Chapter 395, big cold

It's very cold today.

Gao Ning just had a snowfall.

Ning Xintong came out of the airport, shivering from the cold.

Ning Xintong didn't ask her family to pick her up, so she took the bus back by herself.Gao Ning, these are very convenient.

Now, there are still many people in Gao Ning.Although Ruan Lingwen is in seclusion, her legends are everywhere.

Not to mention the admissions of Taoist colleges.

Let’s talk about the entertainment industry, amateur boy bands are becoming popular, Wei Chengjun’s "Feng Lang Ju Xu" has not yet been released, everyone is looking forward to it.

"Chasing" filmed by Ruan Kailin and Li Xuebin is popular in the summer!

Ruan Kailin is a small supporting role, even if Li Xuebin adds scenes to her, they will be cut for 5 minutes and 55 seconds.This edited video went viral!Especially after the death of Li Xuebin's character, Ruan Kailin's look like Li Xuebin's eyes made countless people cry!
Therefore, Ruan Kailin will win many awards this year.

She is Ruan Lingwen's younger sister.

And Ruan Kailin filmed another TV series during the summer vacation.Although there are not many roles, several leading actors in the crew praised her.

Although these actors were suspected of rubbing off on popularity, rubbing against Ruan Lingwen; but it is undeniable that Ruan Kailin held on.

The TV series will be broadcast soon, and it is still popular, but everyone is looking forward to it.Anxious to see how Ruan Kailin performs?

What everyone is looking forward to most should be "Tree God".

This is very similar to "Returning to the Native", but "Feng Lang Ju Xu" is not.

Ning Xintong felt that Ruan Lingwen actually arranged for "Trees God" and "Feng Lang Ju Xu" to be on the same Spring Festival file.It is dubbed by netizens as the left and right fighting technique.

Because "Homecoming" has no rivals.The final box office was 77 billion, the first in China, and the world's film history squeezed into the top 20, although it happened to be [-]th.

So, a lot of people are betting.

Can the box office of "Trees God" surpass that of "Homecoming"?
Can the myth of "Tree God" continue abroad?

What surprises will there be if you bet on "Tree God"?
Like "Returning Home", those little eunuchs are all popular.

Zhangshu Village, where "Tree God" was filmed, has been circled countless times by everyone inside and out.
Fortunately, the ancient trees were protected, and no one cut down the old trees for research.

This year, there are quite a few people following the trend of "Homecoming", and even a random boss can shoot it for a few million.It's all gone.If you don't take it seriously, no one will watch it.

It's the Chinese New Year, and when everyone looks back, they still have to watch Ruan Lingwen's.

This year's Spring Festival, there are many good movies, but "Tree God" has the highest expectations!
The crew did not have too much publicity.

All parties have been speculating because of various needs.Even if it is malicious, or the speculation is bad, it is still speculation.

Ning Xintong returned home.

Hello home.

Wei Ping looked at her and asked, "You don't want to change your clothes?"

Ning Xintong said, "Ruan Lingwen let me go."

Wei Ping said: "Little Fairy is out of customs? Are you going by yourself? Then change your clothes."

There are new clothes at home.Ning Xintong went to change, she was Bai Fumei.

Wei Ping followed her daughter.

Ning Xintong said, "Ruan Lingwen will broadcast live tomorrow."

Wei Ping said, "So fast?"

Ning Xintong said: "It's been almost a year."

Wei Ping saw that her daughter was well dressed and looked good when she grew up, so she said, "What can you do for the little fairy? Don't make trouble."

Wei Ping muttered again: "Little Fairy has business to do."

Ning Xintong seemed to be fine, she just went to eat melons in the melon field.Ruan Lingwen's few acres of melon fields are the biggest, sweetest and most delicious.

Wei Ping doesn't care about her daughter.Go and sort out a few big boxes by yourself.

Ning Xintong changed her clothes, seeing her posture, she couldn't carry them, so she had to drive home.

The phone rings.

Ning Xintong, look, a classmate is calling?

She connects.

The classmate asked enthusiastically, "Are you home yet?"

