my aunt not even in touch? 】

The mother-in-law said: "It's not that I don't contact her. It's not like some people come all day long. My daughter and son-in-law will visit her during the holidays. They also talk on the phone at ordinary times."

[Yes, the son-in-law is very filial. 】

[Hahaha, the son-in-law is still farming with people in the village. 】

[The son-in-law dotes on his wife very much, and everyone else is wasting their efforts in vain. 】

[I think there are prerequisites. 】

[If it's not good, it's normal to turn your face and deny people. 】

[Aunts are not missing now, it is best for our daughter and son-in-law to visit her often. 】

[Unlike some people, they only know about money. 】

The mother-in-law goes down the wheat.

Grandma is red.

【Oh, if only my mother-in-law was like her. 】

[My mother-in-law stared at her son all day. 】

[I just had a quarrel with my mother-in-law.I don't want to pass this year. 】

(End of this chapter)

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