Chapter 388, cut again

The cordon here is still far away from the area occupied by Tu Shan.

Can't get in there.It's not just the zombies guarding it, but also the earth's gas.There are many methods arranged on the ground for the evil spirit.Like thunder all over the ground, I dare not go casually.

At the foot of the mountain where Zhang Yue is, it is most convenient to have a road repaired.

Go over the mountain to the police cordon, and there is another mountain over there, which is the den of thieves.

The elongated front is also a buffer zone.

Now, the zombies came out directly from inside, very fierce!
There are many mountains and mountains, and Fei Zong's cry just before his death can definitely be heard inside.

Another Flying Zombie, who came very fast, looked like a normal person, wearing weird clothes.

Jiang Lingjie and Wei Zhou also arrived.

Jiang Lingjie carried the sniper, and Wei Zhou held the knife.

The light that Ruan Lingwen shot just now was gone, and the surrounding area was still dark.

The snow is even bigger, and you can feel the vibration of the den of thieves, which makes people excited!

When Feizoom came over, Ruan Lingwen threw two talismans, and the two corpses on the ground were set on fire.

Fei Zang was furious, a strange red light lit up in his eyes!
Jiang Lingjie gave it a shot.

It was so beautiful!Fei Zang was so angry that he was dizzy, so he was hit like this, as if the light bulb had been knocked out and turned off.

If Jiang Lingjie went to play balloons, the boss had to kneel down and kowtow to him.

Fly stiff and mad!It burst out suddenly, like teleporting, to Jiang Lingjie!

Jiang Lingjie seemed to be frozen at -[-] degrees below zero!Completely lost life!

Ruan Lingwen pulled Brother Ling Jie to hurry!
Wei Zhou was so frightened that his muscles stiffened, he gritted his teeth and slashed out!

The corpses on the ground have not been burned yet, and the flames reflected on the blade, making it bloody!
It turned around stiffly, its clothes were torn, and it kicked with a whirlwind!

Wei Zhou rides the whirlwind and lands in front of Suzaku team enchantingly.

Several people hurriedly grabbed him.

Wei Zhou stood firm, everyone was alive, and his blood was boiling!

Team Suzaku is on fire!
Flying stiffness is too strong, let's join together!

Wang Lin was the first to go, a handful of Five Thunder Talismans, chop!

Fei Zong stood there, looking at the torn clothes, as if mourning.Like a woman looking at a broken wedding dress as if it were a shattered dream.

When the Five Thunder Talisman struck, another layer of Yin Qi was chopped off.

Fei Zang raised his head, stared at Wang Lin, and uttered a vague word: "Death!"

Wang Lin quickly flash!
According to legend, Feizhu is not afraid of thunder, so everyone is not too surprised.It is nothing more than Wang Lin's talisman is not enough, if it is Tianlei, it is enough.

Everyone is the first to try, the opportunity is rare.

Team Suzaku and Team Xuanwu are not afraid of death, they only know it after they have tried it themselves.

After the trial, I lay on the ground and rolled on the mountain.

Li Dong quickly got up again, seeing that this zombie is definitely crazy, he likes to pretend to beep, but his strength is real.

Fei Zong was also playing around. After beating the Xuanwu team, he set his sights on Jiang Lingjie again.

Jiang Lingjie is welcome, let's take another shot.

Feeling different, Fei Zang hurriedly flashed.

It didn't dodge, and it was blown off with an arm.

It was dumbfounded again.

Confirmed, this is mental retardation.When Jiang Lingjie came again, Ruan Wenwen's cooperation was too strong, so he was still able to fight, not because he was completely crushed by zombies.

Li Dong was close, picked up the arm, and hurriedly sent it to study.Zombies aren't weird anymore, but what those people do has to be cracked.

Liu Siqiang took over the task and sent his arm away.

Fei Zang came back to his senses, flew up, and chased his arm first!
Li Dong hides.Looking at this flying stiffness, the combat power seems to have no effect at all, and this is the most terrifying place.

