Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 342, the magical grandparents

Chapter 342, the magical grandparents
26 cut big meat.

"Welcome everyone to the live broadcast room of Shiling Shibuling."

Ruan Lingwen sat in the study, his voice was still sweet, with a little smell of braised pork.

[Shi Lingling, are you choosing a guest today? 】

[Shi Lingling, today is Valentine's Day. 】

【Shi Lingling, Grandma needs your help. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

On the screen, an old lady in her 80s appeared.

She sat upright on a chair.She has white hair, combed neatly; she is wearing a thick jacket with a slanted front, which is tightly buttoned.She wore an apron, and it was impossible to tell if she was wearing a skirt.

The room she was in was like an old house in the country. It was quite old, but it was kept clean.Because it is clean, there is some light in the dark room.Just like the face of an old lady, although it is full of wrinkles, it has a benevolent light.

The old lady spoke with an accent: "Hi girl."

Ruan Lingwen remained silent.

[This old lady has a fierce look. 】

【What's the meaning? 】

[As the saying goes, not a good person. 】

[I can see it too, with a fierce look on his face. 】

[Am I the only one who is blind?I think she is fine. 】

【It's just pretending, look at her pose, she is using Shi Lingling like a maid. 】

【ah?God! 】

[I can see it.Which old lady is she playing? 】

【hahahahahahahaha!I can't help it.Playing the ancestors in this old house? 】

[Even in ancient times, no old lady lived in such a house. 】

[Don't look down on me, this house is tidied up, isn't it still possible to live in? 】

[Yes, I think the house is still in good condition, and it's well furnished. 】

The old lady is there.

Ruan Lingwen is playing badly here.

The old lady had to wipe away her tears, trembling.

[This acting skill is fine. 】

[Be respectful, that is an old lady in her 80s. 】

[I'm in my 90s, and I don't have this acting skills. 】

[Hahaha I'm almost eighty, if I want to act, I can do it. 】

[It's not difficult, it's like this when you get older and sit there, the key is age. 】

[Grandmas are watching the live broadcast? 】

[I'm a grandfather, of course I can watch Shi Lingling's live broadcast. 】

[I'm 82, and I use my mobile phone, but it's still comfortable to watch on TV. 】

[My grandson came back during the Chinese New Year and fixed it for me. 】

[I have something to say, what is this old woman pretending to be? 】

[Want to ask Shi Lingling for money? 】

[It's the Chinese New Year, can Shi Lingling give the old lady a red envelope? 】

【What do you think?Shi Lingling was a child, and her grandparents gave Shi Lingling red envelopes. 】

[Baby Lingling, grandma has prepared a big red envelope for you. 】

Ruan Lingwen waved his hand.

[Hahaha don't worry!Shi Lingling was holding back her big move. 】

[The anchor be an individual! 】

[Hahaha don't worry!Shi Lingling will send you a talisman in a while. 】

[The child's posture is very good, I'm about to laugh. 】

[Let's see who is in a hurry first. 】

【learnt! 】

The old lady acted for a while, humming, and said firmly: "I don't ask for anything else."

[Then what you are asking for is not ordinary. 】

[I asked for help and pretended to be innocent. 】

[A friend of mine approached me during the Chinese New Year and said he would borrow 80 instead of [-]. 】

[Thanks to his family! 】

[I have money, so I should give him thirty to fifty thousand? 】

[I didn't see it before, but now I have a taste. 】

The old lady had an accent, but she spoke slowly and could still understand: "My son and daughter-in-law died early, leaving only one grandson, who is 36 this year and still not married. I don't know how many years I will live."

The old lady is very poor.

Ruan Lingwen picked up the conversation and said, "You were sold as a maid at the age of six, and you have been doing it for more than ten years. Fortunately, the new (society) gave you the opportunity to be the master again."

The old lady's face was a little weird.

【very scary! 】

[Sure enough, it's a big culprit! 】

[The old man was overthrown by Shi Lingling. 】

【Her face is simply a nightmare. 】

[Still not good at acting. 】

【No, it was because Shi Lingling was too ruthless. 】

[Don't worry, it's not here yet. 】

Ruan Lingwen said without changing his face: "I gave birth to a son and married a wife. The daughter-in-law gave birth to a daughter and you drowned; my daughter-in-law gave birth to a daughter and you fell to death; my daughter-in-law gave birth to a third daughter and you strangled to death."


[Really going to have a nightmare! 】

[I am from a village, and I have come here, so I can testify that this is basically the truth. 】

[I haven't gone back to my hometown, but I probably heard from my mother. 】

Ruan Lingwen continued without pausing: "Later, the daughter-in-law finally gave birth to a son. You took him to your side to raise her, and made the daughter-in-law work every day. One night the daughter-in-law didn't come back, so the son went to look for her, and the couple unfortunately died."

[So, it wasn't that grandparents and grandchildren depended on each other for their lives, but was killed by her own hands! 】

【Look at her distorted face!You deserve to be a murderer! 】

[This old woman is simply a devil! 】

[Those who played the bad guys saw it?If I act like this in the future, I probably won’t go wrong. 】

[Although there are not one kind of bad guy, this kind is very flavorful. 】

[Shi Lingling continues! 】

[Does the anchor know what filial piety is? 】

【Filial piety to a murderer?Filial piety to a devil? 】

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman and burned it.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Ruan Lingwen didn't stop talking: "The grandson is very filial. Although he knows the truth, he must be filial. Otherwise, many people will poke his back."

【I bother! 】

[Kill his whole family, and be filial ass! 】

[Those who say filial piety want to have their whole family killed? 】

[My grandfather had a stroke, and he said bad things about Shi Lingling one day. 】

【That's your grandfather. 】

[I don't want to be his grandson. 】

Ruan Lingwen continued: "The grandson has been filial for so many years, alas, who knew that the wicked lived for thousands of years?"


【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

【so far so good! 】

【I'm really relieved, this grandson is not a brainless person. 】

[I have no objection to being filial to an 80-year-old lady, but if you have no brains, it will affect the next generation and others. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "You are very proud that your grandson has gone to college, and you feel that it is all due to yourself. The next step is to marry your grandson's wife."

The old lady is steady, her grandson is all she has.

Ruan Lingwen said cheerfully: "The grandson brought his first girlfriend back home, and you can find someone to figure it out, but it doesn't match up. The grandson brought the second girlfriend home, and you ask someone to figure it out, and it doesn't match up. The grandson brought her When the third girlfriend comes home, you have to find someone to figure it out, and it doesn’t match up.”


[I want to laugh. 】

[Inexplicably a little weird. 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!I was hired for 500 yuan, and I went back with him to see the best grandmother. 】

【Senior brother did me a big favor, and I repaid the favor.That grandmother is really the best! 】

[You young people are too good at playing! 】

【No wonder Shi Lingling is happy. 】

[Grandson has already seen through that superb grandmother, right? 】

[An enemy who killed his whole family wants to touch his wife and children? 】

[Being coaxed is enough filial piety! 】

(End of this chapter)

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