"Welcome to the live broadcast room of Shiling Shibuling."

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Ruan Lingwen sat in the study and yawned.



[Shi Lingling, you didn't sleep last night? 】

Ruan Lingwen responded, "Sleeping."

[This soft voice, my grandma is going to hug someone. 】

【Hahahahahaha my grandma asked the child to go to bed first. 】

[Laugh!With so many people around, how could Shi Lingling go to sleep? 】

Ruan Lingwen hurriedly explained: "No. I ate too much at noon and felt sleepy."

【Baby Lingling, what did you have for lunch? 】

Ruan Lingwen explained: "Seafood noodles."

【Mom will give you this? 】

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "Dumplings for breakfast."

[Our family is sitting in front of the TV watching the live broadcast. 】

[My family is here. 】

[My mother doesn't play mahjong anymore. 】

[Our house has a mahjong table, next to the TV. 】

[Shi Lingling, the ratings of the live broadcast are higher than those of the evening show, is it not too good? 】

【Ha ha ha ha!Blame me? 】

[Happy, Chinese, New, Year! 】

[I am in mud, wishing the whole country/people a new year! 】

[I am in Bali Village, wishing the people of the whole country a new year! 】

[I'm asking a question, New Year's greetings to the people of the whole country!I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year! 】

Ruan Lingwen cupped his hands: "Happy Chinese New Year everyone!"

[Shi Lingling, look at my family's New Year greetings! 】

Ruan Lingwen started a live broadcast for people.

The lively atmosphere is coming!

This is a big family, at least thirty or fifty people.Old people, children, dogs and cats, many people nearby came to watch.

"It's live!" Someone shouted.

It was like "ghosts have entered the village!" There was a commotion in the village, and soon more people came running!

Good day, the flowers are blooming.

The camera is right, someone shouted: "Bye!"

A few people came over and kowtowed to the old man.

The old man gave the red envelope, and the scene was beaming.

The camera is on the old man.

The old man is over 80 years old and in good spirits. He is wearing a new red suit and has a red face.

The old man faced the camera and asked proudly: "What does Shi Lingling think of my family?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The cowherd back then is now an old man."

The old man said happily, "Yes."

Ruan Lingwen said with emotion: "Kneeling is a fine tradition and should not be lost."

The old man said happily: "The child is filial!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "You went to herd cattle on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and came back hungry. This fine tradition, children learn it, let's go cattle herding!"

The old man laughed and said, "Who still herds cattle now?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "That's right. But you don't read much, what else can you do besides kneeling? Can you read?"

The old man changed color.

The whole family was noisy and quiet.

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's fun to kneel. These knees are so soft that you can kneel casually. Kneeling has been passed down from generation to generation since childhood."

Ruan Lingwen didn't care about the scene, regardless of the first day of the new year, just said to himself: "Kneel into your genes, the habit of kneeling, the habit of watching. Kneel if you have nothing to do. No one cares about the real connotation. After all, you don't read much. What do you know? Life The conditions are good, and there are fewer books to read, so just kneel down, it’s no big deal.”

Ruan Lingwen emphasized: "I have no objection to people kneeling. But I am disgusted by people kneeling in front of me to pretend! For the cowherd, for the old maid, kneeling is filial piety that you can understand. For me, truly being a person , Contributing to Guo Jia is the loyalty and filial piety I understand! You can stand in front of me with dignity! I am proud of you!"

【well said! 】

[Support Shi Lingling! 】

【Thank you Shi Lingling!My grandpa won't let me kneel anymore, for fear of losing face! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I am really filial. I have no objection to kowtow to the elderly. However, when many people have not stood up, I hope everyone pays attention to the influence and don't over-promote it. Because many people do not read enough and herd cows. Lang, he can't see the essence, he only sees the form. You are filial, it will have a bad influence, please forgive me."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I'll tell the ugly things on the first day of the new year. If you don't like to listen, you can continue to kneel and let's be safe. I want to say that cowherds also have feelings, which is normal. Where did you learn some things? TV. There are many slaves and concubines on TV. I am uneducated, and I always look like this on TV. It should be right to learn from him.”

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's easy to kneel and you won't lose a piece of meat. Let's continue."

【What Shi Lingling said makes sense. 】

[New Year's Day, a traditional festival, is the time when the tradition is the deepest. 】

[We want to be beautiful, not hide dirt! 】

[Good things should be passed on, rubbish, really shouldn't be! 】

[The old man asks the child to kneel, and he kneels. 】

[Elderly people read, and children who do not read will also be affected. 】

The man in the live broadcast room didn't put down the mic.

A lady came over and explained: "My child studies very well."

Ruan Lingwen said: "Yes, learning to kneel is very good, and the tradition of herding the cowherd must not be forgotten."

The lady said angrily, "Are you unreasonable?"

Ruan Lingwen asked, "You want to reason with me?"

The lady said, "Say it!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Go and call all the outstanding children in your family and stand still."

The face of the family and the face of the elderly were involved. The adults called all the children over, there were seven or eight of them.

The lady said proudly, "That's my mother-in-law, over 100 years old; this is my little grandson, six generations under one roof."

Ruan Lingwen said with emotion: "The Cowherd has six generations under the same roof, and this is because he knelt down."

"Hahaha!" Someone next to him booed.

"His family has only grown up in the past few years." Someone broke the news.

"I don't want to kneel! My mother insisted on forcing me!" The teenager rebelled!

Afraid of losing face.

The adult lectured: "What did you say?"

Ruan Lingwen yelled angrily: "Go to herd cattle! You are not allowed to eat tonight! Do you know how a happy life comes about? You come here by herding cattle!"

[A happy life comes from herding cattle?Don't laugh at me! 】

[As for? 】

[This kind of person is either stupid or bad! 】

【Stupid and bad! 】

[Many people have never stood up! 】

[This kneeling is not the knee, but the spirit! 】

[Slavery/Deep Seed! 】

[The slave can't be the master even if he turns over! 】

[On the first day of the new year, the family sits together, so much to do, this shackle must be added. 】

[What can be done?Are you reading? 】

[What book do you read on New Year's Day? 】

[Because I didn't study for a year. 】

[It's almost the first day of the new year. 】

The lady couldn't help but shouted, "Well, 720 in the college entrance examination!"

Ruan Lingwen yelled, "We invite talented scholars!"

[Please invite talented people! 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

"You are welcome!" A crowd booed at the scene!
The young man was dragged here, and now he is in charge of the family.

The boy faced the camera with a stinky face.

Ruan Lingwen looked at his face.

The lady asked proudly: "How is it?"

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Have you ever washed the old man's feet?"

The lady hurriedly said, "Then he doesn't need to come!"

Ruan Lingwen asked: "If the old man is sick, what do you do?"

"I have a lot of family!" the woman exclaimed.

Ruan Lingwen shouted: "Then he is superfluous! This will not do that, what a filial son!"

Ladies, there are several women in this family who are rolling up their sleeves and want to quarrel!

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