Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 387, Year Grinding 1 Sword

Chapter 387, Ten Years of Sharpening a Sword

Suzaku team and Xuanwu team each have twelve members.

They have all used Ruan Lingwen's elixir.It has the effect of washing marrow and cutting hair, so its strength is stronger than ordinary people.

It may not be obvious when viewed alone, but standing together, it looks like a particularly lush radish.The wheat has just turned green, and they are already green and strong, and they seem to be able to reach a yield of [-] catties per mu.

The team members have different feelings for Xiaoxianzi.

Only if you have experienced the washing of the marrow and cutting the hair, can you know where the strength is.Even if you have to take on more responsibilities, you have no hesitation.

Everyone cares.Since the situation is complicated, their situation can also be reflected to a certain extent.

There were many Xuanxiu present, and they all tried their best to calculate in various ways.

Winning must be our side, it depends on whether it is a big victory or a miserable victory.A tragic victory is not what everyone wants, and the cost must be kept to a minimum.

Ruan Lingwen said innocently: "It has something to do with variables, there should be a glimmer of hope."

The old man said, "You are the lifeline."

Ruan Lingwen blinked and said, "I can't either."

Xu Daoyuan said: "You have great luck. Now you still have blessings."

The young man asked curiously: "Is praying useful?"

Xu Daoyuan said: "It's useful."

This is not to cheer everyone up, it is really effective.Anyone with a higher level of Taoism can feel it.

There must be envy, but they don't have the luck of little fairies, and people may not be so pious to pray for blessings.

There is nothing to argue about, everyone has the same goal.As long as we win this game, it will be good for everyone.It's like washing the pulp and cutting the hair.If you do meritorious service, you should all have a chance, right?

As for the little fairy, she has done meritorious service, she will practice.

Zhang Yue looked at it, and when everyone was present, it was considered mobilized.The arrival of the little fairy has a great impact on morale.

Although Zhang Yue is the president, she respected the little fairy and asked, "When do you think it's appropriate to go?"

Ruan Lingwen held the sword: "Let's go!"

This soft, the pressure in Zhang Yue's heart eased a little.

The little fairies are all high-spirited, what else can others say?
The old man wanted to remind Little Fairy, what do you want?At this time, you can have anything you want.

Everyone out, get in the car!
This is a big camp, with tens of thousands of people, going into battle!
The convoy headed straight for Tushan.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the road is getting darker and darker.

The headlights are bright and firm, with awe-inspiring momentum!

Zhang Yue's car is at the front.

Ruan Lingwen's car followed closely behind.

An armored vehicle takes exactly one group of people.

Ruan Lingwen was in the car, looking straight ahead.

Tushan is very large and has dragon veins.Now, a piece of the dragon vein has been occupied, about ten li in radius.A piece of black is like poisoning.

Down the mountain camp, the car stopped.

The mountain is closed here, and there are many policemen.

It was windy and rainy, gloomy and black as hell, and it was snowing.

Peach blossom snow, there is no beauty or romance.Perhaps, the darkness will dissipate, and the mountain flowers will be ushered in.

Suddenly, there was a siren!
Ruan Lingwen was wearing a combat uniform, not afraid of wind and rain, and wearing cloud boots on his feet, floating towards the mountain.

Too fast!

Zhang Yue's eyes can't even catch up!
Team Suzaku and Team Xuanwu looked at each other.

Don't look, hurry up and chase!
A group of Xuanxiu also chased after him!
It looks a bit messy, but not too messy.

There is still a cordon ahead, a large number of policemen, and the battle just started!

On this side of the cordon, there are lights all around.

Liu Siqiang has been guarding here for a while, and his nerves are tense every day. Seeing a zombie flying out, he feels dizzy.

Snow fell on his face, with a murderous look on his face, Liu Siqiang thought he was in hell.

Just look at the one behind, who is also flying, passed him, and met Fei Zhi.

