A group of girls took a taxi to Taishang City.

There are so many people!Line up for a movie!
Cai Jingyan was tall and stood in front of Ruan Lingwen.

Hu Yumei reluctantly followed to protect Ruan Lingwen.

There is someone here to answer.Hu Yumei looked at Ruan Lingwen very well.

Although he didn't open his arms to greet him, but if he looked carefully, there were already some policemen and security guards around.

Those who lined up to watch the movie were all aware of it, and looked at each other, thinking something was wrong?

It looks peaceful.Everyone is buzzing.

In front of Cai Jingyan, a few men, look at the big beauties!

Cai Jingyan is so beautiful!Dress up a little, and you will be different from the people around you.

Ning Xintong is not bad either.I bought two big bags of food and brought them over.

A boy asked proactively, "Do you need help?"

Ning Xintong glanced at him and asked, "Eat?"

The man smiled to explain.

Ning Xintong looked down on it, and said coldly: "No need. We can eat it ourselves."

Come in and sit down.

A group of girls are sitting, still attractive.

Ruan Lingwen sat in the middle, like the moon surrounded by stars.

Hu Yumei looked at her.

Ruan Lingwen said happily: "You are really saving face."

Hu Yumei was speechless.Ruan Lingwen is likable, right?Although it is also annoying, generally speaking, people like her more.

The movie hasn't started yet, and everyone is making noise.

Ruan Lingwen and Cai Jingyan said something: "There is a princess Wei/Princess in "Feng Lang Ju Xu", are you interested?"

Cai Jingyan looked at Ruan Lingwen, she must be interested, this is someone, right?

Ruan Lingwen said: "It is said that she is the most favored. Her mother claims to dominate the world, but there is a queen in the front, and the whole family in the back. What is she like in such a special environment?"

Cai Jingyan said, "I must have a script, right?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "No. You are a top student, think for yourself first."

Cai Jingyan suddenly felt like Teacher Lou, and said: "I get one salary and do five jobs, so I have to find a way to make up for myself."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Be careful that Mr. Lou hits you."

Cai Jingyan hurriedly said, "I didn't talk about Teacher Lou, but myself."

In fact, everyone knows that if the box office is a big hit, the main personnel must have bonuses.

A small character with a small red envelope will not lose money anyway.

Therefore, "Returning Home" became popular, and those eunuchs and maids were looking forward to it, not only the red envelopes, but also the fame!Being brushed by everyone three times and four times, can you not be familiar with it?

Ning Xintong ate melons, leaned over and whispered to Ruan Lingwen, "Nie Chen is popular abroad."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Isn't Teacher Pu and Teacher Dongfang the ones who are on fire?"

Ning Xintong nodded and said, "Many people abroad want to know, does Teacher Pu know metaphysics?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Average martial arts masters per capita?"

Ning Xintong nodded, she had this impression.

From this perspective, Nie Chen is the protagonist, but his integration with nature is not as good as the two seniors.

The seniors are like that, no matter how many scenes they have, as long as they come out, it's the inside taste.What's more, the movie emphasizes to them that it is a supporting role, not just a flash.

Can be regarded as a special guest star.But "Homecoming" is awesome, don't do those fancy things.The two seniors could see it openly and didn't bother to argue.

If it's a fight, I'm afraid I won't be able to act that way.That is to stand aloof from the world, not to mention such a false name.

It's like a circle of ten people, everyone has to be famous, and those who meet have a share, and those who don't have a share are really not good.Is this interesting?

Just watch the movie well, everyone.

Now, the movie starts and everyone is quiet.

The attendance rate is around 80%.

The attendance rate is average, and there are more people at this time.For example, "Homecoming" is full of people from morning to night, and it is hard to get a ticket.

Ruan Lingwen watched "Lin Yuan", standing on the edge of a cliff, about to fight to the death, a big scene.Good in every way.If you count more strictly, this is 60 points.

The score of "Homecoming" is 9.4, and the score of "Linyuan" is 8.3, which is one grade behind.

Some people think, is it worth the money to watch such a movie?Then see for yourself.

Hu Yumei thought it was okay.Anyway, today is over.

Several people were looking for a place to eat in Taishang City.

At this point, there are quite a lot of people eating.Everyone eats pizza, ask for a pizza, sit down casually.

There was a table of foreigners at the side, arguing in foreign languages.

The waiter is on the side, trying to persuade the fight in foreign languages, don't make any noise.

The lady spoke Chinese excitedly: "This reporter is full of lies!"

The waiter reassured: "We don't have the same knowledge as him. It doesn't affect our mood."

Ning Xintong was in a hurry to eat melons.

Hu Yu, the master of aesthetics, is different, and said calmly: "It is rubbish to say that "Returning Home" is rubbish."

The beauty Cai Jingyan was also confident, and said: "As long as you become popular, he will have to fix things."

Several men came over and asked Cai Jingyan, "Can I sit here?"

Cai Jingyan looked at them and asked, "Do you deserve it?"

A man was more confident, looked at Ruan Lingwen's head.

Ruan Lingwen lowered her head, her hair was short and pinned, she looked cute.

Hu Yumei was persuading the lady in a foreign language.

The lady was very excited and said: "I like Gao Ning very much, don't allow them to talk nonsense."

Hu Yu's aesthetic tyrant looks at some men, why is he still here?
Several people left.

Ning Xintong looked at them a little strangely, and asked, "Did Ruan Lingwen talk about it?"

Ruan Lingwen looked at her, what does it mean?
Ning Xintong said: "You let people study every day, you are really a master of learning, and the lethality is relatively large."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Why didn't you get hurt?"

Ning Xintong said: "I am studying now."

There are girls and boyfriends on the side.The girl smiled and said, "That wenqufu is very powerful."

Ruan Lingwen's phone rang.

She connects.

Lao Lin said: "I need your help, can I do it?"

Ruan Lingwen asked bluntly, "What's the matter?"

Lao Lin said, "There is a man who climbed up to the [-]th floor and wanted to jump off."

Ruan Lingwen took out the small yin and yang mirror.

Ning Xintong leaned over to take a look.I saw that man on the tall building jumped!
Ruan Lingwen hurriedly took out the talisman, and it spontaneously ignited without wind.

Everyone around looked over.

The girl pulled her boyfriend and was busy thinking: "

Foreigners pray.

The waiter stood quietly, not in silence.

At this time, everyone is united.Although I know that Shi Lingling is very powerful, it is better to unite as one.

Life is at stake.

Ning Xintong leaned over to look at the small yin and yang mirror again, she was on the ground and was rescued.

He squatted on the ground and cried.

The policeman said: "Little Fairy saved you, what do you want to tell Little Fairy?"

Ruan Lingwen had no choice but to answer the phone.

The man was in his 30s, crying like a child, and said, "I didn't want to trouble others."

Ruan Lingwen said: "You are a spare tire, what's so sad about it? It's worthless."

"I've lost all my money," said the man.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Then earn more. Move bricks, earn a lot of money, and impress her. We don't care."

The man said, "I'm thinking about it now."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Then goodbye."

Hang up the phone.

Ning Xintong was dumbfounded, and asked: "Is this the end?"

Ruan Lingwen asked her, "What else?"

Ning Xintong said: "I want to say that he is torturing people, but it seems that there is nothing to say."

Cai Jingyan said, "Isn't this pretty good?"

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