Look at the little fairy again, flying up to block the flying stiffness.

The little fairy flies so handsome!Everyone in the Xuanwu team got up, their eyes were shining!
"Death!" Fei Zang was furious, and slammed her with his palm!

Ruan Ling heard a flash.

Liu Siqiang had already run away.

Fei Zong went to chase again.

Ruan Lingwen swung his sword.

Fei Zang turned his head angrily, with a red light on his head.

Ruan Lingwen made a tactic with one hand, then swung his sword, and slashed over!

Fei Zang pounced on her, let's die together!
A strong gust of wind!
Wei Zhou resisted the wind and saw that it was a mess.Half a leg fell in front of him.

It doesn't matter if the zombie exploded, Wei Zhou watched, the little fairy came out from the dust, waved her hand, she was still a little fairy.

chaos.The flying zombie exploded so violently that it was chaotic within a hundred meters.Stones flew, turf flew, and several trees were blown off.

Wang Lin flicked the ashes off his body, and it was snowing, and the ashes stuck to his body and couldn't be cleaned off.The amulet on his body was half broken.Finally, no one was seriously injured.

Wei Zhou and a few people looked around, picked up several pieces of corpses, and sent them down.The one just now was more complete, so why burn it?That depends.There are a lot of zombies, not bad for that one.

Jiang Lingjie looked at Ruan Wenwen and asked, "How is it?"

Ruan Lingwen looked at the sword in his hand, enjoying it!
Wei Zhou said, "You are a Dharma cultivator, not a sword cultivator."

Wang Lin added: "Danxiu."

Li Dong came over and asked, "What's the matter with the red light?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's made with the soul. The soul is energy. Although it can't be controlled yet, zombies are special existences."

Li Dong understood: "They tossed it out?"

Everyone is dignified.It's fine, it's too dangerous to blow up.

Wang Lin asked the little fairy, "Are you all right?"

Ruan Lingwen took out a pill, ate it, and smiled sweetly: "It's okay."

Wei Zhou looks at this child, hold on.

Everyone tidied up and looked in the direction of the mountains, not in a hurry to go in.

These few flying stiffs did have a great impact.I know it won't be many, but how many are there?what else?This is the reason why I didn't dare to act rashly before.Everything depends on the president.

Jiang Lingjie took Ruan Wenwen back to the camp and rested first.

Looking at the child, Zhang Yue said without saying anything else, "Just say what you need."

Ruan Lingwen said obediently, "I'm hungry."

Zhang Yue smiled.The kid is really hungry.

At noon, it's time for everyone to eat.

The zombies won't come out for the time being, everyone can eat with peace of mind and get ready again.

The old man concluded: "Ordinary means are not good, but Taoism is useful."

The two wooden warehouses played by Jiang Lingjie are very beautiful!

Jiang Lingjie's ability is also very good!
Zhang Yue wanted to pull him back, but it was better to follow the little fairy.Just like my own brother, he has a good attitude toward Little Fairy.The child is too young, and the way he eats is also cute.

A very serious lady laughed: "No wonder everyone spoils her."

Another man said in a low voice, "If you grow up in an orphanage, can you not be good?"

It's not bad if you don't develop a pleasing personality.But to please people is a habit.It is a little different from Da Ai, she may be adulterated.I have to say that Li Qing and Yao Juan are very good to the children.

Zhang Yue was busy, dispatching troops and generals.

It's not small, it's big, it's very serious.All aspects must be arranged.At the same time, we must pay close attention to the situation outside, and those people should not make trouble.

So far it looks ok.But I don't know the plan of Den of Thieves, or will there be a big one at the end?

All have to be prepared.

Ruan Lingwen was full and happy.

Looking at this child, Zhang Yue's spirit can be relieved a lot.

The old man asked the little fairy, "Would you like to go in the afternoon?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Daytime is better than nighttime."

The old man nodded.

It's a little brighter outside, and even though it's raining, it just feels better.It seems that cutting two flying zombies in a row has a great impact on the thief.

(End of this chapter)

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