Chapter 396, visit the mansion

It was cold, Ning Xintong was wearing a coat, and it was even colder when he went to Yunshu and Ruan Lingwen's mansion in the west of the lake.

Looking at Yunshan here, the snow hasn't melted yet.In the shade of Moon Lake, there is thin ice.

Ning Xintong was not in the mood to admire, she ran into the house, and she didn't bother to take care of the load of things.

The room is warm and alive.

Ruan Lingwen stood at the door, looking at her speechless.All the way here by car, the car stopped in the yard, and she didn't see the wind for less than 30 seconds.

Ning Xintong didn't care, let's see the mansion!At the same time, he said: "Your side is cold."

There are ghosts.Changyang Palace next door is a haunted place.Ning Xintong dared to come, it was true love.

Ning Xintong was very curious and asked, "Why is your door like this?"

The design of this house is very interesting.

The road comes from the west, and there are two garages in the southwest corner of the house, and the cars enter from the outside.The man came out of the garage to the yard and repaired a door.There is an office behind the garage and the stairs behind it.

The whole west side has two floors.Behind the stairs is the swimming pool.On the upper floor of the swimming pool, there is a dormitory, a video room, and a gym.

There are also two floors on the east side, which is asymmetrical to the west side and narrower.

There is a garage and storage at the front, and a laundry room on the second floor up the stairs.The back of the stairs is separated, and behind it is the kitchen and dining room connected to the main building, and the second floor is even connected to the main building.

Ning Xintong was talking about the east and west sides and the corridor in front of the main building.She hadn't seen it done like that anyway.

The gate looks like a pagoda, a little further forward than the corridors on both sides, or a little wider.The corridors on both sides are not too narrow, but the gate is farther in front, and in this poor position, the door is open.

When you come out from the gate of the main building, the front of Baosha is sealed with glass, you can't get out, you can only walk left and right.There are two roads to the left and right, the one next to the wall is connected to the corridor, and the outside of the corridor is directly to the yard.

Part of the corridor is sealed with glass, so that it is not afraid of rain and wind.

Ning Xintong looks a bit fancy, the decoration is fancy.

Ruan Lingwen looked fine.In fact, she just moved here a few days ago, and she really retreated before.It takes a few days to get used to it.

Ning Xintong looked at her and asked, "How much better than before?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked and said, "Ten times stronger?"

Ning Xintong stared and asked, "So much stronger?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.The dragon spirit that the elder brother gave her was as much as the dragon veins of Yunshan Mountain.Use dragon energy to refine the gods, until you reach the top of the refining gods, and then break through to become the imperial gods.

Ruan Lingwen has never been in touch with Yushen, but he has to take his time to cultivate.So she's out.

Ning Xintong looked carefully, she seemed to have changed a lot, but at the same time she didn't seem to change.This is not the melon Ning Xintong wants to eat.She took the mobile phone and didn't take pictures randomly, but looked at it randomly.

Ruan Lingwen led her to watch.

Entering the gate is the main room, and behind it is the stairwell with an elevator.

To the west is the living room.

The three rooms on the east side are the same size.

Ning Xintong entered the first room from the main room and asked Ruan Lingwen, "How big is the cloakroom?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's not too big, is it?"

Ning Xintong didn't answer.Hang up your coat and wash your hands.

There is a window in front of the cloakroom, and there are double basins by the window.Behind is to put clothes, shoes, bags and so on.

Come out of the cloakroom, go through the main room to the back corridor, and there is a bathroom behind the cloakroom.To the east of the cloakroom, there are two guest rooms.

Ning Xintong asked: "Which room do I sleep in?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Look for yourself. This double room has a bathroom, while the twin room over there does not have a bathroom."

Ning Xintong chose a big bed room, it must be convenient with a bathroom.

The twin room is at the far east.Ning Xintong came over to take a look. The layout is quite comfortable. There are two bathrooms across the corridor, which is also quite convenient.

The door on the east side of the corridor goes out to the kitchen and dining room.

Ning Xintong walked around first.

Ning Xintong looked at the room facing the big bed room for a long time, and said, "You built a whole tea room?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked and said, "It's convenient."

Ning Xintong nodded, it's convenient, but inhumane!
Entering the tea room, there is a series of operation desks, including but not limited to: coffee machine, juicer, soybean milk machine.There are drinking water, various teas, coffee, milk, and various fruits in the cabinets on the opposite side.

She took an apple and gnawed it, it was crisp and sweet.

Ning Xintong asked: "Is this a microwave oven for cooking?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The kitchen is outside, and you can easily operate it here if necessary."

Ning Xintong rolled her eyes and said, "My kitchen is not that big."

From the pantry, next to the stairwell is a study.

Ning Xintong walked past the stairwell, facing the luxurious living room!
It is more than seven meters wide from east to west, and more than ten meters long from north to south!It is bigger than the two suites of others.

Ning Xintong asked: "Is there a hundred square meters?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "No. It's just enough."

Ning Xintong nodded.

It's not too luxurious.There is a crystal lamp above the head, and a round sofa below, which can seat about ten people. Come and play.

The round sofa is not complete, it is a semicircle to the east, and there is a large single sofa in the north and south.

There is a large TV on the west side of the living room, which is very imposing.

At the back of the living room, that is, the part behind the corridor, there is a piano.There is room for a grand piano.

The place is very wide, with two couches and bookcases placed on the west wall next to the stairwell.Those who don't play the piano can read books, and those who don't read can use their mobile phones.

From the rear window, you can see the swimming pool to the west and the garden to the north.

The style of a true mansion!No one behind!
You can't see it on the first floor, but there are ancient tombs behind the garden.The ancient tomb is a bit far away, anyway, the Changyang Palace is next door.You can't see the Yunshan behind on the first floor.

Ning Xintong looked at the oil painting on the east wall behind the round sofa, and asked, "Is this a famous painting?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "You have eyes."

Ning Xintong said confidently, "I can't tell."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Look more."

Ning Xintong came out of the living room, looking at the living room is quite strange.

The living room and the main room are separated by a wall, but the front and rear doors are opened.

The front door is fine, but the strange thing is the one at the back, which is next to the corridor.The door is more like extending the wall into the corridor, and the corridor does not make the door.

Therefore, the side of this door is branched.Viewed from the main room, it can be symmetrical with the east wall.

Ning Xintong asked: "Why not make it real?"

Even if she doesn't understand it, Ning Xintong still finds it strange.

Ruan Lingwen asked her to look: "The two sides of the nave are a bit narrow, opening this part can also make the living room bigger."

Ning Xintong probably understood.

The doors on both sides of the living room wall are opened and connected to the main room, which will become very large.Anyway, there are only two chairs placed against the wall in the main room, which can be moved away at will.

Ning Xintong looked at the Zhongtang painting and asked, "Who painted this?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Senior Chen Gao."

ghost king?Ning Xintong was in awe.

Yao Juan packed up all the things she sent.

Ning Xintong looked at it and said, "Auntie is much stronger."

Yao Juan said: "This is a treasure land of geomantic omen. It will be good for you to live here even if you are fine."

Ning Xintong was afraid, and said: "My father said. Even if there is Changyang Palace, there are still many people who want to live there."

There are still a lot of people who want to be ghosts, so there is no way to say that.Ning Xintong felt that being a human being was a good thing, that she was popular in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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