Chapter 390, Luo Cao's death

Ruan Lingwen threw a talisman at it.

The mountain blasted another hole.

A bunch of strange things crawled out of the hole, and they joined the chickens to peck each other.

Wei Zhou watched from the side, what is going on in this den of thieves?The whole mountain has been hollowed out?It's like a cave of magic.

Taoists, monks, Taoists, etc., came to fight monsters.

A few of them took the order of five thunders and split huge thunders!

The darkness that covered the sky and the sun was split open, and the mountain was split open!

The old Taoist was startled, and quickly hid aside.

This is not the force split Huashan, not the main peak, but the seam on this side is not shallow.

Ruan Lingwen is busy pulling people, be careful where you step.

The old man was taken aback!Although there are amulets on him.

Everyone avoided, Ruan Lingwen smashed it with a gold brick.

The ground smashed a big hole, and the gold brick fell down.

It seems to have been robbed.

Ruan Lingwen recalled that there was a fingerprint on the gold brick.

The old Taoist pulled the little fairy and hurriedly withdrew.How can this magic weapon pinch out fingerprints?This is no ordinary gold.

Ruan Lingwen retreated a long way, then suddenly flew over, smashing down with the gold brick.

Half the mountain is about to collapse!

Ruan Lingwen took back the gold bricks and ran away.

Jiang Lingjie had no choice but to pull her and ran back to the hill.

It was really dark, and it was getting late.

No matter how bright Ruan Lingwen's eyes were, it would still be affected.

Jiang Lingjie wore special glasses to see the big mountains. He just made a fuss, but he was just jumping and jumping, and he was fine in more places.

Xu Daoyuan was quite satisfied with the result.As long as this situation is broken, it will become easier and easier.

The guy from the Xuanwu team asked, "Is the gold brick okay?"

Ruan Lingwen gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay. Everyone knows that I have this magic weapon, and it's specially targeted."

It's just a handprint, look, it's all right now.

Xu Daoyuan was speechless.Those people really understood the little fairy.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care, as long as he was strong enough, it would be useless for him to stare.

A Taoist priest asked, "Shall we go down the mountain to rest now?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "Okay."

Everyone went down the mountain in teams.

There are about a dozen people in a team, so there will be no chaos.

Ruan Lingwen and the Suzaku team are behind.

Li Dong looked back, almost frightened crazy!

A flying zombie suddenly killed her in front of her eyes!

Ruan Lingwen kicked Li Dong away with one kick, then drew his sword, and chopped him off!

The momentum is like a rainbow!The sword light splits the darkness!Bring out the coquettish spark!
Zombies roar!Got hacked!

Another two flying zombies came over!

Ruan Lingwen threw out two talismans in a hurry and burned the two corpses.

The two flying zombies were even more angry, pinching left and right!

Jiang Lingjie stared at the one on the left, snipe at it!

The Suzaku team broke out together and besieged the one on the left!

Light up the battlefield!It was the little fairy who split another one!
Wang Lin took a look, this sword is one, the little fairy is too fierce!
The two corpses were burned, and the thousand mountains were silent!The wind and snow looked lonely, and the snow regained its lightness.

Everyone is besieging the zombies here, it magnified its moves and knocked everyone away!He rushed towards the little fairy!
Ruan Lingwen gritted his teeth and struck a sword!

There was a thunder in the sky!

Another Flying Zombie ran out on the ground and took it.

Li Dong got up, look at this, is it the little fairy thundering?

Lightning struck one, and under the sword was the one they had hit, and it caught fire after being struck by the little fairy.

Ruan Lingwen threw out two more talismans, looked at the mountain with big watery eyes, and shouted in a cute voice, "Come on! Play tricks!"

Jiang Lingjie pulled her away, don't shout.

Don't move, I'm fine!Ruan Lingwen carried the sword.

Jiang Lingjie carried her away with one arm, and the child went up.

The Suzaku team supported each other and kept up with the Xuanwu team in front.

The Xuanwu team didn't see the scene, they fell behind, looking at the mountain, won't they come?

Xu Daoyuan stopped on the side of the road.He saw the thunder in the sky.I don't know if it has anything to do with him praying with secret methods?

