The first day of the new year is very good.

Ruan Lingwen was at home and in a good mood.

A group of people over there, the atmosphere is very lively.There are a lot of old men and women who want to support this family.Those who didn't kneel went back to learn.

Another man came over, also a family.

A lady in her 50s spoke first: "You guys haven't watched "Returning Home"? Haven't you seen what the champion does?"

The lady was obviously more excited, and said loudly: "That's the real champion man! There is only one in the whole country every three years! He is really filial to his wife when he returns home! His family is small, and he has no shortage of slaves! There is no shortage of cowherds! Why does the champion man want Kneeling in front of my old lady in person? He kneels with deep affection! What he honors is the kindness of his parents! I recommend everyone to watch "Homecoming"! It must be watched!"

[Shi Lingling, was this hired for fifty cents? 】

[My family finished watching, and my mother cried. 】

[My grandma also cried. 】

[We are a family of four, two brushes. 】

【who?Can you get the second pass today? 】

[Is there someone? 】

[Must boycott! 】

[My family didn't get a ticket, my grandma wants to watch Shi Lingling at home. 】

[Shi Lingling, you have influenced your own box office. 】

[I have a ticket for tomorrow, and I haven't gone yet, should I be crying or laughing? 】

[Just finished watching.It looks good on the surface, but you will be moved if you take it easy.Make you laugh with tears in your eyes.Don't talk, I'll do the second brush. 】

[Shi Lingling, I was driving my brother, my whole family watched "Homecoming", and grandpa cried. 】

[Shi Lingling, I can't stay at home, my children ask us to take them back to China to see. 】

[Hello Shi Lingling, "Homecoming" is so beautiful!I want a second brush! 】

All kinds of foreign languages ​​exploded!
Many people were stunned.

[Give me a translation? 】

[Grandma doesn't study much, so she will learn tomorrow. 】

[Shi Lingling has too many fans, she can't keep up. 】

[One-sentence translation: "Homecoming" has become popular abroad! 】

[Shi Lingling, I'm abroad!Haven't seen it yet!Recommended by many of my friends! 】

【Could Shi Lingling give you a spoiler?My friend blew it up! 】

Ruan Lingwen thought about it and said, "Unfortunately, there is tea, but there is no cattle herding. Director! Is the director there? Our next play has farming, can we add cattle herding?"

【can. 】

Ruan Lingwen was happy: "Thank you director."

[This child, what else can I do besides petting it? 】

[It's over, my children are cute when they are homeschooling. 】

[The problem is that they can't learn the taste of Shi Lingling. 】

Ruan Lingwen was delighted and said, "I want to listen to "The Shepherd Boy Piccolo."

【Haha, Shi Lingling, I'll play it for you. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone and said, "Thank you, Mr. He."

He Di faced the camera and said with a smile: "Pet Shi Lingling, I'll take the lead, let me go."


[My hands suddenly itch, wait until I finish listening before hitting someone? 】

[My mother didn't realize what it meant. 】

【Is it still possible to fight for favor? 】

[Shi Lingling has such a big face!This can cue the pianist! 】

With the camera facing the piano, He Di smiled as he prepared: "Spring is here, and I don't know much about the customs of spring cows. However, this song "Shepherd Boy Piccolo" is for everyone."

The family in the live broadcast room stopped being noisy.

Netizens are quiet.

The barrage didn't stop, but it felt a lot quieter when it floated up.

[I want to see cattle herding. 】

[The cow is poetry. 】

[Canto the Hall of Elegance. 】

[The ones who are uneducated are just herding cowherds. 】

[In the fragrance of rice flowers, it is said that there is a good year, and one can hear the sound of frogs.This is a man of culture. 】

[This is the artistic conception embodied in "Returning Home". 】

[My mother said, it's very ordinary after reading it.I think the acting is good and it's funny. 】

[This was originally a movie that was filmed in forty days and made in four months. 】

[But it is very delicate and comfortable to look at. 】

[This is an ordinary life, a life full of poetry. 】

[Full of true feelings, no bad guys in all staff. 】

[Very suitable for Spring Festival viewing. 】

[Isn't the princess? 】

[Hahaha no! 】

[The emperor is just a loving father. 】

[Have you seen the easter eggs?I thought it was very funny. 】

[My mother and my aunt quarreled: will the princess and the champion be successful in the next life? 】

【What's the meaning? 】

[I'm going to the cinema right away! 】

[The princess asked the emperor: Can I do it in my next life?The emperor is in a dilemma: I don't know if the champion will make an appointment in his next life? 】

[If there is already an appointment, then there is nothing wrong with the princess. 】

[How many washboards has Nie Chen kneeled? 】

He finished playing the flute.

The crowd applauded.

He Di laughed and said: "I wish Shi Lingling will become a fairy soon!"

Ruan Lingwen said shyly, "Thank you."

[Shi Lingling, my grandfather drew a cow, do you want to see it? 】

Ruan Lingwen turned on the microphone and said, "Mr. Li is good."

Li Zhongshi is more than 80 years old, standing behind the painting table, with a pen in his hand, he has not finished his work.

He raised his head and said hello: "Hello Shi Lingling, look at my painting, how about it?"

Ruan Lingwen said respectfully: "It's a good painting! I haven't ridden a cow yet."

【Grandmaster! 】

【Shi Lingling wants to ride a bull? 】

[I'm riding a green bull, there's nothing wrong with it. 】

Li Zhongshi stopped and said: "Unfortunately, if I knew it earlier, I would have drawn Shi Lingling."

His grandson was smiling while taking pictures.

[This is the shepherd boy Piccolo? 】

[Although I can't appreciate it. 】

[If it's Shi Lingling, it must be so cute. 】

[The painting is about nature and wildness. 】

【Master, draw another one! 】

[Master, you must draw a Shi Lingling! 】

【Stop shouting, how can painting be so easy? 】

Li Zhongshi asked: "How about this painting for you?"

Ruan Lingwen said happily, "Okay."

【*@¥&##% Is this what you want? 】

【Another silly beep? 】

【Never mind. 】

[Gift from the elders, so what if I want it? 】

[I don't know how many people are jealous, too many people like Shi Lingling! 】

["Homecoming" is popular abroad!I see a lot of people's faces hurt! 】

【Really! How much did "Homecoming" cost?What kind of effect will be produced? 】

[Nie Chen: Isn't it that I was short of 1000 million yuan in salary. 】

[Nie Chen is still 1000 million short? 】

[The acting is really good!Everyone in there is doing well! 】

[Hahahaha Although I didn't pay attention to those court ladies and eunuchs, none of them appeared in the show. 】

[It is a kind of real, natural, and simple. 】

[Teacher Pu and Teacher Dongfang also acted super well!It feels like a master of the world! 】

【No wonder Shi Lingling sent people to farm. 】

[It is said that in order to act well, Jin Chang really went to the hospital to work as a nurse. 】

【It's not just a formality, it's a real experience of life. 】

[A good work is made by everyone's joint efforts. 】

[In my opinion, there are three major problems in "Homecoming". 】

[First, proper filial piety.It is also the traditional doctrine of the mean, neither left nor right. 】

[Second, the independence of women, even in ancient times, seems to be dependent on men. 】

[Third, the positioning of the champion.She was very tender in front of the emperor, but still young in front of two tall men. 】

[But the emperor sees his potential, and the master sees his future. 】

[This vigorous vitality, this harmony. 】

【This is the deep meaning. 】

[For young people, it is expectation, burden, and training. 】

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