Chapter 372, Stick Education

【Shi Lingling, this matter is endless. 】

[Can't let that buyer go. 】

Netizens are outraged!

【I'm not!That woman said she would sell her own son! 】

【funny!No one's son will do! 】

【I will be my own son!Isn't it good for kids? 】

【funny!Playing stupid on purpose! 】

[Shi Lingling, send him to die! 】

Ruan Lingwen threw out a talisman.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Many people go to the Qin family's old house to seek children. 】

[Didn't Qilin send it away? 】

[Rub the luck of the Qin family. 】

[Didn't Shi Lingling send the unicorn? 】

Ruan Lingwen held out a finger.

[The Qin family bought it for [-] million yuan, not as a gift. 】

[Hahaha, can you buy it for [-] million?It's not half sale, half free. 】

[Rubbing luck?Shame to death! 】

[Some shameless people still think they are cute.Disgusting. 】

[Shi Lingling, I want to ask you for help. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

The other party did not show up.The voice came, androgynous, but very young.

The young man said: "I didn't study well, so my dad beat me. I heard that he studied well during the New Year, and he beat me again when he came back. I called the police, and he beat me again."

Ruan Lingwen watched from the yin and yang mirror from a young age, and asked, "Aren't you going to the hospital?"

The young man had nothing to love, and said, "I'm used to it."

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'll call the police for you."

Young people have nothing to love: "Whatever."

Ruan Lingwen shook people: "Mother Bai, can I do you a favor?"

【no problem.I'm fine anyway. 】

[Shi Lingling, who else do you need? 】

[Mother Bai called someone, everyone agrees. 】

[Brother first, it's my turn next time. 】

[Will this child lose his father? 】

[No, everyone understands the law. 】

[It is to let him bear the consequences that he should bear. 】

After Ruan Lingwen called the police, he said to the young man: "Some people watch "Homecoming" and it's not dazzling at all. It's better to go back to your hometown and watch it yourself. That's right, spring is everywhere. Sitting in a movie theater, it's better to walk into the green mountains and green waters yourself. It’s not interesting to drive a luxury car back to show off. There are also private jets, environmental killers!”

The young man said, "Yes, some came back by private jet."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I have no objection to private jets, but if you have nothing to do with a show, it will destroy everyone's environment!"

[Is this that scumbag father envious of others? 】

[If you want your child to succeed, he also takes a private jet? 】

[I am incompetent, so I thought the child would hit me casually? 】

[Beating a child is against the law! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Laughing at the poor but not the prosperous? Everyone should laugh at this kind of uneducated and damaging environment."

【right! 】

【It's so good when you listen to it! 】

[Anyway, I don't have a private jet. 】

[I'm just staring at those rich people. 】

[Shi Lingling doesn't have a luxury car. 】

【Shi Lingling is riding in a luxury car. 】

【Shi Lingling can't help it. If you go out by bicycle, you can't go out now anyway. 】

【Where is Shi Lingling going to play tomorrow? 】

The young man sacked the wheat.

[The police car and ambulance have arrived. 】

[The child is so miserable.It's really pathetic. 】

Ruan Lingwen said reassuringly, "Mama Bai will take care of it."

[Trust Mama Bai. 】

[If you need anything, you can find your mother. 】

[Hahaha Shi Lingling must be reliable. 】

[How many mothers in the country are waiting for Shi Lingling to shake people? 】

[It's good to have more mothers. 】

[If I need it, Shi Lingling will also ask my mother to help, which means that I also have many mothers. 】

[There is nothing wrong with this algorithm. 】

[Suddenly it's so warm! 】

[Your air conditioner is on?Save energy too. 】

[The heating at home is very hot.The heating company is brainless, it's cold in the house, and it's hot in the hot day.What do I need a heater for? 】

[Isn't it supposed to be cold when it's cold? 】

【no.Heating is like guaranteeing 18-20 degrees.Burn more when it's cold. 】

[My family is also not allowed to press the watch. 】

【don't know. 】

[According to the area, it is uniform, like a big pot of rice; according to the table, you can adjust it yourself and serve as much as you want. 】

[Some people tune down to save money. 】

[Isn't that saving energy? 】

[No, it's because I'm not at home sometimes, so of course I'll tone it down a bit.Otherwise, like flowers dry quickly. 】

[Same as turning on the air conditioner? 】

【right.But turn on the air conditioner to heat up quickly and cool down quickly.The heating is hot and cold slowly. 】

[Don't dare to turn it off completely, otherwise it will be cold and freeze to death. 】

[You have to master the rhythm. 】

[I didn't get the fortune talisman, so I can only do my own calculations. 】

[With less use, the heat company doesn't make money. 】

[Based on the area, it collected the money and tried its best to provide less. 】

[Isn't this a black heart? 】

[Our community is.It can freeze to death when it snows. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "That's all for today, goodbye."

out of the study.I can rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.Although there are other things to do.

Yao Juan took the big baby to sit in the living room, and came to eat first.

Ruan Haolin showed her mobile phone to her eldest sister, "Homecoming" has officially surpassed 20 billion at the box office!

Ruan Lingwen nodded.It can't be said that it has nothing to do with her.

Yao Juan said: "There will be fewer people watching later, and some people are worried about the box office."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I don't want to think about the meaning of the movie, and I care about unimportant issues."

Yao Juan nodded and said, "Even if you go to Xiagou Village, it's just a visit here."

Ruan Haolin said, "Put it on." Excitedly, he said to the elder sister, "Who wants to wear the princess's clothes, and also wants to play with the princess and enter the village."

Yao Juan rolled her eyes.

Xiagou Village is not used to them.So some people went to dress up their own ancient costumes and insisted on playing like that.On the Internet, it is very popular.

Ruan Haolin imitated the eldest sister and said, "It's all because of the lack of study."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "I don't want to read too much. It will always be like this."

Ruan Haolin went into the study to practice calligraphy.

Yao Juan looked at it, and there were some princesses who came to the village elsewhere.

That was a good job and made money.The scene of the princess entering the village is very classic, but the props made by others are very cheap.That is to rub the heat, and don't care about anything else.

Yao Juan said: "It's going to be hot in the village, and many people want to shoot this, thinking that they can cheat foreigners of their money."

Ruan Letian saw it: "If you have two old men in the village, can you compare with Teacher Pu and Teacher Dongfang?"

Leave people speechless.

Ruan Lingwen ate himself up, beautiful.

Yao Juan didn't care about it, and continued to make delicious food for the big baby.

Louchao comes over.

Ruan Lingwen looked at him, Mr. Lou is so handsome, don't you take a break?

Isn't it all because of her?Lou Chao couldn't tell for a while, this kid has done too many things.

Ruan Lingwen is good, she doesn't make trouble.

Lou Chao said something small first: "Do you want to pay a small cost of 500 million?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "There must be something burning. During the competition last year, Liu Xingyu was injured and could not play, and Wang Hui won the championship under pressure. You said that the process was nervous or not?"

Lou Chao nodded, sure.

Ruan Lingwen asked: "The cost of filming this process is not high, right?"

Lou Chao looked at her: "What do you think?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked and said, "I rent the ice sports center."

Lou Chao looked at her, the actor wanted to make people pay him back, right?
The actor who was filming was in a hurry to get injured.However, if the atmosphere is set off well, it is still good.

(End of this chapter)

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