Everyone is praying for the little fairy. He is close, and theoretically he can lend his Taoism to the little fairy.Anyway, it looks good, the baby is still alive and kicking.

Young people in Xuanmen are all hot, go back and practice hard!so cool!
I don't want to be so strong with Xiaoxianzi, but it's easier to go back and talk about a girlfriend!
These days, those who know metaphysics are very popular.Just like in the hospital before, seven aunts and eight aunts, ten miles and eight villages all came to you for treatment, and now they all come to you for fortune-telling.

The little monk asked: "You didn't come, are you scared?"

The old monk Amitabha.

When they deal with Little Fairy, how do they know what Little Fairy is up to?After all, everyone knows that there is a fairy behind the little fairy.If they fail to attract the immortals, they will be finished.

Therefore, they have to adjust their strategies and not rush to fight.

The old monk was looking forward to it, Amitabha, if you can’t see a bodhisattva, you can see a fairy.

Everyone returned to the camp.Good luck on the road.Although the atmosphere is more tense.

Ruan Lingwen didn't care and sat down to rest.

Everyone and Zhang Yue reported the situation, and the satellites couldn't take pictures of the mountain.

Zhang Yue cared about Little Fairy and asked, "How is it?"

Ruan Lingwen showed him the sword.

Zhang Yue took the sword with both hands, this is no ordinary sword!This is the sword of heroes!This is a legendary sword!
You can worry about the little soldiers, but the zombies are poisonous!

Zhang Yue's hand is also not an ordinary hand, he is holding a piece of sky.

Only then did Jiang Lingjie realize: "Is this sword broken?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

The sword is broken, the sword is broken!
Everyone has to line up to see!This legendary sword turned into a disabled sword in an instant?
Zhang Yue looked carefully, and saw that the lights in the tent were very bright, and the light was very clear.

The sword was not cleaned up, it was a little black, was it left by the last fire?There was a crack on the top, like a front tooth fell out.

Zhang Yue frowned.This half magic weapon is so useless?The child has no sword, what to do?

A sword repairer has no sword, and a long-distance runner has no legs. Do you use your hands?

Some people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although Fei Zang has sent it down.But the feeling is not deep.This sword just cut a few flying stiffs, and that's it.It can't be blamed on Little Fairy's lack of strength, she couldn't break the sword if she was weak.

Ruan Lingwen took pills.

Wei Zhou gave her the chicken leg, let's eat it.

Ruan Lingwen gnawed, his mind was empty.

Jiang Lingjie patted her head.

Comfortable, Ruan Lingwen was happy and smiled sweetly.

Zhang Yue looked at her, her face was not washed clean, her smile was the cleanest.

A beautiful woman reported: "On the Internet, Cao Kun is dead."

Zhang Yue looked at her and said, "Cao Kun?"

The beauty looked online and said: "Luo Gong is also dead. Rumor: She was sucked up by the little fairy. It is said that she sucked up Ruan Letian and Yao Juan first."

Zhang Yue asked: "Who is passing it on?"

The beauty is always paying attention to the latest situation: "Lin Xi stepped forward and accused Little Fairy."

Zhang Yue asked, "Who is Lin Xi?"

The beauty said: "The old artist, an old lady in her 80s, is very sad."

Ruan Lingwen said: "A fan will come to the door in a while, and the old lady will be killed. The real person is going to the airport and is going to go abroad."

Zhang Yue is tough and depressing.

Needless to say, the old man, Luo Gong and Cao Kun were also controlled.

The young one didn't quite understand, and asked, "What's the situation with Luo Gong and Cao Kun?"

Luo Gong was caught by the elevator before, and Cao Kun was in a vegetable state. They have been tossing all the time, can they make a big one now?Use waste?It may not be very useful, but the toad (toad) jumped on the instep, disgusting.

The old man couldn't figure it out for a while.

Ruan Lingwen endured his dizziness, it was not difficult to calculate them, so he just broke the matter and said: "Transfer your life to Aunt Cao."

Zhang Yue is tough and depressing.

Don't worry about it, everyone in the Luo family has been detained.

Lao Zhang draws symbols.

Borrowing the lives of Luo Gong and Cao Kun, you still want to connect with the little fairy?Does Aunt Cao have such great ability?Even that group of tossing, they tossing to move the little fairy?
(End of this chapter)

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