Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 365, Heavenly Punishment Ax

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Ruan Lingwen was at home and continued to broadcast live.

The live broadcast room is still lively.

【Shi Lingling saved someone yesterday? 】

[Thank you Shi Lingling, that woman returned the money to me.I'm ready to donate. 】

[Why donate your own money? 】

[I'm still young, I can still make money, donate the money, and start over. 】

【Shi Lingling, I need your help. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A foreigner appeared on the screen, speaking a foreign language anxiously.

Ruan Lingwen comforted: "Don't worry. The child was kidnapped, right?"

The foreigner was sweating anxiously, holding the mobile phone in one hand, waving and turning it around with the other.

He got a little comfort, and said anxiously: "My child is only five years old, and he was snatched here."

The beautiful lawn at the door of the house is unintentional to appreciate in the spring breeze.

Ruan Lingwen said in Chinese: "Don't worry, I will find a way."

Another woman ran over, like a child's mother, eager to communicate with the man.

Ruan Lingwen first took out two talismans to ensure the child's safety.

After sending the amulet out, Ruan Lingwen found something.

She sent a message to the foreigner: [What's wrong with the child? 】

The foreigner was at a loss: [Not sure, are you referring to metaphysics? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [The child can be rescued safely, we will cooperate with the police. 】

The lady is busy thanking you.

Ruan Lingwen sent her a message, and Xiao Yin Yang locked the child.

The child is very beautiful, as if born with yin and yang eyes.

Those people robbed him, not to train him.It's about gouging out his eyes, and there are other researches, which probably means slicing.

Metaphysics shows mysterious and powerful power.Some people are in a crazy pursuit.It's not uncommon to do anything when you're crazy.

Several people drove and took the child to a place.

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

There is a TV inside, and she is broadcasting live.

Ruan Lingwen said: "I saw you, do you want to try? Or let this child go?"

Ancient, like an underground castle, special, atmosphere.

Ruan Lingwen said: "Since you want to try it, then try flooding the golden mountain."

Ruan Lingwen bowed his head and drew a talisman.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】


The screen is hot!
Everyone is uniform and extremely devout!
Ruan Lingwen drew a good talisman, which is golden, and sent it over.

Look in the small yin and yang mirror.A golden light hit it, and the building was split in the middle.

The effect is gorgeous!

[Shi Lingling, I seem to be nearby. 】

[Everyone is waiting for the water to flood the golden mountain, why is it like this? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Split Huashan with force, split the darkness, brighten the universe, and the spring is brilliant!"

[On water flooding Jinshan to force splitting Huashan. 】

[Shi Lingling, is this okay? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "This is the Xingtian Axe, which can open up the world."

【Shi Lingling, that's Pangu. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Pangu has passed to Xingtian."

[Shi Lingling, Pangu opened the world, using magic. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "I also use magic tools."

[Is it the innate spirit treasure? 】

【Actually, it's just a rock, you just took it and smashed it? 】

[The stone at that time, could it be an ordinary stone?At least it's also a Chaos Stone. 】

[If the Xingtian Ax is a stone, what will happen next? 】

[When a monkey is bred, the ax is gone. 】

[Shi Lingling, everyone has a question: what impact will it have if you pray frequently? 】

Ruan Lingwen asked, "What do you think?"

[After shouting Lingling Lingling, I feel refreshed. 】

[It's like after reciting the mantra of purifying the heart. 】

[What about the released spirit? 】

【It's like strength, it doesn't get less and less. 】

[It will be made up after a meal. 】

[After sleeping, I will make up for it. 】

[No, it's like breathing.There is a lot of energy in the air, if you move more, if you use up one spirit, you can absorb two spirits. 】

【What's the meaning? 】

[Use the spirit as the unit. 】

[The more you use your brain, the more active it becomes, look at this complicated one. 】

[There are 1000 billion nerve cells, and the usage rate of ordinary people is 2% to 8%. You can use them with confidence!】

[Some people feel that they helped Shi Lingling, so they started asking for credit. 】

[On this part, you can't help at all. 】

[This is not to see how many people are reading Lingling Lingling, do you think it is a good review? 】

[This must be the purest emotion. 】

[In fact, all the feelings you give will be rewarded. 】

[If the brain is 2% to 8% flexible, it will be a huge gain. 】

[Let you make money, who do you ask for credit? 】

The foreigner was about to cry with excitement, and said, "Thank you Shi Lingling, the police have saved my child."

Ruan Lingwen said softly, "You're welcome."

【Is this okay?Can Shi Lingling really understand? 】

【Shi Lingling doesn't communicate with words, she communicates with spirit. 】

[Too advanced. 】

[Everyone went online to watch the scene, it was very shocking! 】

[There are a lot of things in the ground, which were split in half by a giant axe! 】

[I went to see it, and I was shocked by myself! 】

【Have my share! 】

【I am proud! 】

【Have you heard?Someone drowned in the swimming pool yesterday, and then the black (gang fire) fought. 】

【They fight their way, don't implicate the innocent. 】

【Shi Lingling, come to Xingtian Ax next time. 】

[I can't even look directly. 】

[It's easy to understand, Pan Gu's ax was passed to Xing Tian, ​​and it fell into Shi Lingling's hands. 】

【no.Shi Lingling just realized the talisman. 】

[This talisman is different from the real Xingtian axe. 】

[The power of this talisman also depends on us.When Lingling is alone, she can't exert 8% of her power. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "On my own, I can probably chop wood."

[Shi Lingling, can you chop wood? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Chop firewood, feed horses, travel around the world."

[Shi Lingling, please help me if I have something to do. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

Several men appeared on the screen, some young and some old, as if they were in the mountains.

The weather in the afternoon is good, spring is coming, and the green mountains are beautiful, although it is a bit messy.

The older one hides aside.

The young man is wearing glasses and greets the camera: "Hello Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said politely, "Hello."

The older one heard it, and responded beside him: "Shi Lingling is good."

The young man talked about business: "I went home for the Chinese New Year, and went up to the mountains with my family to have a look. When I was young, I was still chopping firewood."

The young man stops taking pictures of people, and the camera turns to a place.

There is a fresh stump on the ground.

Young explained: "Everyone can see how big this tree is, and it was only cut down, it was chopped down secretly."

The elder said regretfully: "I kept a lot of cedar trees in this area, and I visited them once a year ago. I didn't expect fifteen trees to be cut down a year later."

The young one said: "Please help Shi Lingling to calculate, who stole it?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "He's going to apologize to you later."

The young man froze for a moment, and asked, "Is it okay to apologize? Is it okay to have a good attitude?"

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