Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 389, Chickens peck each other

Chapter 389, Chickens peck each other

At noon, Tu Rongfang ate with several people.

Tuzhou is in order.

A woman looked at her mobile phone and said, "Someone went to the supermarket to stock up, please help the supermarket to clear the warehouse."

Another said: "Where is the use of hoarding so much now? Guo Jia won't ignore it."

The lady said: "Store a little properly, too much is a waste."

Tu Rongfang looked at the phone and said, "Someone has spread rumors."

Several people shook their heads, that's all.

The lady smiled and said, "I haven't seen any ghosts or ghosts."

Another said: "Most of the rumors are behind the scenes, otherwise you can know so clearly?"

Tu Rongfang said: "It's better to build a building if you have this space."

The Qifu Building has built more than 1000 million floors!The tallest building in history!It seems to be working fine so far, and it can continue to be covered.

In addition, there is an analysis of the post, which is to overlap the blessings, which is similar to compression.Ordinary people don't need to look at it. Everyone's energy is tiny, and when gathered together, it is a huge force.Like layer cakes, stacked layer by layer.

Tu Rongfang finished building and continued to work.

Several people are serious.

There are up-to-date notices to keep them informed, as well as old, weak, sick and disabled.In other words, the situation is still dangerous and accidents may happen at any time.

However, there are so many people at the forefront, it is they who carry the weight forward.

The city is very safe, everyone work harder.

Tu Shan, cordon.

Liu Siqiang stepped back to rest.

The previous battle put a lot of pressure on him.But he held on and didn't back down!he can!Everyone encourages each other and unites as one, but can't beat those demons and goblins?
The wind and snow were very heavy, and a few rested, sitting in a shelter from the wind.

A boy looked up: "Little Fairy is amazing!"

Who can resist?

Liu Siqiang watched, did they enter the mountain again?Don't you need to rest?Those were clearly injured.

The Xuanwu team ate pills and beef patties, and now they are very bullish.

A large team, consisting of a dozen small teams, went into the mountain to have a look.

I couldn't get in before, and I didn't know the situation inside.Although the surrounding area was sealed off, Tushan was too large to be sealed off.I don't know how much preparation they have done before.Zombies don't need to eat, and there is a lot of evil spirit in that area.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy wins every battle, so it is necessary to understand the situation.

Two old policemen lead the way.

The road is very difficult to walk in the wind and snow.On the road in early spring, the grass did not grow up, and the trees were bald, which was relatively better.

Several people made a way.

The soft little fairy was protected by them.

Xu Daoyuan walked ahead, climbed up the mountain, and looked over there: it was pitch black!

There used to be a mountain in that area, with an altitude of 740 meters.Now, like a mountain in the demon world, you can vaguely see the group of demons.

From here, it looks close, but also seems out of reach.

A group of zombies, like ants, suddenly ran out.

It is a green zombie, which is stronger than a black zombie, and its single combat power exceeds that of a human.

When it becomes stiff and invulnerable, most people will run as far as they see it.

If you are flying stiff, you don't need to run, if you don't run fast enough, just resign yourself to fate.

Ruan Lingwen jumped out from the middle and flew towards the green zombie.

Xu Daoyuan had no choice but to follow, sweeping//thunderstorms and breaking the formation.

All over the ground.Not afraid of hurting people.Because zombies are more resilient than humans, they generally can't be killed by bombing.

Ruan Lingwen threw a talisman and continued running.

Wei Zhou chased after her, watching, the green zombie was half-taken by her casually.For the rest, Wei Zhou didn't practice anymore, and he was optimistic about the little fairy.

Xuanwu team, Xuanxiu team, hands-on practice.

Some Xuanxiu followed Xu Daoyuan to break the formation.

The ground is full of thunder, which is dangerous if it breaks, and it is dangerous if it does not break.

Ruan Lingwen took out the gold bricks and smashed them where he saw them.

