Chapter 331, Recalcitrant

Cao Bo was admitted to the hospital with serious injuries.

Her two daughters and two beauties were a little overwhelmed.

They have a team with a complete plan, including planB, planC, but no planZ.

Katherine is a great beauty, and all beauties are confident.What made her doubt her life the most was what happened to foreign netizens?They should be one country.Can't figure out which country these people are from?Isn't it aimed at the Chiyan country?
Katherine was furious and wanted to shake them awake!

The police are here.

The medical staff, family members of the patients, etc. watched Aunt Cao's two beautiful daughters were taken away.

The two beauties screamed and shouted foreign languages, but they refused to speak Chinese.

The people in the team were in a hurry to reason with the police.

The police warned them: "This is Chiyan Kingdom!"

A long-haired man in the team hurriedly said: "I am also from Chiyan Kingdom! They are all!"

A patient complained: "Han/J! The Cao family (sold) the country!"

A woman stood aside and said, "From Cao Yu, Aunt Cao to Cao Kun, the police should check them out."

People were taken away, and the hospital was quiet.

Star Moon City.

It was almost twelve o'clock when Ruan Lingwen got home.

Ruan Haolin had fun and was energetic.

Yao Juan was also happy.People need popularity, and they don't have to do anything when they sit together.

Ruan Letian held his mobile phone and said, "That boy group has bought a hot search again. They sang live and got sick from the cold. There is still a group of stubborn resistance."

Yao Juan looked at her children resting, and replied, "Have you been used as a gun by Tian Hui? You think it's okay to be popular?"

It stinks.I ran to someone's door and got sick from the cold, so I still feel distressed?Just like some men insist on singing outside the woman's window, it's so disgusting.What kind of affectionate persona are you doing?So superficial but also affectionate?And the truth?
Ruan Lingwen woke up, today is still young, hahaha.

Good day.

The beautiful dress prepared by Yao Juan for the big baby.

A bright red dress embroidered with some yellow-green leaves.It's not red and green, bright yellow is the color of early spring.This match is very beautiful.

Let Ruan Lingwen wear it, just like those flowers placed during the Chinese New Year.The simple and beautiful flowers, the joy of the Chinese New Year, doubled her own joy.

Ruan Letian was happy to see it.Wenwen is suitable for this, happy.

Yao Juan likes to dress up as a big baby since she was a child, and she looks better now than when she was a child.

Ruan Haolin looked at the eldest sister, who was his goddess.

Ruan Haolin also dressed well today, and many people asked him out to play.

Ruan Haolin is busy.Even if you don't clean up, you still have to prepare for the New Year.

Ning Xintong and several girls and children came to play with Ruan Lingwen and Ruan Haolin.

Ruan Lingwen didn't have time to play, so he sat in the study drawing symbols.

Ning Xintong watched from the side, not embarrassed.

The talisman Ruan Lingwen drew for the old man.

Ning Xintong couldn't help much, not even sewing purses.

A group of people are in the living room, watching TV, and busy online with their mobile phones.

Ruan Lingwen came out of the study, drank some water, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ning Xintong responded: "Tian Hui has a big face, and she has pulled a group of people to speak for her. A group of professors and experts accused you of being so disrespectful to your relatives and elders when the Chinese New Year is approaching. They said that you have spoiled many children."

Ruan Lingwen asked: "It's the Chinese New Year, shouldn't it be cleaned? The corners and corners should be cleaned, instead of kicking the corners and covering them with things, and then treating them as clean."

Ning Xintong smiled and nodded, she continued to go online to clean (tear beep).

Several people are doing it online.

Ruan Lingwen went into the study and continued to draw talismans.

The girl looked up and thought that she was right, isn't the little fairy the most filial?As for some shameless people, he doesn't deserve it!

Ning Xintong is still young, so many people have dug up information about Tian Hui's past.

Tian Hui became popular.

Tian Hui was very popular 20 years ago, and later got married and gave birth to a daughter.After being cheated, Tian Hui crazily tore up her ex-husband, as if it was all his fault, and divorced.

I blame my husband for cheating, what kind of three views are these?At that time, there were still people who sympathized.Now, people don't see it that way.

Ruan Lingwen's phone kept ringing.

Jiang Lingjie stood at the door of the study and said to Ruan Wenwen, "Cao Bo's foreign husband is looking for you."

Ruan Lingwen stopped, raised his head and asked, "What do you want me for?"

Jiang Lingjie asked back: "His wife was beaten and his daughter was arrested. What do you think he asked you for?"

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Apologize?"

Jiang Lingjie guessed: "Isn't uncle caring about you?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The third aunt married a bastard and got divorced, and Yao Liting is the mistress, so what did Cao Bo marry?"

Jiang Lingjie didn't care and continued to work.

Ruan Lingwen continued to draw symbols.Why does she care about that foreigner?

Ruan Lingwen was quite satisfied with the drawing until noon.Clean up and get ready to eat.

Ning Xintong and the others have been busy all morning, and they all feel very fulfilled.

A few girls are embarrassed, so they eat here and eat melons here in the afternoon.Although I'm not very familiar with Ruan Lingwen, but there are beauties who can catch the immortal energy, who is not familiar with it?

Ruan Lingwen was also happy.

Girls are seated at a table in the dining room, and children are seated at a table in the living room.

A boy shouted: "Sister Wenwen, Tian Hui's daughter has met Ruan Kailin again."

Ruan Lingwen blinked.

Ning Xintong knew: "Tian Hui's daughter is the same age as Ruan Kailin, and she also wants to debut."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Is Kailin blocking her way?"

Ning Xintong smiled and said, "There is no blocking the way, but maybe I have to take Zhang Yi's class?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's simply inexplicable."

Everyone, come and eat.

The girl picked up a piece of chicken wing and said, "Tian Hui has a lot of face. Her daughter seems to have booked a few endorsements. Is this hype?"

Ruan Lingwen is in charge of eating.

Everyone ate it, the food cooked by Yao's mother was really delicious.

The tastes of several children are catered for.

There are many people, and the food is delicious.

A boy asked Ruan Haolin, "Aren't you at home during Chinese New Year?"

Ruan Haolin responded, "I'm going to celebrate the New Year with my second sister."

The boy was shocked: "Isn't it just Sister Wenwen who celebrates the New Year at home alone?"

Ning Xintong invited Ruan Lingwen: "Go to my house to celebrate the New Year."

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "I'm planning to go to Changyang Palace with my parents."

Several girls feel cold.

That's all for Yao's mother and Ruan's father.Chang Yanggong is not afraid of ghosts, but afraid of Zhu You making people learn.This has no culture, how dare to go?Especially during the Chinese New Year, when asked about studying and working, can it be better?

However, Ruan Lingwen was different.This year is indeed not suitable for others.

The child asked curiously, "What are you going to do during the Chinese New Year?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "You can do whatever you want."

There is no charter.Anyway, the main thing is not her.It was the ghosts who made it clear that they had a good New Year.

Ruan Lingwen used to be like a guest when she heard about it, but she was next door to her house, building a good relationship with her neighbors.

The child was about to move and asked, "Can we go and play?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "It is possible, but there are too many ghosts, and the spirit is heavy."

The girl asked: "Then how do you get in Changyang Palace?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's equivalent to letting go during the Chinese New Year. If you usually restrain yourself and wear amulets, it's not a big problem."

Everyone understands.Since it's the New Year's Eve with ghosts, there's no need to hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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