Chapter 394, Brilliant Lanterns

The night is deep.

How many people are making Lantern Festival, and they haven't slept yet.

Gao Xuan nestled in his home, facing the TV, turning on the computer, and holding the mobile phone.Seems like a busy day.

In fact, he was in his late thirties. After his parents passed away, he stopped working and stayed at home for several years, not wanting to go anywhere.

There's no point in living, just messing around every day counts.

But now, Gao Xuan is going to stand up.

Even in the middle of the night, Gao Xuan went to harass the former teacher.

Because the little fairy needs him, he must always support the little fairy.Although he is insignificant, every insignificant thing is what the little fairy needs.Maybe only losers will find this kind of presence, so what?

The phone rings.

Gao Xuan quickly picked it up and said, "Mr. Li, I'm sorry to disturb you so late."

The male teacher smiled and said, "It's okay. You didn't sleep either."

Gao Xuan heard that the teacher's voice didn't seem to be awakened, so he chatted with confidence: "I usually sleep late, and sometimes black and white are reversed. But now I want to go out."

Teacher Li said bluntly: "You should come out. You were very good before. I like you."

Gao Xuan said embarrassedly: "No, I can't do it now either."

Teacher Li said forcefully: "How old are you now? Ziya is 70 years old. As long as you are an excellent person, I believe you can do it. Don't waste talents on Guo Jia."

Gao Xuan blushed, what kind of talent is he?Now it's crap.

Gao Xuan was about to recycle waste, and said to the teacher: "I've been at home for a long time, and I don't understand outside. So, I want to ask the teacher to recommend a job that can be overworked, just do it for nothing and don't pay for it. I want to adapt for a while, I should can get on the right track.”

Teacher Li was very happy, and assured her: "No problem! There are many people who ask me. Come over tomorrow and let Teacher Chen cook the whole table."

Gao Xuan was a little flustered, and said, "How troublesome is that?"

Teacher Chen shouted: "Gao Xuan, just come here. I'm telling you, don't take things! My house has a lot of things, and it's easy to make room for them. If you want to bring things, I won't recommend them to you."

The threat worked damn well.

Teacher Li said with a smile: "You can talk about it next time. I will wait for you at home tomorrow afternoon. Let's have a good chat."

Gao Xuan choked up and said, "Thank you Teacher Li and Teacher Chen."

Teacher Li smiled and said, "Why are you being polite? It's settled, I'll wait for you at home."

hang up the phone.

Gao Xuan looked at the lights outside the window.

Tonight, the lanterns are gorgeous!
Tonight, the moonlight is like water.

At this time, Yan Huixin was not asleep either.

She is 30 years old and is already a manager of a moderate size. She bought a modest house by herself.Being able to buy a house on your own in the long run is definitely a success.

At this time, Yan Huixin was not busy with work.She has changed into her pajamas, sitting on a comfortable bed, busy with her mobile phone.

On the Internet, I'm busy with Little Fairy, I don't know how many of them haven't slept yet.

Yan Huixin is a successful lady, she likes little fairies, understands her hard work, and admires her openness.

Yan Huixin suffers from depression, but she is fine now.She took her mobile phone and sent a message to her family.

Get up and drink a glass of water.The house I decorated by myself, although I was depressed when I renovated it, I still like it now.These all belong to her, and they are the world she built for herself.

The phone rings.

Yan Huixin came over and took a look on the phone.It's so late, mom is calling?
Yan Huixin connected and asked, "Mom isn't sleeping yet?"

My mother said excitedly: "No! Although Baby Lingling is fine, but those people want to blackmail her, have you asked her mother if she agrees?"

Yan Huixin didn't understand, but she understood it from another angle, and said, "That's right!"

The mother and daughter have a common language.

Yan Huixin got down to business: "I'll go back the day after tomorrow."

Oh, my mother said perfunctorily: "You don't go to work? Are you okay at work?"

Yan Huixin explained: "It's nothing, just go back and see you and my dad."

Mom asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Yan Huixin said seriously, "No."

My mother understood, and said: "If you don't have it, you won't have it, and I won't rush you in the future."

Yan Huixin breathed a sigh of relief.

Mom said: "I have baby Lingling now, you are so old, you can go by yourself."

With each other, Yan Huixin said: "I also have Lingling baby."

Plastic mother and daughter strike Liao.

Dad interrupted: "Hui Xin, are you a mother fan or a sister fan?"

Yan Huixin said, "Of course it's mom."

Dad asked, "Then aren't you an elder?"

Yan Huixin came back to her senses and asked, "Same generation as my mother?"

My mother said: "I haven't thought about making grandma powder for my elders."

Yan Huixin felt: "They are all mothers, so they have something to say. I'll be back the day after tomorrow."

Mom said: "Okay."

Very reluctantly.

It's no longer the mother who urged her to go back and get married.

Yan Huixin is very relaxed.Shi Lingling is such a treasure, she can still fight for [-] rounds with a mobile phone.

Someone sent a message: [Mr. Yan, I invite you to dinner on Saturday. 】

Yan Huixin frowned, why is this person still pestering her?She texted back: [No time, go home. 】

Chan Lang sent a message quickly: [Just in time, I'm going home too, I'll come to pick you up. 】

Chan Lang sent another message: [A new hot pot with Gao Ning's characteristics has opened along Yanhe Street, which is said to be quite good. 】

Tang Lang's message bombarded/bombed: [Invite your parents, let's have a taste together. 】

In the middle of the night, Yan Huixin was too lazy to bother, and continued to be busy surfing the Internet.

In the night, the battle continued.

[Shi Lingling's live broadcast will be suspended. 】

[Let the child rest. 】

[Don't care about her parents? 】

[Filial sons and grandsons, be filial to your own ancestors. 】

[Same as Aunt Cao, you have identified the ancestors of the Luo family, right? 】

[What does it have to do with others? 】

[Latest news: It is said that the elder brother has appeared again. 】

【Shi Lingling is not good, but she works very hard. 】

[Shi Lingling dares to go up, those who are greedy for life and afraid of death dare? 】

[I see who dares to play Shi Lingling's idea! 】

[Latest news: Suspected, rogue/strange incident happened on the country side. 】

[What does it have to do with others? 】

【What's up? 】

[Three laboratories were destroyed at the same time. 】

[The problem lies in the time of destruction.What a coincidence. 】

【God willing! 】

[Go to God. 】

["Returning Home" is not allowed to watch. 】

【He's scared!He's scared! 】

[It's just for my own purpose, regardless of the preferences of ordinary people. 】

[Greed, hypocrisy, shamelessness, lowly! 】

[Let's be ourselves. 】

[Be strict with yourself. 】

[Be strict with yourself. 】

【read more books. 】

【Ignorance makes people stupid. 】

[Stupidity makes people laugh. 】

【People are born ignorant, but they are not stupid. It is education that makes people stupid. 】

[Why do you always regard others as your standard? 】

[Stupidity is wrong teaching, so read more books, read good books. 】

【Reading more means good books, does this need to be emphasized? 】

[How to count as a good book? 】

[That requires everyone's efforts.To go forward instead of backward. 】

[It is better to have no books than to believe in books. Didn't the ancestors say it a long time ago? 】

[Everyone has to grow a brain. 】

[Education refers to not believing everything your mother says. 】

Yan Huixin yawned.Looking out the window, the light is still bright.

May the mountains and rivers be safe and the country peaceful and the people safe.

(End of this chapter)

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