Chapter 332, all wishes come true

At [-]:[-] p.m., Ruan Lingwen broadcast live on time.

In the live broadcast room, it was still lively.

【Shi Lingling, what show did you perform last night? 】

[Shi Lingling, Aunt Cao and Aunt Cao are here, what was the one called yesterday? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Aunt Cao Yang?"

[Hahahahahaha!Aunt Cao's family has a meeting. 】

[Actually, it is Cao Yu's favorite concubine, that is the elders of your aunts. 】

[No, Aunt Cao is Luo Jiachen's aunt. 】

Ruan Lingwen stretched out a hand with five fingers spread out.

[What does Shi Lingling mean? 】

【five? 】

[Shi Lingling's hands look so good! 】

【Do you read palmistry? 】

[Hahahaha, of course it refers to the five people from yesterday! 】

Ruan Lingwen came over with his right hand and tapped the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of his left hand.

[Understood, there are only three boys. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "They wanted to catch the heat, but now their wishes come true. If they want to wear the crown, they must bear the weight. They must have a deep understanding."

【hahahahahahahaha!I can't laugh anymore! 】

[Look at what Shi Lingling said, level! 】

[Yeah, it's okay if you want to catch the heat, don't forget the weight of the crown! 】

[Not everyone wears it! 】

[The anchor is cheap/human! 】

[Dare to come to Shi Lingling's live broadcast room to seek death? 】

Ruan Lingwen pointed to his ring finger calmly and said, "Those who want to become famous can now achieve their wishes."

[What else is there?Shi Lingling, you continue! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Everyone has dug a lot, but some things have not been dug up. For example, when she first became popular, she became a mistress."

【right. 】

[At that time, I was with my ex-husband, and I wanted the mistress to be in the top position. 】

[I'll do it, she can only marry.Later, I felt that my ex-husband was no good and divorced. 】

【Shi Lingling, just talk. 】

Ruan Lingwen said hello: "Auntie is good. Auntie has made a move, and the mistress is looking for an honest man to marry. Although the man is honest, he inherited a fortune. But he is too honest, and the woman is not reconciled, so she looks for excitement. Then she finds someone else, You have to start a career. After that, you will be exposed.”

【ah?Didn't she cheat once? 】

[What is the difference between once or N times? 】

[No, once, didn't you say that your ex-husband hurt her? 】

[That's washing/white, it's made up. 】

[Fuck!The man has not responded, and let the woman slander, Shi Lingling is going to hammer? 】

[Shi Lingling hammers uncle!That girl is nothing! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The man was too honest and thought he was thinking about his daughter. The woman played so much to take away her daughter and property. The man thought that the property was for his daughter, so he almost left the house. After that, the woman also suppressed her ex-husband, which is really tragic. .It’s an anecdote. However, this daughter has been brought up badly by her mother. Doesn’t the man know that this attitude is useless? That kind of mother can still take care of her daughter?”

[Shi Lingling, is what you said true? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "How can the woman give the daughter the property? It will only appear to be your fault. Do you have any agreement? Secondly, the child belongs to both parents, and her mother has responsibilities and rights, which have nothing to do with you. Finally, every Everyone is independent, what about her daughter is her own business."

[My daughter doesn't want to see me now. 】

[Her mother still has fans and wants to hit me. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "It doesn't matter if it's the fans or the people she hired."

[Actually, I have evidence for her first and second derailment. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "This woman is really weird! Marrying an honest man makes me feel aggrieved, and I can do everything right! What kind of logic is this to make myself feel wronged and to elevate myself by suppressing the man? Even some women who are bullied, Those who call women//fist, all want to get pleasure//feeling from an honest person. They are all stinky and shameless!"

[Hahahahahaha!It's better for Shi Lingling to say that! 】

【That woman is cheap! 】

[Bullying honest people, thinking you are a queen? 】

[It's just a mistress, broken shoes! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "People who are cheap have to pretend to be noble, thinking that everyone else is blind."

【Why is Shi Lingling so fierce? 】

[Because people are cheap, there are more dramas. 】

[It's also about Ruan Kailin. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "No matter what program or occasion, I can't stop inviting such people. However, if a program has a basic 30 points, this behavior will deduct 50 to [-] points as appropriate."

[Support Shi Lingling! 】

[Such a cheap person should be banned! 】

[If you hire someone to deal with your ex-husband, it's against the law! 】

[Eat prison/let's go! 】

[I don't know which show is still inviting her? 】

[There is no lower limit for those stations, as long as they have money and popularity. 】

[I will boycott Tian Hui when I see her in the future! 】

【Resist +1】

【Resist +10086】

[Boycott + ID number]

[The anchor is going to die! 】

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman, shook it, and said, "How many fans are here? Sending you off, Happy New Year."

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Is Tian Hui's mad dog still there? 】

After Ruan Lingwen said this, he raised his left hand again.

[Hahahaha there is a fifth one! 】

【Stop talking about Shi Lingling, I know! 】

[The hot pot restaurant has been sealed off! 】

[Is it Shidi's hotpot restaurant? 】

[All have been seized! 】

[There are poppy (poppy) shells. 】

[Latest news, Shidi has been invited by the police to drink tea. 】

Ruan Lingwen said slowly: "If you want to treat me to a hot pot, it's equivalent to free publicity. Now what you want comes true."

【Hahaha I lost my head laughing! 】

【The boss dropped a vase in his hand, and the boss is still laughing. 】

[You don't have to doubt the strength of Shi Lingling's propaganda. 】

[Lingling baby is here, mother treats you to dinner. 】

[Lingling baby is here, grandma treats you to dinner. 】

Ruan Lingwen smiled very sweetly.

[Tell the child that he is hungry. 】

【Shi Lingling, are you so greedy?Almost got scammed! 】

[Long dessert! 】

[Hahahahahaha how could it be possible to cheat? 】

[The head laughs off!What did Shidi think? 】

[When you see the money in the bank, you reach out for it?I'm laughing so hard. 】

【Do you think Shi Lingling is pitiful?Could Shi Lingling be short of food? 】

Ruan Lingwen hurriedly said, "I have a lot of food at home, and I can't let it go. Okay, let's start now."

【Baby Lingling, Mom needs your help. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone, and said hello sweetly: "Mother Yi is good."

The lady's voice sounded, and she said happily: "Hello, baby Lingling. I'm tidying up during the Chinese New Year. I remember there is a photo album, but I can't find it anyway."

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "Has Mama Yi visited the attic?"

The lady said, "It's been cleaned."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "What about that corner? There are two boxes."

The lady said: "I'll go and have a look again. Baby Lingling, please do your work first."

Ruan Lingwen was very sweet: "It's okay."

The lady said happily, "I'll go and have a look now." As she walked, she explained, "This house has been moved here for more than ten years. The attic is used to store things, and it is not usually moved."

[It seems that Auntie lives in a big house. 】

[There is always something to live in for a long time. 】

[How many people look at the photo album now? 】

The lady climbed into the attic, and in the corner, found two boxes of dust.

The dust was very thick, so she climbed out again and said, "I found the box, I'll pack it up again."

She put the phone aside, went down and brought up a rag, wiped off the dust, and then struggled to move the box out.

Ruan Lingwen looked at the small yin and yang mirror, and reminded: "The key is in that box."

(End of this chapter)

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