Chapter 366, Cut and Release
[Apologies are useful, what else do the police need to do? 】

[If an apology is useless, who will apologize? 】

[So, an apology is a matter of apologizing. 】

[It's not right to use an apology to fool people. 】

[Actually, there are many. 】

[It depends on the situation, probably more than three years or less than three years. 】

[If you have a good attitude, less than three years is better than more than three years. 】

[If you really want to talk to you about it, forget it, then take your time. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I have a criminal record. I have done a lot of petty theft. I feel that small things mean nothing."

The elder said on the side: "How can it be all right? A tree is not a life? I want to keep the big tree."

Young man turns the camera around.The effect of shooting is OK.

[Many trees, are they all private? 】

[This is called Ziliu Mountain, and you need to apply for a permit to cut trees yourself. 】

[I counted more than one hundred big trees, which is not a small fortune. 】

The young one said: "I don't need it, just keep passing it on."

[This is the family heirloom. 】

【Green mountains and green waters. 】

[It looks a little messy. 】

[It's like this in the mountains, stay away and look at a piece of green. 】

The older man said proudly: "On our side, greening is fine. However, hacking is also possible."

The young man said: "The phone rang, then thank you Shi Lingling, goodbye."

Ruan Lingwen sent the man away.

【Shi Lingling, I need you. 】

Ruan Lingwen continued to open the mic for people.

A lady appeared on the screen, with a round face glowing and beautiful clothes on her body.She showed her face, turned the camera to another place, and said softly: "Shi Lingling is good."

Ruan Lingwen said softly, "Hello."

The lady patted her chest and said, "Shi Lingling is so obedient. That's how it is. It's the Spring Festival. I'm going out for a walk."

[This is the park. 】

[Ah, I am also in this park!Sitting in the park watching the live broadcast, my family. 】

[I'm at home, not far from here. 】

The lady pointed the camera at that side carefully, and said: "There is a lake there, which is very beautiful. Those people by the lake are going to release their lives. I want to ask Shi Lingling, can they be released?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Fart."


[Well, I want to say the same. 】

[What happens if you don't do anything wrong? 】

[Jide, how many things are there to do? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The front is high-energy, if you don't want to see it, you can leave, go to the park. It's also healthy to bask in the sun."

[Let me talk about the release of life. 】

[First, many purchased animals will die if they return to the wild.You are not releasing life, you are releasing death. 】

[Second, if you let them out to die, many of them count as invasion/species, commit crimes, you are committing crimes! 】

[Thirdly, it is the question of whether releasing animals can accumulate virtue. 】

[Fourth, who is promoting the release? 】

[I'm not going to put it bluntly, those great monks have committed crimes. 】

[A monk is not a Buddha. 】

[Many monks are fake. 】

[Hypocritically flaunting himself by releasing life. 】

【Release itself is no problem. 】

[It's like filial piety, it's okay in itself. 】

[Now, merits and virtues seem to be measured by money.wake up!That's not merit! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Those who pretend to be deaf and dumb don't bother to talk."

【Shi Lingling doesn't need to bother with them, it's shameless.We'll take care of it. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I would like to offer my opinion. The current environment is in a relatively poor situation. Isn't this the best way to earn credit? Picking up trash and making the surroundings more beautiful."

[The mind is opened. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Arbor Day is coming. Plant trees where they can be planted. The planted trees must be protected. Don't chop or trample on them. This is like merit that can be seen everywhere. If a tree lives for 1000 years, there will be merit. 1000 years."

[Shi Lingling, 100 years is good. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Clean up those invading things and restore our beautiful homeland. It's like fire ants. This requires professionalism, just like rescue also requires professionalism. But, it's just beating ants. Are you afraid? It's okay to be idle, isn't it good? Things? As long as you do it, you will gain a lot. You will find that you have become different."

【tanned. 】

[Bitten by ants. 】

[Stop talking, I want to join. 】

[This stuff really can't be flooded anymore. 】

[You can’t just go in the wild, because it’s really deadly. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The living environment is very severe. Naturally, we need to love and save it. If you still destroy it and make it worse, you are lacking in great virtue! You are so wicked that you are smoking!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Maybe the starting point for releasing life is right. Maybe it was possible in the past. But the times have changed, and the fragile environment cannot withstand your ruin. Your goal is to accumulate virtue, and there are too many things waiting for you to do. What is wrong with us? Are we going to cause endless disasters?"

[Shi Lingling is right about one thing: Times have changed. 】

[It was released before, a turtle. 】

[Release now, rich people, good guys release thousands of catties and tens of thousands of catties! 】

[An environment simply cannot bear this. 】

[I wish I could get the merit of five yuan all at once. 】

[The brain is good, you can't use money directly, you can just replace it with these animals. 】

[God, if you are so easy to fool, you will go to heaven. 】

[Extraordinarily hypocritical, shameless, and wicked. 】

[It is precisely these people who are wicked! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "When you see a poor child, help him. So some smart people concocted a batch of poor children. When you see this kind of child in the future, don't give money to them and call the police. Giving money is also a kind of harm."

[I've always felt so. 】

[The money never fell into their hands at all. 】

[Worried that they will be beaten if they don't get the money?This is drinking poison to quench thirst. 】

[The police deal with it. 】

[These children cannot be normal once they think about it. 】

[Who dares to claim to own them?Do a paternity test. 】

[Children are not rubbish, but I don't think it is difficult to deal with such a bad situation. 】

[It's just as if you don't do it. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Before a turtle was caught, it was going to be released. Later, some people went to catch it specifically to give merit to those who needed it. Now, if you can catch so many wild ones, you should go to the police. As for the artificially raised ones, they are raised for you to release? Can they live? Isn’t the raised ones just for food? I want you to be so hypocritical!”

【Ah yes!Do more crimes! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I will draw a talisman and give it to those who are released."

【Shi Lingling, what are you doing? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I hate those who don't understand human language! I cultivate nature!"

[You are destroying nature, and destroying the way of Lingling! 】

【Will Shi Lingling use nature to counteract those? 】

[Then they can wait for the best merit! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

There was some chaos in the studio.

【Shi Lingling started to attack these. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[It was us who started. 】

(End of this chapter)

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