Wei Zhou followed and watched the gold brick fly out, boom!A hole was smashed into the mountain.

Xu Daoyuan stopped, almost being slapped in the face.

The Xuanwu team played nervously, but it was not as exciting as Xiaoxianzi. She is suitable for live broadcasting.

Jiang Lingjie carried the sniper on his shoulder and followed Ruan Wenwen, seeing how addicted she was to playing.So//Lei absolutely likes it, this place is big enough for her to play.

Xu Daoyuan worked so hard to see the child bouncing around.Windy, snowy, dark sky, even hell, can't stop the little fairy's happiness.

Xu Daoyuan was busy with his own work, which took a lot of work.

As much time as they spend arranging, they will spend as much time breaking down.After this matter is over, we have to clean it up later.

There's nothing wrong with Little Fairy smashing it so directly.

The young man from Xuanmen asked curiously: "Is this okay?"

The master said, "That's a little fairy."

Although the young man didn't understand, he said, "Isn't this exhausting? Isn't their purpose just to consume the little fairy?"

Master said, "Don't worry, we will watch."

This is called Yangmou.Because if you don't rule it out, others can't get in. Is it possible to insist?If only Little Fairy is so powerful, it wouldn't be bad for everyone to put in more effort.

boom!Ruan Lingwen was very happy.

The Xuanwu team played vigorously.After one group finished fighting, another group of green zombies came out.

These green zombies do not fight, but poison.

The great monk threw the talisman over.

The Taoist priest picked up the Five Thunders command and struck!

The little Taoist was excited, these green zombies were smashed into slag.

Master didn't say anything about him.What are you happy about?Green Zombie was originally cannon fodder.However, it is worth encouraging to win the cannon fodder.

boom!Ruan Lingwen continued to smash.

A dark thing jumped at her.

Ruan Lingwen took back the gold brick and slapped it casually.

I don't know if the fox or the mouse was photographed as a meatloaf.

Wang Lin picked it up and asked someone to send it back.

The mountains are temporarily quiet.

Ruan Lingwen just smashed it with gold bricks, and she was very patient. She just threw it out and took it back. She could smash it for 100 years.

It was too dark to see the time.

Suddenly a large group of monsters ran out of it, exuding a strange smell.

Wang Lin looked at it and said, "Zombie?"

There are two kinds of zombies and zombies.

Zombies are living transformations. If poisoned, there will be lesions on the body, and the smell is the strangest.

Zombies are dead transformations that rot after death, hence the rotting manifestation.

It can also be said that it is caused by different viruses and has certain commonalities.Just like poisonous snakes and poisonous scorpions, poisonous snakes and scorpions are the same for ordinary people.

At this time to distinguish.Zombies are shame/corpse, so where did the zombies come from?Not to mention such a large group!
Ruan Lingwen greeted the zombies.

These zombies are like a group of screaming idiots, and their purpose may only cost ten yuan.

Li Dong asked, "Is this research successful?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "They are studying the contagion."

These zombies run faster, unlike the legendary slow-moving ones.

Ruan Lingwen took out a handful of talismans, although it was a bit rare for these zombies.

The talisman was thrown out, and the fire began to burn.

The wind blows the fire around, and the snow looks more pure under the black screen.

The zombies roared like a herd of pigs.A large herd of pigs.

Ruan Lingwen ran on the mountain.

A group of pigs are chasing.

Shan blasted off a chunk.

Wei Zhou stayed aside and watched as a batch of zombies exploded, and there were many more.

Ruan Lingwen continued to walk, wearing cloud boots, running happily on the mountain.

Jiang Lingjie watched, Ruan Wenwen was hopeless.Is it dangerous to run around?

Another large part of the mountain was blown away, and there was a big hole in it.

Many snakes crawled out of the cave.

Snake vs Zombie.

The current snake should be hibernating and not awake, so this is like a stupid pecking of chickens.

(End of this chapter)

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