Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 341, Prepare for the Magical Drama

Chapter 341, Prepare for the Magical Drama
Ruan Lingwen sat in the living room, drinking milk tea.

Yao Juan made something delicious for her.Today I have king crab, let's make a garlic king crab.

Ruan Lingwen moved to the restaurant to eat.

Jiang Lingjie came back and ate with her.

The king crab is big enough for Ruan Lingwen to eat slowly.

Jiang Lingjie ate a little, and said to her, "You want to take pictures of the ancient tree?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "I have another idea."

Jiang Lingjie nodded, and took out his mobile phone to record.Do what you want.

Ruan Lingwen was delighted to eat, and his words were full of fragrance: "Be a magical one. It may be the invasion of demons. Make several films, just to get the one in Mopan Village. It will require a relatively large investment."

Jiang Lingjie said: "Don't worry about investing."

As long as the little fairy opens her mouth, there are so many people willing to spend money.I am afraid that there is too much money, so I have to choose carefully who to accept and who not to accept.

Yao Juan put it on for the big baby, and sat and listened.

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly, and said: "The demons are similar to humans. When you first sneak in, you can't tell the difference."

Jiang Lingjie understood.

Yao Juan also understood, and said, "It's the same thing as sneaking into the country from abroad. The key is not demons, but people."

Jiang Lingjie said: "The devil is in the heart."

Ruan Lingwen nodded, that's what he meant.

Jiang Lingjie's eyes lit up.This question is absolutely fine.

People, more importantly, are fighting against themselves.Conquer yourself, conquer everything.

No longer rely on any external things to arouse fighting spirit!Continually overcome yourself and move forward bravely!

This is the real fire!It's eternal!
Of course, how to tell the story well and how to shoot well are the problems.

Ruan Lingwen said: "The first step is to start with a village. It is easy to grasp when it is small, and Mopan Village is easy to develop. But see the big from the small."

Yao Juan was proud of the big baby, and said, "Things in the village are not necessarily small things."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Someone from the demon clan sneaked in and stole a sheep. The owner looked for the sheep, found the problem, and solved the problem."

Jiang Lingjie asked, "It's a bit like the old tree?"

Ruan Lingwen shook his head: "It's not like. Magic and science fiction don't necessarily mean big scenes. Small scenes can be done exquisitely."

Jiang Lingjie agrees.

Since it is a demon race, it has existed from the beginning.It is different from ancient trees.In particular, the line has to be drawn long.Ancient trees are more of a concept of roots.

Jiang Lingjie said: "Sheep are human nature?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked.

Jiang Lingjie looked at what she was eating, and it looked pretty good.

Ruan Lingwen said: "In the second part, for example, this person was ordered to transport sheep to the city and was involved in the demon clan. At first he thought that what happened in the village was discovered by the city, but later he realized that the matter was bigger than he imagined. .At this time, there are also actions from above. In the third part, it is fully prepared to counterattack, and it is also the time when the devil is at its worst."

Jiang Lingjie nodded.

Although it is necessary to start with two parts.If you really do it, it will take a long time.

Mopan Village has not been done well yet.Get ready.In Jiang Lingjie's humble opinion, this is worth shooting.

Yao Juan understood the big baby, and said: "The domestic filming of their own magic, telling their own stories."

Jiang Lingjie nodded and said: "The technology must be good, and the story must be more delicate. There is also our cultural heritage and our appeal."

If there is a problem, let's do it together.

There is no shortage of talents.If you work hard together, you will definitely be able to defeat yourself!

This is not just Chi Yanguo's movie, it means a lot!The most important thing is self-confidence!

Jiang Lingjie wanted to laugh.Foreign countries are already afraid of Shilingling's live broadcast.Even if it is pretend, it also shows the influence.

This kind of absolute strength cannot be ignored.Like sunlight, piercing the darkness.

Turn on the lights in the house.

Ruan Haolin came back and joined in eating.

Jiang Lingjie looked at the Internet and said, "That lover, everyone help him, he decided to divorce."

Yao Juan said, "It's quite straightforward."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Emotions belong to feelings, deceit belongs to deception."

Jiang Lingjie said, "He's not a fool in the first place."

True love has grown into a poisonous snake, dare to stay by my side?Ready to die anytime?Nowadays people are really ruthless when they are ruthless, no matter how true love is, you have to take care of your life, right?

Ruan Lingwen was full and comfortable.

Jiang Lingjie continued to be busy.

A big project, I don't know how busy it is.Many jobs can be addressed, including siblings in orphanages.

Whether it is moving bricks or acting as a group performer, it is good to be able to support yourself.

Jiang Lingjie and Ruan Wenwen said: "Now Gao Ning has performances, Internet celebrities, and film and television songs."

Ruan Lingwen said: "People these days always like to get tired of one place, and then eat the next one like locusts."

If Gao Ning doesn't want to be bored and eaten up, he must have his own rules.

Big cities are always popular because of their rich heritage.Internet celebrities go as they please, Gao Ning has his own business.

Jiang Lingjie didn't worry.Gao Ning does his own business.

Ruan Lingwen didn't rely on them either.

Jiang Lingjie saw that Ruan Wenwen was constantly creating, which made those people overwhelmed.

Woke up.It was windy.

Ruan Haolin is at home and won't go out to play.

Several children came to play with him.Play chess together, smelly chess basket.

Ruan Lingwen watched, his younger brother had a good temper, so he told the children about it.

A boy shouted: "Sister Wenwen, something serious happened abroad."

Ruan Lingwen sat in the living room facing the TV and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

The boy stood aside, dancing and said, "It's the one in the Q shooting case yesterday. Then the suspect showed up and everyone held him down. No one was hurt."

Ruan Lingwen blinked.

The boy was clever and said, "Isn't it legal to bring a wooden warehouse abroad? However, the suspect was prepared. Anyway, he was caught. The police were all dumbfounded."

Ruan Lingwen nodded, yes!
The boy laughed loudly and said, "Sister Wenwen saved a lot of people again!"

Ruan Lingwen said, "They saved me."

The boy was very curious and asked, "Does that uncle really have a strong premonition?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "It exists."

The boy shouted excitedly: "It's so cool!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "There is one kind that I don't realize, so I avoid it. It's like dreaming. Many of them can't be remembered, but some of them can be remembered."

The boy blinked, metaphysics is amazing!
Ruan Lingwen also feels that this is a magical world, whether from the perspective of ordinary people or from the perspective of Xuanxiu.She likes to practice the most.

Boys also want to learn metaphysics!However, everyone said that we must have the level of taking the national first.Guoyi, how many can there be in a year?It's scary.

Ruan Lingwen's phone rang.

She quickly picked it up and said hello: "Hello, Director Wu."

Wu Kerang smiled and said, "Hi, little fairy. We also know something about foreign affairs. You don't have to worry."

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "I'm the happiest."

There is a strong Guo Jia, and it is relying on.

Wu Kerang said seriously: "Tu Shan in Tuzhou has an accident."

Ruan Lingwen was also serious and asked, "What's going on?"

Wu Kerang said: "Tushan is deep in the mountains and the terrain is complicated. There were some special and Taoist sects there before. A while ago, I found that they were picking up corpses, and there were still people. The situation is very serious now."

Ruan Lingwen looked at the map and knew where it was.

Wu Kerang said, "The police can't get in now."

If you really want to go in, it's a big move.

(End of this chapter)

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