Chapter 345 Hello Big Brother

27 kill the chicken of the year.

Ruan Lingwen's family has someone to deliver, so she doesn't need to worry about it.Wake up in the afternoon and continue to live broadcast in the study.

In the live broadcast room, there was enthusiasm.

[Shi Lingling changed into new clothes today? 】

[Baby Lingling, the painting has been received. 】

[Is it Mama Hu's painting?Can I show it to everyone? 】

[I drew a blue and white porcelain. 】

[Shi Lingling, I want to ask you for help. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A man appeared on the screen, 40 years old and very vicissitudes, with clean and reserved eyes.He was wearing a very old leather jacket with an old sweater inside, which was dirty with time.

His voice was warm: "Shi Lingling is good."

Ruan Lingwen responded, "Hi, brother."

The man lowered his head.

Ruan Lingwen said: "The eldest brother's parents died at the age of 13. He has two younger brothers and two younger sisters. The eldest brother is like a father. He was raised by being a father and a mother. Now, the youngest sister has graduated from college."


[But no one called Big Brother for a long time. 】

【real or fake? 】

[You want a house again? 】

[Still asking for a house? 】

【Shi Lingling's big brother made me cry. 】

【What is Shi Lingling doing? 】

[Those who want a house, just drive them out. 】

【Too.Only the eldest brother misses them, how can they be grateful?Not even a fox. 】

【Hey, do you think anyone can become a fox fairy? 】

【Support Big Brother! 】

[From today on, he's my big brother! 】

[Don't want a house, don't want anything, just my big brother! 】

【I've always wanted a big brother, and I finally got it. 】

The man raised his head, his eyes were clear, and he said, "No, they are all excellent and competitive."

Ruan Lingwen said: "That's right, now the policy is good, there are kind-hearted people around, and there are scholarships for going to school."

[Fuck! 】

【Can this kind of person know how to be grateful? 】

[I kiss my elder brother! 】

[13 years old, what am I doing at 13 years old? 】

[My son is 13 years old, I have no hope for him at all. 】

[No matter how many kind-hearted people there are, can they be the same as my brother? 】

【so sad!Want to hit someone! 】

[Siblings and sisters are excellent, and one younger brother has gone abroad. 】

[What does he have to do with his elder brother when he goes abroad? 】

[It's not because the elder brother didn't teach it well, right? 】

[Big brother is only 13 years old, still a child!I cried! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The youngest sister has a boyfriend and is going to marry into a wealthy family. How can she have such a big brother? Is it embarrassing? She looks like her father, is she worthy?"

[Fuck! 】

[Don't let me know which one it is, I want to slap her! 】

[Graduated from university, right?The eldest brother has raised her for more than 20 years! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "My parents are uneducated, my parents are the best, I love them!"

[Shi Lingling came to show off her parents again. 】

【Shi Lingling, don't show off your skills. 】

【You show goodbye next time. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Brother Xiu! Although he didn't go to college, he is ingenious and a carpenter/intangible cultural heritage!"

[Showed by Shi Lingling! 】

[Brother is amazing! 】

[I am proud of my elder brother! 】

[Brother, you are the pride of all of us! 】

【Brother, look at me, your half-sister! 】

【Brother, look at me, your half-brother! 】

[Brother, look at me, how is this nephew? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "A younger brother has a family and a successful career, and his sister-in-law is excellent."

[Shi Lingling, you don't need to repeat, we know that his whole family is excellent. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Brother did it. You can let go, and want to pursue your own happiness. But I'm worried."

The man nodded.

【The eldest brother has been busy for half his life, and found that he doesn't understand anything. 】

[He doesn't understand these people. 】

[Send them to college, send them abroad, I don’t know each other anymore. 】

[Brother, don't worry, we're still here! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Back then there was a girl. The eldest brother wanted to grow up like a father, but she didn't want to be a mother."

The man scratches his head.

[I see what big brother means, do you understand it? 】

[What a great brother!How open-minded! 】

[I cried again. 】

【Why did fate treat Big Brother like this? 】

【If it weren't for being open-minded, I wouldn't have confessed all my younger siblings. 】

[I find it difficult to raise one, and I am very hesitant to have a second one. 】

【I support my brother to go to college, it's very hard.Fortunately, my brother is still filial. 】

【Ruan Letian is a white-eyed wolf who helps his younger brother go to college. He robbed the house and kicked him out. 】

[After all, it’s still a house. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "She has her own child."

Big Brother nodded.

[That's right, at my elder brother's age, can that girl still wait for him? 】

[People were unwilling at the beginning. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Brother is a good crafter. If I didn't care about those few, I would have already saved money. Now, that woman is eyeing my brother's younger siblings again. Everyone said, do you want to play with my brother?"

【Shi Lingling, what nonsense are you talking about? 】

[The girl wants to play with Big Brother? 】

[Who made the eldest brother still think about her? 】

【She thought she was the eldest brother's goddess. 】

[Brother, wake up! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Brother, the past is over. Now, I am asking for a marriage for my brother. Don't miss it when you pass by! There is only one big brother, and the hands are fast and the hands are slow!"

【Shi Lingling, we'll take care of this matter, stop shouting. 】

【I!I! 】

[Brother, there is only one daughter-in-law, and there are many younger brothers and sisters! 】

[Brother, brother, let me tell you, you have the skills, and you will do live broadcasts in the future. 】

【My brother will pack up and go to you! 】

[Brother, the most exciting thing is you!Let's live our best life! 】

【After all, you are Shi Lingling's big brother!She has no brother! 】

[Shi Lingling has a younger sister and younger brother, but she lacks an older brother! 】

[Hahahahahaha!It's messy. 】

【Who said Shi Lingling doesn't have a brother?There are many brothers and sisters in the orphanage. 】

[Aren't I?Who missed me? 】

[Did Shi Lingling call you big brother?Are you as uneducated as Papa Ruan? 】

[The elder brothers in the orphanage are all very good. I think the elder brother and Father Ruan are naturally close. 】

[Does the elder brother still have to recognize an uncle in place? 】

【hahahahahahahaha!Stop barking, Shi Lingling should be called uncle. 】

[It's okay, this is the number one brother in the live broadcast room. 】

[I suddenly laughed like crazy! 】

[It's okay, Shi Lingling's elder brother is definitely different from others. 】

The man was a little confused by everyone.

Ruan Lingwen said seriously: "Those few outstanding ones, go to your outstanding ones, don't come to the show again. Let me know, and I will reward you with big mouths."

[Shi Lingling, don't be like this, my brother and I are on good terms. 】

[My sister and my brother, it's not what you think anyway. 】

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Ruan Lingwen scolded: "That's really good. When you have a baby, my elder brother bought so many things to see you. You and your mother-in-law dislike him for being dirty and don't let him touch your nephew. No matter how dirty you are, can you have your heart? Gold and longevity Why did you put it away without throwing away any of it? It disgusts me to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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