Fei Zhan stared at him and shifted his gaze, and the two Fei Zhan hit each other.

The nearby policemen are all watching.

The lights are on.Surveillance filmed.

Flying zombies are scary!It looks like a normal human figure, and it flies like this without wings, it is a fairy!It moves extremely fast, and ordinary snipers may not be able to hit it.If you miss, [-]% of the policemen are not opponents.

The one in the combat/suit is very small and very flexible, able to catch up with flying zombies.

Fei Zang was excited and kicked over.The wind blows a piece of snow.

Ruan Lingwen flashed hurriedly.She's not that strong right now.This flying zombie is out to test, to show off.

Ruan Lingwen was not in a hurry, so he dodged first.The cloud boots can't fly, and the paper crane's speed is too slow.Ruan Lingwen drew a talisman and stuck it on the Floating Cloud Boots. The speed is faster, and with the help of force, it is basically like flying.

She leaned on a tree without landing.

Flying Zombie saw it.Flying Zombie erupted suddenly and kicked over.

Click!A tree as thick as Ruan Lingwen's legs was kicked off, and part of the crown flew away.

Ruan Lingwen's waist couldn't stand the kick, so she continued to run.

There are many trees in the mountains, big and small.In the beginning of spring, the grass has not yet grown up, the trees are evergreen and some are bare, shivering more and more in the cold wind.

Ruan Lingwen ran up the mountain, trying to get out of the warning range.

The police below are in a hurry!Flying Zombie's combat power exceeded expectations!
in the camp.

Zhang Yue and the others looked at the monitor and saw that Fei Zang kicked and broke a tree again with ease.The little fairy is about to run out of the monitoring, and the others haven't arrived yet.

Everyone is in a hurry!If this flying zombie comes here, or goes to the city, it won't be able to stop it for a while.

Jiang Lingjie and Wei Zhou were the fastest runners, followed by Wang Lin.

In the wind and snow, I could vaguely see it, and heard another click!
Ruan Lingwen was terrified as he ran up the mountain. This zombie is a lunatic.

Fei Zang suddenly gave up on her and turned to kill the policeman.The Yin Qi was violent, and the entire area was filled with Yin wind.

Ruan Lingwen stood still and drew his sword.

Jiang Lingjie is coming soon!
Wei Zhou speed up!

Liu Siqiang and the rest of the team are all ready, the big deal is: they all die together!

Can the flying zombies wreak havoc and kill all directions?What are you thinking?

Flying Zombie stopped and broke out again!The earth shakes and the mountains shake!He jumped at Ruan Lingwen, excitedly, and tore her apart!

Ruan Lingwen has sharpened his sword for ten years, and the sword is out!

Suddenly a light pierced the darkness!
Liu Siqiang raised his arm subconsciously to cover his eyes, and the strong wind was blowing, so he had to stand still and get ready!

Wei Zhou has caught up!Watching the special effects of the little fairy's sword!
Flying Zombie screamed horribly!

Wang Lin rushed over quickly, just watching the wind pass by, the little fairy stood there holding a sword, wondering what happened?

The camp, the least affected by the fly-zoom outbreak, although there is also an impact here.

Zhang Yue watched, part of the surveillance system was destroyed, and part of it was usable.

It could be clearly seen that the little fairy was standing there panting, and behind her were two flying stiffs.

It was cut in half by the little fairy's sword!How did this sword come out?

Those who forged the sword thought they had forged a divine weapon!
The old man watched, and the little fairy turned around suddenly.

"Another flying stiff." The old man said solemnly.

"How is this going?"

How can there be so many flying zombies?
This thing used to be a legend, and now it can't come to a team.If you come in a group, you will have to use first-level means.

Zhang Yue immediately reported to the above.More preparation is required.Even if Little Fairy can fight again, how many can she fight?
The Suzaku and Xuanwu teams haven't arrived yet, how many can they fight even if they try their best?
(End of this chapter)

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