Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 391, I want to learn from Yao Juan

Chapter 391, I want to learn from Yao Juan

Tuzhou, it's getting dark.

The lights come on.Thousands of lights, Lantern Festival tonight!

Tu Rongfang is with a group of people, it is very fulfilling, and there is still work at night.

Keep watch everywhere, and have a safe and peaceful Lantern Festival!

Many people were at home and did not leave.It is inconvenient to go out casually.

Now that I am at home, all the lights are on, and those with red lanterns are hung.

Those who know and do not know get together, and the neighbors move around.

The rainy night was cold and windy, Tu Rongfang and a group of people were in the house, very warm.

A woman looked at her mobile phone and laughed angrily: "What the hell are Luo Gong and Cao Kun? If you die, you will die, and it's on the little fairy's head?"

The young man smiled and said, "This is called dead denial."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, which really saved the need to recognize relatives!

Someone was very curious and said, "Why does Aunt Cao have such a big face?"

The older man said, "It's not about saving face. She was born in the same year, the same month, and the same day as Little Fairy."

Everyone understands.Still use the fate of the little fairy.Everyone who watched Shi Lingling's live broadcast understood it.

The guy said: "Even if you are born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, your destiny is different."

The eldest sister nodded and said: "Little Fairy's fate has been changed a long time ago. Ruan Letian and Yao Juan died because of Aunt Cao's luck. Now that Luo Gong and Cao Kun are dead, it's just that Little Fairy doesn't recognize them. It's useless now. Is it waste utilization?"

The beauty felt cold and said, "Luo Gong and Cao Kun have raised Aunt Cao anyway, so she can handle it?"

The eldest sister said: "It's just a cousin and a cousin's husband. What's the point? The Cao family has other cousins ​​and husbands."

Tu Rongfang looked online, and Cao Kun's younger sister came out and cried.

Netizens were all angry, it was even more lively than the Lantern Festival.

[As expected of this matter, the Luo family and the Cao family can do it, and they can throw away their own daughter, and they are lucky. 】

[Cao Kun threw away his own daughter and was killed by his cousin, retribution. 】

[I wonder when Aunt Cao's retribution will arrive? 】

[Cao Kun's death is related to Aunt Cao? 】

[The lives of Cao Kun and Luo Gong are on Aunt Cao's head.She couldn't borrow her cousin's daughter, so she borrowed it from her cousin. 】

[Aunt Cao is so poisonous! 】

Tu Rongfang was relieved, and then looked at Lin Xi's hot search.

【Are you confused?Who doesn't know parents en? 】

[My children show off their parents every day.Nothing to do with you. 】

[Why did the old woman come to meddle? 】

[There must be benefits. 】

[It's just an actor, how big is this face? 】

[Why does someone deny their biological parents? 】

[Killing one's own parents is worse than a pig (dog)! 】

[Your family is a kind of goods, not things. 】

【Lin Xi seems to start with her son.Her son is now abroad, and things are going well. 】

【foreign?Another Han//J? 】

【Her son is slandering Shi Lingling abroad, saying that Shi Lingling is a monster. 】

[I just said that this matter has something to do with foreign countries, and I was anxious that Lingling would come when it was dark. 】

[But, a Han//J, what are you hacking? 】

[Everyone from Chiyan Kingdom, keep your eyes open, don't be fooled by others! 】

[Go, continue to build the building! 】

[They are scared!They are scared! 】

[Using such a shameless method, do you think it will be useful? 】

[Latest news, Luo Gong and Cao Kun made a fool of themselves, and broke up with Aunt Cao. 】

[Didn't you get caught? 】

[It must be that Luo Gong and Cao Kun didn't want to die, but they were killed by Aunt Cao. 】

[Hahahahahaha!so funny! 】

[The latest news is even more funny, do you want to know? 】

[A group of people ran to Lin Xi's house and beat the old woman to death.Everyone got caught. 】

[Phi skin black?As for Shi Lingling's fans? 】

[Isn't it?The fan circle is so 666? 】

[This is not an original creation of the fan circle, like Rashomon, it is all a routine. 】

[Shi Lingling has no fans, you know? 】

[When all the people are, then it is not at all. 】

[No fans will hit an old woman, what is she? 】

[The old lady has a big face. 】

[I want to be popular and crazy. 】

【hahahahahahahahaha! 】

[This sentence is extremely appropriate for her! 】

[Go to build a building, no time to talk to them. 】

Tu Rongfang went to build a building.

While building the building, the eldest sister said with emotion: "Lin Xi used to be good, but after all these years, she is really old and confused."

The beauty snorted: "Those old shameless people, don't they all do it for the benefit? Whether it's for their children or grandchildren or why, they shouldn't do this, and they will lose all their old face."

The guy patted his thigh and laughed, "Hahaha, Lin Xi was arrested at the airport!"

The eldest sister was puzzled and asked, "Where's her family?"

The beauty said: "It must be fake! It must be Shi Lingling who made a move!"

The eldest sister said angrily: "Baby Lingling is working so hard, you still have to worry about this! Damn it!"

People from Tuzhou are different from netizens elsewhere on the Internet.Danger, the knife is on the neck, danger!

Everyone is nervous here, how dangerous is it that the little fairy is at the front/line?

Tu Rongfang saw that the little fairy's mansion was posted online again.

Netizens follow.

[What about the mansion? 】

[The rough room is. 】

[Can you see a luxury house from a rough house? 】

[It's so big. 】

【Is it big? 】

[Have you never seen a mansion?poor beep! 】

[Not enough vision,

[Show everyone Lin Xi's son's mansion abroad. 】

【Wow!What a mansion! 】

[Our Shi Lingling was wronged.Let's crowdfund and build a mansion for her, shall we? 】

[No need.Shi Lingling is very happy in the orphanage, we are educated. 】

[Shi Lingling's house is still a bit small, and there is no playground. 】

[Shi Lingling has a happy childhood and doesn't need a playground. 】

[What about the swimming pool?Didn't see a swimming pool. 】

[The house here should be a swimming pool. 】

[Where is the training place? 】

[There is an activity center in the community. 】

[Going to the activity center is fun, staying at home and no one to play. 】

Tu Rongfang smiled.The house is not small, but it depends on how it compares.

Netizens display all the luxury houses in China, and even billions of dollars in luxury houses may not be seen inside.The little fairies don't deserve their treatment?
What's more, the little fairy makes money by herself, and she makes money clearly.

Tu Rongfang has nothing to be jealous of. After building the building, she continues to work.

Tu Shan, camp.

Ruan Lingwen was full and a little sleepy.

Jiang Lingjie is watching Ruan Wenwen, is he going tonight?

Ruan Lingwen nodded.Go ahead, dragging is no fun.If they procrastinate, they are just doing more things, they are frantic, and they don't know what will happen.It's not easy to control the flying stiffness, flying to other places casually.

Jiang Lingjie patted her head.

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly.After all, the bad guys are afraid of her.

This is the brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road.Even if you really can't beat it, you can solve it early.It really shouldn't be left in such a den of thieves.

Jiang Lingjie didn't persuade him.Everyone get ready.Without this, that won’t work, that won’t work.

Zhang Yue also wanted to solve it as soon as possible.

Ready in every way.

It's not that easy for Fei Zhan to figure it out, and he will pay the price when the time comes.

The beauty answered the phone and said with a smile, "Cao Kun wants to learn from Yao Juan?"

But I really think, is she worthy?

(End of this chapter)

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