Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 343, my grandson is passionate

Chapter 343, my grandson is passionate

[I suddenly wondered, if the horoscope is wrong, did the grandson act it himself? 】

[It's possible! 】

[There are so many eyes! 】

[With this kind of old woman, there is no way to be careless, or maybe one day I will go to a family reunion. 】

[Really, being able to coax an old woman is very filial. 】

[It feels like the grandson has other plans. 】

[If you don't pick up your grandson, just look at this disgusting old woman. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "In a blink of an eye, my grandson will be thirty. Don't worry, as long as you are a mother, you will be fine. The grandson is filial and brought his girlfriend back. You are not counted. You just teach her the rules and be your granddaughter-in-law. There are a lot of rules. It’s basic like cooking and washing clothes. Which woman doesn’t do that? Be filial to the elderly... Hahahaha!"

[The child laughed. 】

[Who will save the child? 】

[Oh, the child is spoiled. 】

【What?Say something to me quietly. 】

【Art comes from life. 】

[Is there such a wicked mother-in-law in "Homecoming"? 】

Ruan Lingwen hurriedly said: "No, no, it's not as good as it is. That girlfriend ran away in anger. You are a maid, you have to behave! Letting you stand up and become the master, is this worse?"

Ruan Lingwen's voice became cold: "Slaves' slaves have turned over, they are still slaves in their bones. There are still many who like to be slaves, so I won't treat you as human beings. Being slaves is the respect for you. Evil slaves, fierce servants , a group of vicious dogs. No matter how much you pretend to be a dog, you are a slave in your bones."

Ruan Lingwen kicked him.

Anyway, the grandson is married, and the children are all in kindergarten.He just didn't tell the old woman and left the old woman in his hometown.

Not to mention grandma, even my own mother, there are quite a few people who do this, it's not a big deal.He can still go back for a while every year to play with the old woman, really filial.

The grandson sent a message: [Thank you Shi Lingling. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [You're welcome.However, the more people know about it, the more things will inevitably happen. 】

The grandson sent a message: [I have already prepared.Just to let her know. 】

Ruan Lingwen didn't say any more.

In the live broadcast room, there were many bullet screens.

【Shi Lingling, Grandma needs your help. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

On the screen is another old lady.

Seven or eighty years old, sitting in an exquisite study.The old lady has white hair, cut short, curled, and a little makeup, looking very elegant.

The old lady smiled and said: "Hi Lingling. That's how it is. My grandson is in college and plays every day when he comes back from vacation. I don't even know how many girlfriends he has? Do you have any way to cure him?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "Grandma is good, the virtuous grandson is very popular."

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 】

[Grandson was betrayed by his grandma. 】

[Grandpa and grandma often do this, regardless of the face of the younger generation. 】

[Having too many girlfriends is not a good thing, is it? 】

The old lady was very serious, like a head teacher, and taught her a lesson: "In the past, those who liked to play were called dandies, but now, everyone loves to play. You can play with anything. Playing with things is depressing!"

Ruan Lingwen responded obediently: "Grandma is right."

The old lady continued: "I won't talk about anything else, just talk about feelings, which can be played? Feelings are very important and serious. Everyone has played, but complained that they couldn't find something they liked, because the game broke. Don’t think about young people, it’s because you’re not old, and you can indulge before that time? People really don’t need feelings now? Why are children who grow up in families with lack of feelings different? I think it’s the opposite, now I need more affection! It’s just that I’ve been played badly, so I’m pretending to be unrestrained. There’s nothing behind it.”

Ruan Lingwen responded obediently: "Grandma is right."

The old lady laughed and said: "Your family has a good relationship. I think my family is also very good. I have been married to his grandfather for 60 years. Many young people understand this kind of company. But, I can't control myself. Play casually. Every bit of oral karma you commit today will be rewarded tomorrow."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "Everyone has a share in the sparrow food. Some people insist that they should be cast aside if they were ordered by their parents in the past without free love. Your rebellion should not be reflected here."

The old lady said: "Of course there is something wrong with the order of the parents, let alone how much it is for money now. Don't go from one extreme to the other, it should show a kind of self-restraint."

The grandson came over and shouted, "Grandma!"

The old lady replied, "Tell me about it yourself."

[Publicity/Punishment? 】

【I like! 】

[I don't even have a girlfriend. 】

[This grandson should look good and be in good condition, right? 】

The grandson covered his face with a piece of cloth and came over to say hello: "Hello Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "Hello."

Sun Tzu took the cloth away and said in a self-defeating manner, "Forget it."

[Little brother is so handsome! 】

[Isn't this peachy eye too attractive? 】

[Is this peach blossom eyes? 】

[There are peach blossoms in the eyes. 】

[Shi Lingling, so is he recruiting peach blossoms? 】

[I'm more optimistic about my little brother's self-cultivation. 】

[It looks very comfortable.If it were me, I would also like to be friends. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "This is a good fortune, and he is very popular. Therefore, people like to be friends with him, but he should not be regarded as a scumbag. I haven't made many girlfriends, and there are no such messes. Don't worry about grandma."

【Grandma is right? 】

【What Shi Lingling said, the little brother is still innocent? 】

[Isn't it all comers? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "On the contrary, he refused. There are a few women who want to show their presence in front of grandma, pretending to be flirty/ambiguous. Whoever can win grandma is half the battle."


【magic! 】

The old lady suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this?"

The grandson said helplessly: "I'm hurting grandma."

The old lady hurriedly said earnestly: "I'm sorry, grandma misunderstood you. However, I just see those who are not good, and I am worried that you will have such a girlfriend."

The grandson said perfunctorily: "I know, grandma is doing it for my own good."

The old lady patted his head, dear grandson.

[Hahahahahaha!Suddenly died laughing! 】

[Those are not very good!Hahahahahaha! 】

【Grandma, I went to the movies with your grandson. 】

【Grandma: Who are these people?My precious grandson is dying? 】

[Quickly ask Shi Lingling, what's wrong with this? 】

[The grandson is still young, so I'm afraid he will go astray. 】

[The old lady is not in a hurry to hug her grandson? 】

[I can't hold it anymore. 】

【hahahahahahahaha!The grandson is here, I want to hug the great-grandson. 】

[Sorry, my grandma has a great-grandson, this is the little grandson. 】

【Are you real or fake? 】

【Hahahahahaha!Head off laughing! 】

The old lady looked at the barrage and said with a smile, "This is the little grandson."

[True grandson's daughter-in-law: I almost became a fake. 】

[Hey, grandma will give you a big red envelope. 】

The old lady took out a big red envelope and said, "Shi Lingling, this is from grandma."

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "Thank you grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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