Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 344, Fox Immortal Returns Gratitude

Chapter 344, Fox Immortal Returns Gratitude

In the live broadcast room, an old lady appeared again.

Another old man appeared.The old lady pointed the camera at him, come on old man.

The old man was at home, wearing a woolen vest, his back was a little hunched, and he was fine overall.

The old man wore glasses, like an old professor, and greeted him sternly: "Hello, Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said obediently: "Grandma, grandpa."

The old lady added: "Shi Lingling is good."

The old man adjusts the rhythm of the live broadcast, and speaks like on stage: "It's like this, something has always happened in my house recently, it looks like there is a ghost."

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Yes."

The old man asked, "What is he trying to do to make trouble in my house?"

Ruan Lingwen looked at it, and the ghost was on the side, not very capable, so now he wants to say it's not causing trouble.

Ruan Lingwen couldn't get used to him, and asked, "Grandpa, do you remember? It's been decades, right? There was a man who couldn't get home after begging. Grandpa gave him money, food stamps and so on."

The old man asked the old woman, "Is there such a thing?"

The old lady replied: "It seems to be."

Ruan Lingwen said: "He died, and he happened to meet grandpa. Seeing how rich his family is, he wanted grandpa to give his son a flat. His son is going to get married. Grandpa is so rich, wouldn't he not give it?"

The old man froze, serious.

Ruan Lingwen said again: "His son is getting married, and he will be filial to grandpa in the future."


[Dare to think. 】

[Is grandpa missing a grandson?How about me? 】

[Grandma looks at me, I am very filial. 】

[I don't want a house, as long as grandpa pays me the down payment, I will be your grandson from now on. 】

[Hahaha, grandpa has a grandson himself. 】

[Grandpa, nephew and grandson are filial piety.I want to pick up my grandfather to go abroad. 】

[Grandpa, do I have brothers?I went abroad to see my elder brother for my grandfather. 】

Ruan Lingwen took the small yin and yang mirror and took the ghost away.

The old man came to his senses and asked, "Just now?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'll take this ghost. Grandpa's house is kept."

The old lady complained: "I broke a painting in my study, and I broke an antique."

Ruan Lingwen said: "You still want a house? Want Peach! If he doesn't have money, he should pay for it!"

The old man said, "Forget it. Thank you Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said obediently: "You're welcome. Goodbye, grandpa, goodbye, grandma."

Netizens are still upset when the old lady and grandpa go down the wheat.

[Damn, I'm still not happy. 】

[Just break other people's things. 】

[The house is haunted and scary, okay?Grandpa and grandma are old, if something bad happens, can this ghost afford it? 】

[Shi Lingling, there may be ghosts in my house too. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the microphone.

A man in his forties with glasses appeared on the screen.Although he is at home, he is quite serious.

The man said hello: "Hello Shi Lingling. Do you think there is a ghost in my house?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Yes. You have provided free legal aid in the community for a long time, and many people know you."

The man adjusted his glasses and listened carefully to what Shi Lingling said.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Someone killed his father/defrauded his insurance. The poor father came to you and wanted you to help him."

Ruan Lingwen looked, and the ghost was there.She first called the police and then sent a message to the lawyer.

The lawyer looked at the message, understood, and said, "I will help if necessary."

It's not necessarily his business.

[Why didn't the ghost call the police? 】

[Are you kidding me? 】

[With the policeman's aura, can ordinary ghosts approach? 】

[This ghost is very weak, and may have to leave before Qiqi. 】

[I seem to know who it is. 】

[Birds (beasts) are not as good! 】

[Shi Lingling, help! 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A boy appeared on the screen.

The boy shouted: "Happy Shi Lingling! Recently, some things have appeared inexplicably in my house! Look! This is popping up again!"

A woman yelled, "Did you find Shi Lingling? What's going on?"


Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "It's all right."

The lady came over to say hello: "Hello Shi Lingling. Look at this mess."

The camera is on a hare, and there is blood.

Ruan Lingwen asked, "When your family went on a trip, did you save a fox?"

The boy said, "That's right. My mother rescued her and sent her back to the mountains."

【Ah, this can't be a fox fairy, can it? 】

【so amazing! 】

【If the fox fairy sent a dead rabbit to my house, I would probably go crazy too. 】

【If we save lives, we will save lives. Hu Immortal, don’t be like this, it’s too polite. 】

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said: "The one I rescued was not a fox fairy, but a descendant of a fox fairy. The fox fairy is very particular, knowing that it will be Chinese New Year, so he worked so hard to send it here. However, the fox fairy still don't give it away, as he has already received it. "

The lady hurriedly said: "That's right! I understand what I mean. Hu Immortal is too polite."

The boy called out, "Is the Fox Fairy there?"

The lady said: "I just delivered something, should it be here?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Fox Immortal, go back and practice hard. I wish you an early immortality."

Now it's just a demon, it's polite to call it a fox fairy.

The fox fairy was hesitating.

Ruan Lingwen asked: "Do you want to meet the fox fairy?"

【think! 】

【No, the Fox Immortal repays his favor by sending a rabbit? 】

[At least give away a house, right? 】

The lady hurriedly said: "No need, no need. In fact, I didn't do anything. I also wish the fox fairy can become a fairy soon!"

The boy said: "Not only people, but also animals, and plants, is the best."

The fox fairy asked Ruan Lingwen, "Can I give him a seed?"

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Yes, this is the seed of friendship."

In the boy's hand, there was an extra seed.

The fox fairy looked at Ruan Lingwen and left.

Ruan Lingwen sent a message to the boy: [This is an extinct species of ginseng. 】

The boy got off the mic and sent a message: 【Is it important?Can it be handed over to the police? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [You can raise it by yourself, it will bloom and bear fruit in about ten years, and you can hand over the fruit at that time. 】

The boy replied: [My mother said I got it, thank you Shi Lingling. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [You're welcome. 】

The live broadcast room was lively.

[My son is going out to save the fox, I told him not to think about it. 】

[It's best for everyone to be okay, don't want this life-saving grace. 】

[Be careful of revenge. 】

[Go back and ask you to ask for a suite. 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Not every fox is a descendant of a fox fairy. 】

[Even if they are not descendants of the fox fairy, they must be saved. 】

[What if this fox becomes a fox fairy and comes back and asks you for a flat? 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[The patricide was taken away by the police. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "This is the end of today's live broadcast."

After turning off the live broadcast, she went to the living room to rest.

Yao Juan gave the big baby something delicious, and said with a smile: "Some people say that the old lady doesn't communicate with her grandson and doesn't trust her grandson; some people say that the old lady is using you to warn those girls."

Ruan Lingwen ate Guoqiaodong Xingban, it was delicious!

Yao Juan was happier watching her eat than eating herself.I couldn't eat this fish before, but now someone gives it to me.

(End of this chapter)

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