Chapter 329 Grandpa is lost

Huxi Yunshu, no one has stayed yet.It is said that those who are staying will stay for a few days, like a trial stay, without formal check-in.

It was haunted before, and then it was rushed to work.Some of them have been renovated, and they will move in one after another after the next year. It is better to live with more people.

The sales center has been changed into a canteen, called Xiyuntang, the abbreviation of Huxi Yunshu Canteen.

There is a small garden in front of the cafeteria and old trees behind it. Even if the Huxi Yunshu is not cleaned up as a whole, this area is still beautiful.

At night, Xiyun Hall is decorated with lanterns and festoons.

Tonight, spend the New Year here.

Xiyun Hall has four floors, the first and second floors are for eating, and the third floor is for drinking coffee.

Tonight, the lights are all on.

The first floor is the brightest.Entering the door, there is a cafeteria on one side and a lobby on the other.

There are twelve tables in the lobby, and there is a stage in front of it.The stage is not temporary, it was planned when the cafeteria was built.

There is a dressing room and a backstage on each side of the stage.Now, the stage is even more beautiful, and there is a performance tonight.Yuan Weijun's piano is all set up.

Because no treats were prepared, the twelve tables were just prepared, and some people came to join in the fun.Therefore, there is an open space between the dining table and the stage, and some chairs are placed.

Ruan Lingwen and his younger brother came over, it was a little cold, so they put on their coats.

More and more people.

Invited to perform, basically ready.A few people who are going to sing have already dressed up.More casual, they are also outside, watching the little fairy.

Ruan Lingwen pointed to an actress and said, "Your grandfather is lost."

The girl was taken aback, and asked, "Lost it again?"

Ruan Lingwen told her a place.

The girl was busy sending messages to her family, thanking her at the same time.

Ruan Lingwen found an empty table, took out a pen and paper, and drew symbols.

The crowd watched more and more, and many people who hadn't seen it, saw that the little fairy was so real, they could draw symbols just by standing there.

After Ruan Lingwen finished the painting, he put away the pen and paper, folded the talisman, gave it to the actress, and said, "When you are looking for him, you sincerely wish him well, and he should be easier to find."

The girl thanked her vigorously and asked, "How much does it cost?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "No need."

Feng Zhan patted her head, everyone celebrated the New Year with her, and the child was happy.

Those who want to sing can understand it.The little fairy is so simple.

A waiter asked the little fairy: "Is this talisman a positioning?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's a family blessing talisman. It's like the bond between relatives. Is there an old man in your family who always loses it?"

Ruan Lingwen took the pen and paper again.

The waiter hurriedly stopped her and said, "I'm going to eat, I won't draw any more. I want to ask, is it useful to rely solely on the feelings of relatives?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly, and said: "Draw another one. Simple induction is also useful, but now the city has a lot of interference."

A big guy laughed and said, "The signal is too weak?"

The old Taoist affirmed: "The interference is not small."

Feng Zhan said: "It's a kind of interference, not a victory over metaphysics, it can be discarded."

The old Taoist nodded and said: "Some things in metaphysics are related to people, and interference is also an influence on people."

How to develop better is the further meaning of metaphysics.

Ruan Lingwen is good at painting.

The waiter took the talisman, thanked him quickly, and went to work again.

If the boss or something comes over, there will be no room for ten tables.

Ruan Haolin had a few classmates who sat at the children's table in front of them.

An old lady teased the little fairy: "Which table are you sitting at?"

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "Whatever."

Yang Lan came over and said with a smile: "The little fairy can sit with the old man."

It was noisy outside again.

Those who ran to the lake came this way again.There are policemen at the door, so they can't block everyone, they are everywhere.

Ruan Lingwen was still near the door, talking to everyone.She rarely came out, and it was inconvenient for some people to talk to her.Get together and talk, even if they are older than her, most of them dote on her.

Ning Xintong came here with her parents. The young year is better, but after the new year, she basically stays at her own home.

Ning Xintong was also dressed beautifully today, wearing a pink scarf, squeezed to Ruan Lingwen, and said to her, "Cao Kun's younger sister, Aunt Cao's other cousin, brought her two daughters here."

Immediately someone knew: "That Cao Bo?"

A girl said: "Aunt Cao used to say that her aunt and her cousin are abroad."

Some people are afraid that Little Fairy will not be clear, so explain to her: "Cao Bo went abroad when he was in college, and married a foreigner abroad, which seems to be pretty good."

Ning Xintong sneered, "If it's not bad, why are you here?"

People broke in.

Cao Bo and his two daughters lead the way.A large group of people followed them, meaning the aunt and cousins.

Cao Bo has a round face, very small, no plastic surgery, but in good condition.The clothes on her body look ordinary, but they have a temperament, that of foreign countries.Knitted coats are not good-looking for everyone.

Two mulattos, very tall.

The big one must be more than 1.8 meters in high heels.Even taller than a supermodel, standing in front of Ruan Lingwen is a lot of pressure.

The smaller one is still younger, but it is over 1.7 meters tall and has an excellent figure.

The two sisters are like two princesses, not low-key like Cao Bo, instead they used diamonds and emeralds for Ruan Lingwen to see.

Ruan Lingwen is not poor now, everyone knows that one of her paintings is worth hundreds of millions.But she was too sweet, soft, and lacking momentum.

A short stature, very disadvantaged.Ruan Lingwen's stature is not low, but the opponent is too tall.

The two sisters looked at Ruan Lingwen curiously, like something.

Cao Bo laughed sweetly, and said, "You really look like your mother."

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman.

Cao Bo said, "I am your aunt, meeting for the first time."

Ruan Lingwen gave her a talisman.

Cao Bo's meeting gift hasn't been shown yet.

Everyone watched, Cao Bo opened his mouth and was speechless.

Someone around hurriedly said: "She is your aunt."

Ruan Lingwen took out another talisman.

A whole piece of silence.

Bodyguards come, blow everyone out!

Cao Bo is in a hurry!

Ruan Lingwen signaled.

The bodyguard let Cao Bo go.

Cao Bo hurriedly grabbed his niece.

Ruan Lingwen gave him a big slap, and then another kick!
Fly away.

Ning Xintong applauded!
Feng Zhan and the others booed, well done!
Cao Bo's two daughters were at a loss for what to do.

All muted, but much quieter.

Ruan Lingwen took the seat.


Serve quickly and eat quickly.

Everyone rushed to sit.The tables are full, and there are still some ready, move them here quickly.

In other words, if Aunt Cao and Cao Bo are individuals, it is not impossible to let her have a meal.

But if you have to talk to Cao Kun, you don't feel guilty at all.Yes, Cao Bo didn't lose the child, so what is she talking about?Whose daughter is Little Fairy, doing other people's shit!Does Cao Bo have no daughter himself?

Cao Kun took advantage of the little fairy's luck to cause the deaths of Ruan Letian and Yao Juan, which was a blood feud.Is it so easy to make up for or even ignore?
What's more, the Cao family didn't want to do anything.

It's not rare for them to do.

A young man asked curiously, "How does the gag talisman work?"

Ning Xintong said: "The ghost talker can't be heard."

The man suddenly realized, and said: "People are talking nonsense? The little fairy got through this (human ghost)."

The other asked curiously, "Why can't others solve it?"

Yuan Weijun said, "It's the same as a lock. A combination lock, or something more advanced."

(End of this chapter)

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