Chapter 333, Competing Essay

【Isn't Shi Lingling clear to everyone's family? 】

[It was originally. 】

[You are afraid of her looking, but she is also afraid of getting hot eyes. 】

The lady found the photo album and said very happily: "My daughter also has a trophy, and she thought she lost it. When will Lingling baby come, mother will cook something delicious for you."

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "Goodbye, Mama Yi."

The lady smiled and said, "Goodbye, baby Lingling."

【Baby Lingling, Mom needs your help. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone and said, "Hello, Mama Hu."

The lady also didn't show her face, and her voice was relatively dry: "Hello baby Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said suddenly, "Mother Hu, please wait a moment."

The lady hurriedly said, "You go first."

Ruan Lingwen bowed his head and called the police.

【What's wrong? 】

[Can Shi Lingling tell the difference between so many mothers? 】

[First, she can tell everyone apart; second, other mothers are polite. 】

[Shi Lingling's first mother is Li's mother. 】

[Shi Lingling, someone has analyzed your competition for favor in detail to prove your character. 】

[Which stupid beep? 】

[Don't look, give him face. 】

[A Ph.D. from Donghan University is more reasonable than experts say. 】

[Donghan University again? 】

[Is Lingling the Holy Mother when we are? 】

[Who are you scolding? 】

[Isn't it normal for children to compete for favor? 】

[Which child did Li's mother neglect, is it worth mentioning? 】

[Damn it, a bowl of water is equal, of course you are entitled to which one you prefer. 】

[There is no absolute fairness in the world.If well-behaved children are like everyone else, then who will be well-behaved? 】

[Mother Li ignored Donghan University and failed to teach them well. 】

[I owe Donghan University a mother Li. 】

[Okay, want to exhaust Mama Li to death? 】

[Mother Li takes care of the children, are the people at Donghan University still young? 】

[They lacked a mother Li when they were young. 】

[The doctor can't fucking do it. 】

[Hahahahahaha!When the doctor was young, he fought for favor, and his sister earned money to support him. 】

【He used himself to prove that it is not good boys who are fighting for favor. 】

【real or fake? 】

【real.The doctor's sister was beaten by her husband again, because his sister wanted to buy a house for the doctor with money. 】

[Helping brother devil? 】

[The doctor wrote such a thesis in order to buy a house. Is there enough money to buy a house now? 】

[Isn't it?The doctor has no room? 】

[In Gao Ning, doctors can also be allocated two rooms or one room. 】

[The doctor may be too watery.Gao Ning's requirements are high, and he doesn't just accept the doctor when he sees it. 】

[Ph.D. from Donghan University: Rejected. 】

[The doctor also needs to have a meal, so it's just a meal for Shi Lingling, so please be tolerant. 】

[Our unit originally signed a Ph.D. from Donghan University, but now it has broken the contract. 】

[So stubborn? 】

[It seems that there is a problem with his thesis. 】

Ruan Lingwen called the police.

The police over there called again and asked, "Excuse me, are you Ruan Lingwen?"

Ruan Lingwen replied, "I am."

The female/policeman said, "Thank you, I'm just checking."

Ruan Lingwen said, "You're welcome. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Lingwen returned to the live broadcast room and said, "Mother Hu, I've kept you waiting."

The lady said dryly, "You're welcome."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Mother Hu told my sister to be careful on the road, it's raining heavily today."

The lady was taken aback: "Huh? Yes, it's raining heavily here. Shall I make a phone call first?"

Ruan Lingwen affirmed, "Yes."

Ms. go on the phone.

Ruan Lingwen said in the live broadcast room: "For year-end dinner parties, no matter what time of day, don't drink and drive after drinking. It will harm others and yourself. Even if you want to die, it should be regarded as a meritorious deed. Also, those who drink on behalf of the driver are immoral. smoke."

[Shi Lingling checked for drunk driving? 】

[I was in a hotel, and someone was about to drink and drive, and was dragged out of the car by the police. 】

[Fuck, I'm so drunk and drunk, can I drive? 】

[Won't others stop? 】

[He is the boss's brother-in-law, boasting that he is awesome. 】

[Bull beep, dare to kill someone? 】

[It can be settled even if you kill someone, right? 】

【Shi Lingling saved someone again. 】

【no big deal.As long as he doesn't die, it's fine. 】

[It's really a death, climbed into the police car and wanted to drive it, saying that he had never driven it. 】

[Is this too wild? 】

[I also saw someone, this person is hot, everyone look back. 】

[Hahaha said he drove a tank//gram. 】

[If he acts as Kaitan//K on the main road, he doesn't know how much trouble he will cause. 】

The lady came over after making the call, looked at the barrage, and said frightenedly, "Baby Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen comforted, "Mother Hu, I'm here."

The lady was comforted, and hurriedly said: "Is my daughter particularly unlucky recently?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "No. It's her boyfriend who is unlucky."

The lady was taken aback: "Ah? Yes! She has been having bad luck with this boyfriend. Her boyfriend is there every time."

[Have you been implicated by your boyfriend? 】

[This son-in-law can't have it. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "He has always liked to search for antiques, and he hoped that one day he could find blue and white porcelain. After several years of searching, he has rich experience. Fortunately, he found one. After he bought it back, he looked at it every day. When is he planning to sell it? , Change to another suite."

[A doctor is not as good as a piece of blue and white porcelain. 】

[Blue and white porcelain is the precipitation of history. 】

[Is there a problem with this antique? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "There is a ghost inside."

The lady was frightened and asked, "Baby Lingling, what should I do now?"

Ruan Lingwen reassured: "Mother Hu, don't worry, my sister was fascinated for a while. Her boyfriend still wants that antique, and I won't snatch it."

【Shi Lingling, is this situation related to ghosts? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Being obsessed with ghosts? No. It's the man who pretended to be knowledgeable, and now he's confident again. What my sister sees is different from what he really is."

The lady said: "Thank you Lingling baby, I see."

Ruan Lingwen was happy, Mama Hu was very smart, so there was no rush for this matter.

The lady asked: "Go back and find that antique, baby, help catch the ghost again?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Mother Hu will call me when the time comes."

The lady said happily: "Thank you, baby Lingling, I'll hang up now."

Ruan Lingwen said obediently, "Goodbye, Mama Hu."

[I seem to know who it is. 】

[It is very hard work to pick up leaks. 】

[Successful picking up leaks, no longer working hard, ready to get rich overnight. 】

[Has Mama Hu seen it?That man is gone, and he doesn't do his job well. 】

[I see, thank you everyone. 】

[Mother Hu is so kind, it must be because of this that my sister turns danger into good luck every time. 】

[That kind of man should be kicked early to celebrate the new year. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "One should be down-to-earth, don't always think about getting rich. Because the weight of the crown will break your thin neck."

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 】

[The men's team can be seated according to their number. 】

[Actually, just like betting on stones, we are all amateurs, and small bets are fun. 】

【Put all your energy there, that's the problem. 】

[The poorer you are, the more you dream.The more you dream, the poorer you become. 】

(End of this chapter)

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