Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 347, Judging by appearance

Long Bo looks ugly and fierce.So the general roles are not available.Only villains or smaller characters can fall into his hands.

That's not called a role anymore, is it a group performer or a group special?Group performances are divided into: ordinary group performances, foreground group performances, and special group performances.

Long Bo is ugly, but thanks to his hard work for so many years, he has more and more opportunities.

Now, it's completely on fire!
[Hahahahahaha!I don't dare to look directly at beautiful women from now on. 】

[My mind is full of Long Bo's swaying coquettishness! 】

[Long Bo is not flirtatious, but some people are not as good as him. 】

[Not as good as his!Do you have as much money as him and a beautiful wife? 】

[With this acting skill, how about playing the back view? 】

[It's really tasteful, not rough at first glance. 】

【What you act like, this is the real actor. 】

[It's not like some people who just rely on one face to get along.Still think about acting more. 】

[Hahahahahaha, I'm really looking forward to Long Bo playing a beautiful woman! 】

[I always feel that it is more flavorful than a beautiful woman. 】

[Can a beautiful woman be called a beautiful woman now? 】

【Shi Lingling, are you the same as Long Bo? 】

【What's the meaning? 】

[Shi Lingling's face has never been shown! 】

[Shi Lingling, it's the Chinese New Year! 】

【Everyone puts on Long Bo's face. 】

[What happened to Long Bo? 】

[Look down on Long Bo?Don't look at your face? 】

【Shi Lingling, I have something to do. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the microphone for someone, and said politely: "Please wait a moment."

The man smiled and said, "Shi Lingling is good, I'm not in a hurry."

【Shi Lingling line up here. 】

[It was originally. 】

[There are countless people queuing up at the door to kowtow to pay New Year's greetings, and to give Shi Lingling a red envelope. 】

【Looking for an excuse to see Shi Lingling?Shi Lingling has magical skills. 】

Long Bo went to change his clothes and came here, wearing a jacket, he was a decent uncle.

Ruan Lingwen said, "Judging people by their appearance, it's okay in normal times. When something really happens, you should keep your eyes open and see clearly!"

Ruan Lingwen said angrily: "How serious is it now? I thought that the whole face and makeup would give you a sense of superiority! Once you stand there, you will do whatever you want! What I see is that you are ugly at heart! An ugliness! Being ugly gives you a sense of superiority, are you disgusting?"

Long Bo stood quietly by the side.

All the bustling people at the scene were quiet.

There are a few good-looking ones, obediently avoiding them.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Life is full of forms, and people look in different forms, just like flowers. The flowers of foxtail are also flowers, and they are fluffy and cute! The flowers in the greenhouse lack the natural taste. Like many things now, they can't taste the same as before. Son. Do you still want to eat it happily? Are you cheap?"

Someone beside Long Bo echoed: "Those hot-eyed ones are really hard to see."

Ruan Lingwen snorted, and said again: "Your eyes are broken, but your brains are broken, right? How much does it matter to you whether people are beautiful or not? You live your own life and face your own necessities. Beauty is like roadside flowers shop, buy a flower and put it back. It’s also very convenient to raise a pot of narcissus at home.”

[I look average. 】

【self-abasement. 】

【Long Bo doesn't feel inferior. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Film Academy, handsome guys and beautiful women! How do you choose your concubine? How many good actors are there in the Film Academy? It's like buying a lottery ticket! If you win a prize, you have good acting skills, or you will play in your circle. Movies are for us ordinary people. Look! Who are you prevaricating with rubbish? As a school, you are negligent! You are fully to blame for the current situation!"

【Good guy! 】

[The time is floating! 】

[We still have to support it! 】

[The child just talks!Mom is here! 】

[Grandpa supports! 】

Ruan Lingwen was emotional, and said: "Handsome men and beautiful women, can they act out a simple life? Art is divorced from life; calling you art is an insult to art! Nowadays, beautiful women are fine, she doesn't care about life anymore. What kind of situation is there? I don’t look good, it’s hard to find a job. The child is laughed at at school. Don’t you think it’s serious? Don’t you think it’s scary?”

【Shi Lingling, I'm crying! 】

[I'm not good-looking, and I've hit the wall again and again when I'm looking for a job! 】

[The child has been bullied at school and has a very low self-esteem. 】

[My child was ridiculed for being fat. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "This is poison! Who is putting/poisoning? A good society can be so narrow? Anxiety about appearance has affected the lives of too many people, and even affected the normal order! This is like binding feet and stuffing people into Plastic surgery, Internet celebrity face, at a glance, they are all ugly!"

[Bird food! 】

[This problem must be faced squarely! 】

[Most people don't look that good. 】

【Energy should not be on the face. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "What should life be like? Natural! Rich and colorful! With life, there is no emptiness! Don't make all the scenic spots look the same! When you go out in the morning, you are the right person!"

Ruan Lingwen continued: "Before going out in the morning, tell yourself to be an upright, brave, kind, and hardworking person; when you get home, look in the mirror and think about how you did today. If you do well, you will be happy every day and practice every day. "

【Shi Lingling, we made a practice calendar. 】

[Check every day to see if you have done any good deeds and whether you have done any evil deeds. 】

[When I am old, I have a bad memory, so it is clear when I write it down. 】

[Be careful of being seen. 】

[Frank and frank, what are you afraid of being seen? 】

Ruan Lingwen breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I know that most people are good, they are victims. However, everyone follows the crowd and forms the perpetrators together. It doesn't matter what they look like. Maybe they look beautiful, But I get used to it, is it important to have firewood, rice, oil and salt? How many people are financially free? Don’t worry about children, the elderly, or themselves? You can’t finish worrying about yourself, so you can’t watch something good to reward yourself?”

[The anchor looks good, right? 】

【Easier said than done. 】

[If it wasn't for your mother, would you be here now? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Although Mama Liu has a long face, I love Mama Liu the most."

[The child is skinny again. 】

[You owe it! 】

[Say Mama Liu is ugly? 】

Ruan Lingwen was proud: "A son does not think his mother is ugly, and a dog does not think his family is poor! I love my country! I love Mama Liu! Mama Liu, I love you!"


[After the show, Mama Li finally showed Mama Liu. 】

[Shi Lingling, don't come back, Mother Liu is ready with a feather duster. 】

Ruan Lingwen said proudly, "Mother Liu likes me the most!"

[Mother Liu dislikes you the most! 】

[Shi Lingling thank you!I, who had always been anxious about my appearance, suddenly looked away. 】

[Boyfriend thinks I'm ugly, I'll fuck him/mom! 】

[I have no problem with my appearance!Why am I ashamed? 】

Long Bo smiled and said: "I was also hit at the beginning, and I came back and told my mother. My mother said: You are my son!"

Long Bo used his acting skills to imitate what his mother said.

[Fuck! 】

[Tiger body/shocked! 】

Long Bo's lines are powerful and touching: "I understand: I have a mother, and I am her son!"

[Although he is an ordinary person! 】

[But mother is the greatest! 】

[Today, confess to the mother who gave birth to me and raised me! 】

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