Chapter 328, Three Acres of Vegetable Field

When the spring breeze blows, Gao Ning is already in spring.

Yunshan is green and green, and I always feel that there are immortals in the mountains.

Moon Lake is green and purely a sacred place in Gaoning.

Countless tourists turn around the lake.Although the flowers are not in full bloom yet, but the Chinese New Year is coming, there are a lot of flowers on display.

Some are placed on the street, some are placed by businesses, and some are placed by individuals.The year is full of flowers.

Internet celebrities suddenly increased.Internet celebrities get together in Gaoning.You can earn money by taking photos everywhere.

Gao Ning's name is so valuable.In other words, Gao Ning has fed too many people.

Many people are taking wedding photos, the lake is so beautiful!You can shoot whatever you want without going abroad.In foreign countries, Gao Ning is more beautiful than them, so I just took pictures casually.

An Internet celebrity anchor, turning around casually, saw a large group of people and the police.

In the live broadcast room, the netizens were excited, and some people probably had something to do.

【What is that? 】

[Has Shi Lingling come out? 】

[Anchor go and see! 】

The anchor guy responded: "I'll ask someone first." Lu Bie pulled someone casually and asked, "May I ask what happened?"

The passer-by glanced at him and said, "It's okay."

The anchor's camera was not facing the person, but the foot, watching the person leave.

[It was definitely Shi Lingling who came out. 】

【Anchor hurry up!While there are not many people now! 】

[Just take a look from a distance. 】

The anchor replied: "Don't stare at Shi Lingling. You look at me from a distance, you are trying to take advantage. Shi Lingling is a treasure, let's not bother her."

[The anchor stands up again! 】

【What did you do in Gaoning? 】

The anchor watched someone swiping gifts, and the special effects came out, worth [-] to [-] yuan.

[The anchor will take a look. 】

The host found a chair by the side of the road and sat down with a pot of flowers next to it. Just like this, it was very beautiful.

Suspected Shi Lingling appeared, and there were more and more people in the live broadcast room.

The anchor looked up, looked at the sun, and said with emotion: "Happy spring, I was sweating when I left."

[The host hurried to find Shi Lingling! 】

The anchor was not in a hurry, and said: "The ability to make money is good, do what you want to do. Ordinarily, the audience is my food and clothing, just like the customer is God, I really think of myself as God."

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Anchor, don't be afraid, we support you! 】

[I think Gao Ning is enough. 】

[Gao Ning is public and can be photographed; Shi Lingling is not, so be respectful! 】

[Like Xiagou Village, you can go; you can’t run around in the villagers’ homes. 】

The anchor said: "I will apply for this reward with the platform and get it back in full. Speaking of this, it's better to be happy."

【retreat! 】

【retreat! 】

[The anchor is so cowardly! 】

The anchor said: "Real man! Don't rub a girl!"

【hahahahahahahaha!The anchor is so happy! 】

The anchor wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "It's cool, I don't know where tomorrow's dinner is."

【Ha ha ha ha!Main player Xin, I support you! 】

The host was stunned for a moment.

There are so many rewards!It seems that if you don't bother Shi Lingling, there are so many people supporting her!Everyone came to see Shi Lingling, and gave rewards for not watching Shi Lingling.

The host wiped away tears and said, "Thank you, thank you everyone! I have enough food money for this month."

Although most gifts cost a few dollars, the more people there are, the more the total will be.It's a bit like begging for food.

The anchor stood up and said with a smile, "I'll take everyone to go to Moon Lake."

[Although I have never been to Gaoning, I feel familiar. 】

[Too many people have been to Gao Ning recently. 】

【I'm from Gao Ning, and I'm not that familiar with Moon Lake. 】

【Gao Ning is really beautiful. 】

The anchor passed by the door of a family, saw a lot of flowers, and asked the woman who placed the flowers: "Hello, can I shoot it? I'm live broadcasting."

The woman looked at the mobile phone in his hand and replied, "Be careful."

The anchor thanked him politely, and then asked, "Are these flowers for sale?"

The woman said: "I don't sell it. My family raises it myself."

[The big family. 】

[How many flowers are there in the house? 】

[How long does it take to pack these? 】

[The key is to keep them well. 】

The woman's voice was nice, and she said, "In Gaoning, it's easy to grow flowers. If you want that pot of cyclamen, you can take it away."

The anchor was taking pictures of a pot of cyclamen, and asked, "How much is it?"

The woman emphasized: "No need."

She went into the house.

Leave the anchor to continue filming.All he needs to do is shoot, and he doesn't need to take it away.But it seems to have been photographed for a long time, so just bring it with you, a potted flower is better.

In the live broadcast room, many people asked, how do these flowers grow?

The host laughed and said, "We are not planting flowers."

[Don't do this, don't do that. 】

The anchor didn't bother to watch, just watched a group of people running on the road.

Someone shouted: "Quick! Ruan Lingwen is over there!"

[Anchor catch up! 】

The anchor took a look, frowned, and said, "What are you doing, robbery?"

There are a few people on the side of the road who are not happy.

Someone sneered and said, "The Luo family is here."

An old lady said: "The Luo family won't celebrate the new year?"

The anchor hurriedly started talking, and said, "I heard that the Luo family is going bankrupt?"

The passer-by sneered, "Bankrupt?"

The anchor understood, and said, "Aunt Cao is so good at doing it, how many people want to do it with them."

Someone came over and said, "It is said that Donghan University has come to the Luo family."

A passer-by with a mother and son said: "Don't be admitted to Donghan University."

The son asked, "What else does Donghan University want to do?"

Mom said bluntly: "Besides being a human being, everything else is fine."

Apart from Luo's family, there were quite a few people running over there.

The people who watched were excited and wanted to watch.

The anchor hesitated for a long time, then moved away to find a place to shoot flowers.Come with a pot of cyclamen.

There is a tennis court by the lake, surrounded by people.

Like a fight.

Someone is playing on the tennis court.

Ruan Lingwen and his younger brother had already crossed the lake to Yunshu in the west of the lake.

See your new home.The house has been built, but now it is in a mess and under intense renovation.

Ruan Lingwen not only owns the [-]-square-meter mansion, but also has a parking lot of about [-] square meters in front of the house, and a vegetable field of about [-] square meters behind the house.

The parking lot is half indoor and half outdoor, for those who are looking for Ruan Lingwen.Because her house is at the corner, the car cannot be parked in front of the house, a parking lot is just right.

Ruan Lingwen and Ruan Haolin went to the vegetable field.

The Changyang Palace and the ancient tomb are next to it. It is not suitable to do other things, and this place is not bad for planting trees.

Vegetables are just right.It's spring now, and without Ruan Letian planting it, a group of ghosts can take care of it.If the species is planted, it can be eaten in summer.

Ruan Haolin was very happy, the farmer's son was able to farm.

Ruan Lingwen said, "Build three huts."

Jiang Lingjie asked: "Do you want a hut?"

Feng Zhan asked, "Where's the bamboo house?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked.

The child is very precious, Feng Zhan pats her head.

It's really hot at the moment, Ruan Lingwen's short hair fits her small apple face, and a pair of butterfly hairpins are pinned on.He was wearing a thin sweater on top, and the jacket was taken off in the heat, and he was wearing a pair of light green embroidered trousers, very refreshing.

Ruan Haolin is also very handsome in a sweater.

(End of this chapter)

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