【What's the meaning? 】

[This is what the educator Ye Lao said. 】

【mom!Did you see it? 】

[You unfilial son, what are you talking about? 】

【No, I can actually see it, but it's easy to ignore it, and I didn't go to summarize it. 】

【right!The emperor's expectation for Zhuangyuan Lang is not to let him go back.He can be called back at any time. 】

[What do you mean, didn't you go home? 】

[You underestimate the emperor too much!This is no ordinary emperor! 】

[Several old people are optimistic about the number one scholar, he is the inheritance. 】

【This kid is worthy to be the old man's son-in-law. 】

【It's not the champion man, it's something inside. 】

[I don't read much, and I still don't understand. 】

[Just like you are in the workplace, the seniors are against the juniors, but there is no conflict of interest between them. 】

【wrong.The elder cares for and nurtures the younger generation, not relying on the younger generation to fight on their own. 】

[It's like the rules of the workplace, let alone why there are these rules. 】

[Newcomers often don't understand, seniors will help them, and there are many fewer rules. 】

[Energy is spent on doing the right thing. 】

[Instead of consuming each other. 】

【is it possible? 】

[Look, is it scary? 】

[Isn't it normal for the elders to expect the younger ones? 】

[Yes, it's normal, so I can't see the deep meaning in it. 】

[That Xiao is also. 】

[The old lady countered the princess with filial piety, but she doesn't advocate this. 】

[She explained it in a very light way, and the fact is that she did so. 】

[I can see it.I just think the old lady is very nice. 】

【You have to go deeper. 】

[The old lady is not just reasonable, it makes you feel like a light comedy. 】

[In fact, she is telling some truths. 】

[It doesn’t need to be said that everyone understands this truth. 】

[For example, with correct filial piety, everyone will be very comfortable and relaxed. 】

[Whether it is unfilial, or too stupid or rigid, it will make people very uncomfortable. 】

[God!Got it! 】

[I really learned it! 】

【It's so natural! 】

[Everyone is against foolish filial piety, but we cannot go to the other extreme. 】

[The filial piety requested by the old lady and the filial piety achieved by the champion is very comfortable. 】

[Yes, I feel very touching. 】

[I don't know if you have noticed one more thing, the handling of the two extraterrestrial experts. 】

[I noticed it. I thought there would be a talk or something, but I didn't expect it to be very down-to-earth.True. 】

【ah!right!I feel a little sudden, but not surprising. 】

[An expert in the world, no special performance is required.You have to know - inaction. 】

【Whether it's tone insufficiency or a stinky chess basket, it's natural to enjoy yourself. 】

[Whether the willow is crooked or ugly, it is naturally the most beautiful! 】

【ah?Isn't that very good at chess? 】

[It's an analogy. 】

[Looking at the vegetable field, I feel like it hasn't been tidied up, just like you?wrong. 】

[That is the most natural vegetable field, who makes it a flower every day? 】

[As long as you can grow it, the vegetables you grow can be eaten. If you can do it, then it's fine. 】

[Isn't it?Is this really the case? 】

[Don't forget that there are still two episodes of the "Homecoming" variety show. 】


[Suddenly die laughing! 】

[This way of publicity is really strange. 】

[If you want to watch a movie, you have to watch a variety show by yourself. 】

[Others' publicity is exhausting, but this variety show is what everyone rushes to watch. 】

The man who kowtowed to the family is still there.He said, "Shi Lingling, you have to apologize to us."

Ruan Lingwen kicked him.

【Apologize for what? 】

[There is a problem with his family, Shi Lingling pointed it out to him, and still needs to apologize? 】

[His family is fine. 】

【They are willing to kneel, can Shi Lingling take care of it? 】

[They can't get up on their knees anymore. They kneel until the third day of the Lunar New Year. Who cares? 】

[They knelt until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and no one cared about them. 】

[Great talent, what did you do to be filial to the elderly? 】

[There is a great talent in the family, and the ancestral grave smokes, that's enough!are you jealous 】

[Forget it, I don’t read much, so I can’t communicate. 】

[Let's go to the movies.The number one scholar waits on his wife. 】

[Nowadays people hire people for mourning.There are nurses in the hospital. 】

【Do you really want such filial piety? 】

[It's different if you don't have children or daughters.Having sons and daughters is the same as not having them? 】

[Actually, "Returning Home" uses ancient clothes to pack modern values. 】

[But it's different from those rough ones.Looking at it in ancient times, it does not violate peace. 】

[Ah yes!I have this feeling. 】

[Everything is just right. 】

[Speaking of modern things, but nothing random. 】

[It's like refining the spirit early and passing it down. 】

[This is the essence of culture, and it can be used from ancient times to the present. 】

【right!It's like engraved in DNA, and it's very comfortable to watch. 】

[It's like fishing, woodcutters, plowing and reading, landscapes and countryside, and it seems to be paradoxical. 】

[Like women are gentle and virtuous, what is reflected is another kind, full of natural aura. 】

[It's aura!Let them have a different flavor. 】

[Maybe some women are miserable, but there are also many who are not miserable. 】

[There are always excellent women.To be able to raise an excellent son, this mother may not be under that value. 】

[The folk customs are simple, not fake. 】

[There is always a feeling of paradox, but it seems that it has not jumped out of that box. 】

[Modern things are forced into ancient times, so it is impossible to see them. 】

[I am used to kowtowing now, but I may not have been used to it in ancient times. 】

[In ancient times, there was no habit of kneeling casually.Especially a fairy-like place. 】

[Xanadu has existed since ancient times, this place is not surprising. 】

[I think this place is more down-to-earth than Xanadu. 】

[I went to Xiagou Village to shoot it, and it was not as good as in the movie. 】

【At any time, at any angle, it's so beautiful! 】

[Xiagou Village, there are so many people! 】

[Shi Lingling, something has happened. 】

Ruan Lingwen asked, "What's the matter?"

[I thought the child was asleep. 】

[There are so many barrages, what does she think? 】

A guy wearing glasses appeared on the screen, and said a little shyly, "Some people say you are fascinated by foreigners."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Why?"

The guy said: "Because "Homecoming" has become popular abroad."

Ruan Lingwen was at a loss and asked, "What about the logic?"

The guy said: "Foreigners like you, so you will be fascinated by foreigners."

He goes first.

[I don't understand either. 】

【Shi Lingling, is he asking you to curry favor with me? 】

[This is because some people don't read enough, which is embarrassing. 】

[They haven't understood the movie yet, so they will talk nonsense except kowtow. 】

[Isn’t the landscape and countryside just for you to see?Indeed not. 】

[Tao, nature, the illiterate really can't understand. 】

[The camp//sales number hastily deleted. 】

[Reported. 】

[Just the title is not enough, Shi Lingling, give them some gifts. 】

Ruan Lingwen hahaha.

[Baby Lingling, what's the fun? 】

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "I want them to study more."

【Baby Lingling, I want it too, for my son. 】

[Baby Lingling, grandma also needs to

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