Ning Xintong said: "Just arrived."

The classmate laughed and said, "I heard that Little Fairy is going to make a movie with a small cost of 300 million yuan."

Ning Xintong said, "I don't know."

The classmate laughed and said, "You are slow this time. There are Chen Ke and Ruan Kailin starring."

Oh, Ning Xintong didn't find it strange.Anyway, Ruan Lingwen was able to toss, and a group of people followed her to toss.

The classmate asked: "Are you going to play a guest role?"

Ning Xintong asked back: "You think?"

The classmate said embarrassedly: "My mother said that my cousin wants to enter the entertainment circle."

Ning Xintong asked, "How was your study?"

The classmate smiled: "Student."

A woman's voice sounded like a mother's and said, "It would be great if I could learn from Ruan Kailin."

Ning Xintong didn't answer and hung up the phone.Learn from Ruan Kailin?Learn it at home.Run to Ruan Kailin and let her take care of the child?
Ning Xintong doesn't care too much about studying, but my child, if you don't study hard, it's useless for her to say so.

Ning Xintong doesn't care about this kind of thing, she's just a white and rich beauty who eats melons.

Gao Ning is good, the family is rich, Ning Xintong is very nourished.

Wei Ping made no demands on her.It's so big, you should know what you do.If she can study hard at school and work hard in the future, she will be fine.Not everyone is that good.

Ning Xintong's phone rang again, it was really busy.

She is used to strange calls.

I did not answer.

The other party sent a message: [I am Katherine. 】

Ning Xintong replied: [Foreigner, I'm not familiar with you. 】

pull black.

Ning Xintong asked her mother: "Can the Luo family still make trouble?"

Wei Ping snorted, "Why don't you make trouble?"

The Luo family is very capable, and there is always support behind them.The Luo family's troubles were very funny, trying to step on the little fairy with one foot and rubbing against her with the other.

Ning Xintong was not surprised.Ruan Lingwen has been blackmailed.This has become a career for some people, and they will continue to do it, just ignore it.

Ning Xintong said: "When Ruan Lingwen leaves the customs, there will be trouble."

Ning Xingyu came over and said, "As strong as senior brother, it's useless to make trouble."

Ning Xingyu grew up very fast, a handsome young man.

Ning Xintong eats melons, knowing that the big brother has a lot of fans.

That's because the big brother didn't see much, and the fans didn't explode.Part of it was on Ruan Lingwen's head.Ruan Lingwen is not luck, but luck, okay?Everyone loves it, like a novel.

So, some people feel that they are normal when they scold them?Everyone's attitude towards Ruan Lingwen is like the attitude towards metaphysics.She is the spokesperson of metaphysics.

Ning Xintong's grandmother looked at the clothes she was carrying and asked, "Where do you want to live, little fairy?"

Ning Xintong said casually: "Her mansion has a guest room."

Ning Xintong asked her younger brother: "Do you want to go together?"

Ning Xingyu said, "I haven't had a vacation yet."

University holidays are a few days early.The primary school holiday will be a few days away.

Ning Xintong's phone rang again.

Her father called and asked, "Are you dating Luo Jiachen?"

Ning Xintong asked: "Who is dreaming?"

Ning Kai said: "The Luo family."

Ning Xintong sneered, "What daydream?"

Ning Kai said: "I let him go."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xintong was furious!

Ning Xingyu was furious and said, "The Luo family is so shameless?"

Ning Xintong said, "Does the Luo family have any face?"

Did she eat melons and not keep up?Take a quick look.After Luo Jiachen's plastic surgery, he is not only the same as before, but also looks a bit like Ruan Lingwen.

Ning Xintong said: "If there is plastic surgery to improve luck, could it be possible to take advantage of Ruan Lingwen's luck? Finally, the Luo family no longer needs Aunt Cao, but a nephew instead?"

Ning Xingyu took a look: "It's so ugly!"

Ning Xintong laughed loudly and said, "Following Ruan Lingwen's plastic surgery, can he borrow Ruan Lingwen's luck?"

(End of this chapter)

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