Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 348, Men farming and women weaving

Ruan Lingwen was happy, and wanted to say something else: "'My wife, you have become more beautiful today.' This sentence is very interesting? I have to explain to my wife whether I was beautiful yesterday. I am still young, so it is really difficult to understand."

[I also feel the diaphragm. 】

[Anyway, it's not common to say. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I don't know the color of the lipstick. Those who make money are selling lipstick. Why do ordinary people follow suit? The merchants have done too many things, and they don't care about the consequences. It's capital, and it's making you play around. Everyone should wake up Yes! My life is up to me! I am the most beautiful!"

Ruan Lingwen said again: "Don't be trustworthy, but you must be confident! I am the best!"


【Shi Lingling, let me let Long Bo speak. 】

【Shi Lingling, you are too good, we don't want to see it. 】

[Let's look at Longbo. 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[I also feel that the capital is uneasy and kind, playing around with people. 】

[Everyone, be more confident! 】

Long Bo said with a smile: "I think my mother is beautiful when she loves me. I found the secret."

[God! 】

【One hit! 】

[Love is the most beautiful! 】

[Live to be a loving person, live to be an open-minded person!Live as a cultured person! 】

【Live hard and enjoy life, you are the most beautiful! 】

【Flowers are for your enjoyment, not for your discomfort. 】

【I'm worried now that a group of ugly people are going to find Shi Lingling. 】

Ruan Lingwen hurriedly said, "Aren't there few ugly people looking for me? Don't come to disgust me, or I will beat you."

[Hahahahahahahahahahaha! 】

【Those who are ugly have to escape the heat, otherwise Shi Lingling will really hit you. 】

Ruan Lingwen said happily: "I think Longbo is very good, and now I invite you, with a monthly salary of [-]."

Long Bo was even happier: "Thank you Shi Lingling! I saw my strengths!"

His wife shouted from the side: "What does Shi Lingling think of me? I can't move bricks, but I can cook."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Are you afraid that such an ugly husband will be kidnapped?"

There was a lot of laughing!
Long Bo's wife smiled and said, "This was originally my own treasure, but now you have exposed it, what do you think should be done?"

Ruan Lingwen said confidently: "What's yours is yours, and no one can take it away. But the details depend on the crew. I personally welcome it."

Long Bo smiled and said, "Thank you Shi Lingling. That...does it include food and lodging?"

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[This can't be vague! 】

[Long Bo's current net worth, he is rich himself. 】

[Long Bo is low-key, there may be tens of millions. 】

【sharp! 】

[Brother Long is pretty good in the film and television city. 】

[Brother Long, I'm going to join you! 】

[Hug Brother Long's thigh! 】

[I almost went astray back then, but was brought back by Brother Long, my acting skills are not bad either. 】

[There were so many who recognized Big Brother before, but now so many recognize Brother Long. 】

[Brother Long is really nice, and so is sister-in-law. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Live, there should be some; eat, I'm not sure."

【ah?This time the crew doesn't include food and drink? 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[It's getting too much, is it really worth the money? 】

Long Bo's wife smiled and said, "It's okay, I can cook."

Ruan Lingwen said: "In the village, we may divide the land and cultivate the land ourselves. How to do it depends on the director."

[Planting? 】

[The director is serious? 】

[You go first, I still have something to do. 】

【I don't have a schedule right now. 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Don't be like "Homecoming", jumping around, the chance is gone. 】

【However, that's farming! 】

[Can it be compared to being a eunuch? 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Where is the eunuch farming? 】

[More ruthless! 】

Long Bo smiled and said, "It's okay, my family has land."

His wife said: "Men farm and women weave, I think it will work."

【mom!I saw someone shamelessly throwing dog food. 】

[It's so sweet!I want to drink this pair of CP! 】

[I want to be a man who farms and a woman weaves! 】

[Sister Long, start the live broadcast!I want sugar! 】

Aunt Long laughed loudly and said, "I have to ask the crew about this. Hahaha, if you find the crew together, I'll have a chance."

[I found out that Mrs. Long is very scheming, I laughed so hard. 】

[I think these everyday couples are much better than those in business. 】

[Is this not a business? 】

[He has been married for a few years and has children. Let me show you the business today? 】

[See how natural this is? 】

[Nie Chen and his wife are very interesting. 】

Aunt Long laughed and said, "Yes, yes! I don't want to play husband and wife with Long Bo, it's fine for me to play a princess, don't choose."

[Hahahahahaha!I can't laugh anymore! 】

The people beside him booed, "Let Long Bo invest by himself."

Long Bo said: "This task is too difficult, and I can't just make a wish with my wife. A good script is not easy to have."

His wife smiled and said: "It's okay, let's go to Shi Lingling."

[I like it so much! 】

[Men should be like this. 】

[As an actor, this is a kind of respect. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Then see you later."

Long Bo and the people around came over and shouted: "Goodbye Shi Lingling!"

[It's so New Year's Eve! 】

[I still think Long Bo is pretty. 】

[I don't want to see those handsome guys. 】

[I think big brother is pretty. 】

[The current method, if you cut people down a few times, the essence will be gone. 】

【Long Bo didn't. 】

[Although he is not popular, he is rich. 】

[There are still a lot of excellent people. 】

[Just too lazy to jump up and down like those. 】

【Hope there will be more good-looking ones. 】

[I'm looking forward to a good show! 】

[New Year's Day, "Homecoming"! 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!Shi Lingling did this promotion! 】

[I love to watch!Give me ten more games! 】

[To be honest, don't shame yourself if you are ugly. 】

【What Shi Lingling looks at is not the face, but the inside. 】

【Give you a chance, but still make a fool of yourself, that chance is not for you. 】

[Reporting good news to everyone: My leader has praised me. 】

[You are watching the live broadcast, and your leader praises you? 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[The leader also looks at it, because I am average-looking, and he has always disliked me. 】

[I have been working hard, I am grateful to Shi Lingling! 】

[Try to be yourself, I am confident! 】

[One day you will be your own boss, who can dislike you? 】

[Actually, as long as you don't abandon yourself, the dislike of others doesn't have much effect. 】

[Although there will be difficulties, but are difficulties so easy to knock people down? 】

[Overcome every difficulty and you will be more beautiful than those people! 】

[Actually, when people get old, some of them lose their looks, while others have more flavor. 】

[The appearance is gone, and the play is gone, what's wrong with this? 】

[Aren't ordinary people old? 】

[The status quo is distorted. 】

[Wen Bacha is an ugly man, even his grandson was rejected by others, but there are many people who admire him. 】

[Fashion and wash, lean on Wangjiang tower alone.It's not a thousand sails to pass by, and the slanting light is flowing slowly.Heartbroken Bai Pingzhou. 】

[Start in the morning to sign up for the Duo, and the guest travels to mourn his hometown.The sound of chickens in Maodian month, the footsteps of Banqiao frost. 】

Ruan Lingwen greeted the other: "Hello."

The man was ready, and said: "Shi Lingling is good. It's like this, my mother and my aunt went to buy a doll quietly."

Under his camera, there is a doll, about a foot long, wearing a cape that is very similar to Shi Lingling, and the workmanship is very rough.

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