Zhou Cang is singing.

Ruan Lingwen continued to work.

This group of ghosts from Yunzhou, old ghosts.There was another group of supporters, and it was quickly set up.

A ghost king, now in the little yin and yang mirror, he doesn't understand why he doesn't get married now, and he has another skill, so he wants to make it right for everyone.

There are also many people urging marriages now, and there were many people who bought wives in the past, so they can make a lot of money.

They have a huge amount of data, that is, all kinds of stolen information, and the efficiency of deception is very high.

【Shi Lingling, how can I solve this problem? 】

Ruan Lingwen took a look and said, "Don't you like this beauty very much?"

【He's worried right now. 】

[Shi Lingling, my daughter was also deceived, I don't know who it is. 】

Ruan Lingwen stopped.

Zhou Cang also paused.

[Hahoo, this rock and roll is a bit terrible. 】

[This is not enough, when will the Cangming Band hold a concert? 】

[There was a plan before, and there will be ten small concerts this year. 】

[So, are there a group of fake fans? 】

[It's okay, just come if you like. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A woman appeared on the screen, she was quite old, and she was not used to facing the camera. She avoided it and said nervously, "My daughter and my mother-in-law didn't do anything, or what happened to her?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Your daughter was brought here."

The lady hurriedly said to the camera: "Yes. I don't have a daughter. When someone didn't want it, I took it back."

The lady realized it later, and said angrily, "Could it be that her biological parents want to sell her?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "Indeed. 50."

The lady was furious, and said to everyone: "I raised my daughter as my own daughter, and my daughter is also related to us. There are two daughters in that family, and they are both cows and horses for the son."

[That's right, I sold it to buy a house for my son. 】

【He didn't do anything to your daughter either. 】

[To be honest, it's too wicked.This belongs to two goods sold. 】

【That's a human! 】

[Why some pay for it, while others make money? 】

[It depends on the situation. If there is someone who has been optimistic about it for a long time, and is willing to pay, it's fine. 】

[Anyway, liars only need to make money. 】

[That is to say, I fell in love with a woman, and I gave the liar 500 million, and he gave the other party 50 to buy it. 】

The lady hurriedly asked: "Shi Lingling, who bought my daughter? What does he want to do?"

Ruan Lingwen replied: "The fortune teller said that Qianyuan's fate is the best, but he chased for a while but failed to catch up."

[A fortune teller again? 】

[If you don't catch up, you will be strong? 】

[Can you still buy it from shameless biological parents?Isn't it disgusting? 】

[If you grab it like this, your fate hasn't changed? 】

[Fate numbers can change, so can fortune tellers be reliable? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "He is a liar."


[Although that is a liar, the liar behind is a special liar. 】

The lady cried angrily and asked, "What should we do now?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Don't worry. Go to the police later."

The lady replied: "Thank you Shi Lingling. I know you are busy, thank you."

Ruan Lingwen said: "You're welcome. If there is any abnormal situation, you can call the police."

[Shi Lingling, I also feel something is wrong, can you help me take a look? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A teacher appeared on the screen.




[The barrage freezes because of being too shocked. 】

[I realized later that this beautiful nun was also sold? 】

[Are there still nuns practicing now? 】

【You don’t need to donate your eyes anymore. 】

[This master has profound Buddhist teachings at first glance. 】

[But I have to ask Shi Lingling for help. 】

[Buddhism is not equal to metaphysics.Don't think you are smart just by looking at the old way. 】

The teacher is in her thirties, kind-hearted, very plain, with a good temperament, and said calmly: "I was sent to Jingping Nunnery after I was born, and I have been fighting against my fate. It was calculated before, but suddenly it happened again, and I Do not know what's going on?"

[What does it mean to fight against fate? 】

The teacher explained: "Someone just wants me to die."


【Amitabha! 】

【So they were sent to Jingping Nunnery after birth? 】

[Is this still the door? 】

[Children are innocent, so why do you hate them? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "About 50 years ago, there was a little Taoist priest who learned some skills and went down the mountain to show off and hurt others. The village chief sent him to the dilapidated village."

【At that time, I understood. 】

[So you have a grudge? 】

【Isn't he the one who hurt others first? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Gritting your teeth, you fled back to the mountains and studied hard for 20 years. When you come down the mountain, you first get rid of the village head's family. Then you go door to door to get revenge. The village head's daughter-in-law just happened to go back to her mother's house, and her mother's family was also afraid. When the daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, she quickly sent her to the village. Go to Jingping Nunnery. Because the incident was too big, Taoists intervened. Before the monster stopped, he also killed the village chief's daughter-in-law."

[Demon way! 】

[The real demon way! 】

【Which division? 】

[Doesn't Shimen know?Can you still allow him to do evil until now? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Yao Dao used ghosts to harm people and cast a curse. Although the teacher of Jingping Nunnery does not know metaphysics, he is profound in Buddhism, and the nunnery has always been peaceful. This time, Yao Dao has other helpers?"

[Where is the demon way? 】

[He killed so many people, he really deserves death! 】

【So, he doesn't have much ability, and he's going to hurt people when he comes down the mountain? 】

Ruan Lingwen locked it with a small yin and yang mirror, and said, "There are also bald thieves who commit crimes with the demons."

[What does the bald thief want to do? 】

Ruan Lingwen lowered his head, drew a talisman, raised his head again and said, "Teacher Zhou, you continue."


[Shi Lingling used rock music as BGM today. 】

Zhou Cang said: "Our next song is a new song. If you don't like it, please turn down the volume."

[Okay, it has been adjusted to the maximum. 】

[My home stereo is good, you just rock and roll! 】

[The neighbor is sleeping, and the coffin can no longer be held down. 】

【Are you polite? 】

[He said it himself.All the old fans of Cangming Band are here! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling!I almost split my fork. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling!Is this fairy rock?Or a rock fairy? 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling!No wonder Shi Lingling wanted this BGM. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling!I think the current barrage is split. 】

[I'm gone! 】

[God! 】

【Take me away! 】

【Is Shi Lingling leaving?Bring the baby on. 】

Ruan Lingwen couldn't see the light all over his body.

Once the talisman is drawn, send it out.

Send it to all Taoist scum, and curse all those who use metaphysics to harm people.

Let's talk about the effect.

Ruan Lingwen looked in the mirror, the pile of dregs was smashed into dregs by lightning.

There are also those who want to resist with bells and whistles, with big brains and many methods.

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