Chapter 373, it's over
On the eighth day of the lunar new year, I went to work, and the taste of the new year faded.

Ruan Lingwen opened the live broadcast room, there were still so many people.

[Shi Lingling, the box office of "Homecoming" has fallen off a cliff in the past two days, are you okay? 】

[The attendance rate is less than 30%, everyone understands. 】

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Are you okay?"

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "According to statistics, there were thousands of princesses in ancient times, some who died young, those who could not get married, and those who ended up miserable. There are some great princesses, and many are dispensable. Do some people feel that the present age is good? Now, everyone can be a princess? What kind of princess? What did you do? Even if it’s a princess in a movie, do you understand? I feel bad.”

[Lingling baby hugs. 】

[Those who are uneducated and do not study. 】

[In "Returning Home", it embodies the self-cultivation of the emperor and the princess. 】

[Although the princess chased her to the village, she didn't bully anyone! 】

[The princess can be said to have been brought by the times, but she is not unreasonable. 】

[Snatching men, there are now! 】

[Some people think that you are no longer a princess, do you want to die of anger? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Do you think that the emperor is majestic? Have you ever seen a puppet emperor? Have you ever seen an emperor who died of starvation? What movie king, top class, more majestic than the emperor! If it weren't for the good deeds of the ancestors, the country would have perished long ago! There are few books. ! How pathetic!"

[The little emperor and little princess at home are the same. 】

[If this goes on, it's all trash. 】

【Hahaha!Many people think the princess is old and ugly. 】

[I'm afraid I've never seen an ugly one. 】

[They are even uglier in their hearts! 】

[There are hundreds of unmarried princesses in the Sheng Dynasty, aren't they all like this when they are older?Have you eaten your rice? 】

[Ignorance is ridiculous! 】

[There is always someone who wants to show off their IQ! 】

[Those who invite princesses to enter the village are showing their lower limit. 】

[When a princess enters the village, the guard of honor is basic.Rather than to show off. 】

[Yes, I can see this. 】

[This kind of basic, natural, if she is not like this, she will be underestimated again. 】

[Comparing some more, it's hard to read. 】

[This is all thanks to the eunuch.A group of eunuchs, what are you shaking? 】

[Looking at the character from the details, if the princess can try to serve the old lady, I don't know how much better than those. 】

[How many daughter-in-laws don't want to serve their mother-in-law now? 】

[She is ancient, she is a princess!Still quite favored, a princess who can meet the emperor. 】

[This is to let those wealthy families learn how to behave. 】

[Don't be a nouveau riche who can't read it. 】

【right.The emperor also played very well. 】

[Hahaha the emperor was ignored. 】

【Having Tianwei and a loving father, he is definitely a good emperor! 】

【I'm going to watch it again. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "You can watch it if you want."

[No matter how high the box office is, how much money can Shi Lingling get? 】

[The foreign box office has surpassed the domestic one! 】

[Shi Lingling, I need your help with something. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A man slowly appeared on the screen.The reason why he was slow was because of his calm state.

【ah!Sun Huali! 】

[Aren't you talking about his family/violence these days? 】

[His wife is so miserable. 】

[It is said that they beat children. 】

[Come to Shi Lingling to testify? 】

[I believe in Shi Lingling. 】

【Hahaha!I just want to laugh.Sun Huali has been in the second and third lines before, this is going to be popular! 】

Sun Huali is 30 years old, still young and introverted, not very handsome, but not ugly either.

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Are you out of action now?"

Sun Huali was stunned for a moment, and said seriously: "Your words are a bit ambiguous."

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

【Scare me! 】

[Sun Huali is already very innocent. 】

[Family/violent man, go to hell! 】

[Sun Huali's second and third line, where is the dog chasing and biting him? 】

[Obviously someone is going to mess with him. 】

[It's a bad atmosphere to talk about things when you have something to do. 】

[Since Sun Huali's family/violence is said, call the police!Why, why not trust the police? 】

[Is what you said reasonable? 】

Ruan Lingwen didn't care about that, so he asked Sun Huali, "Wang Hui, do you know?"

Sun Huali said, "Which Wang Hui? There are five or six in the entertainment industry."

[Hahahahahahahahahahaha! 】

[I really didn't know before, Sun Huali is this kind of person? 】

【what are you saying?Is this wrong? 】

【No no no!That's right, it's all Wang Hui's fault! 】

[There are five or six Wang Hui in the entertainment industry? 】

[Count the staff. 】

[Staff are not human, or are they not considered to be in the entertainment industry? 】

[No problem! 】

[It's just so funny! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Speed ​​skating, champion."

Sun Huali said honestly: "To win glory for the country, I know."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I wanted to shoot a film with a small cost. Originally it was 500 million, but the boss almost sent me to the hospital."

【What's wrong? 】

[My brain hurts. 】

[Sun Huali: You are saving money and saving it to me. 】

[Wang Hui: Is there still my business? 】

[Shi Lingling is looking for me!I'm going to do group performances! 】

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Are you going to the hospital? Can you come to speed skating for figure skating?"

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[Sun Huali can speed skate? 】

【Ah!Shi Lingling helped Sun Huali!He used to be on the speed skating team at school! 】

【real or fake? 】

[Sun Huali was also very handsome in skating when he was in the Film Academy, known as the Prince on Ice! 】

【ah!Is he the senior brother from the Film Academy's Prince on Ice?So low-key! 】

[It was popular for a while, but then it disappeared. 】

[Is it the world champion who was delayed by acting? 】

Sun Huali said honestly: "No, it's very amateurish. I like it better."

[God!This simple man has such a romantic heart! 】

[That wife is gone, what do you think of me? 】

[Sun Huali still has children. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Cost control cannot be a fiction, and I'm not just looking for numbers."

【Yes, Shi Lingling is right. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "When I go to dinner, someone invites me, and someone gives me clothes. I can't say that I am saving money."

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[Children are easy to feed, and they don't pick anything to eat. 】

Ruan Lingwen said seriously: "If you save money today and take advantage of it, you will definitely have to pay it back tomorrow. If you take a green onion a day, how much is the bundle in a year? Ten years? I'm used to taking advantage of it, bad karma Not small at all."

[Scared. 】

[To tell the truth. 】

[Shi Lingling doesn't take advantage of others. 】

[The work must be carried out normally. 】

[Anyway, not short of funds. 】

[I want money not to be wasted, but I can't be forced to do crooked ways. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I tentatively set 1000 million. I'm an amateur, so I don't understand. In the end, I don't care, I just say it casually."

【understood. 】

[Children, you continue. 】

Sun Huali asked, "Let me play Wang Hui?"

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Do you look alike?"

[Not like. 】

[Wang Hui: Which Wang Hui are you playing? 】

[Sun Huali knows Wang Hui so well, so he should be able to act well. 】

[Sun Huali's acting skills are already very good. 】

(End of this chapter)

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