With the light of metaphysics, the Cangming band is spreading all over the universe!

Foreign netizens also cheered!This is Treasure Band!

[I never knew that rock and roll is the best match for metaphysics. 】

【Zhou Cang's voice is so nice! 】

[A group of old men sang me away. 】

【Shi Lingling, Zhou Cang's grandma asked me to ask, when will he get married? (Everyone didn't see it)]

【Shi Lingling, what's the matter with my daughter? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I may be going to retreat. Say it again in a few words."

【Who is speaking? 】

【Shi Lingling has already left. 】

【Shi Lingling turns off the light. 】

Ruan Lingwen pinched the formula, and the light on his body pressed down.

[Looking at the situation, we will see each other in heaven. 】

【When will Shi Lingling come back? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Study hard and work hard. Don't make troubles if you have nothing to do. Remember to call the police if you have something to do."

Zhou Cang answered: "Three points of faith in metaphysics, three points of awe, basically nothing will happen, call the police if something happens."

【Zhou Cang, are you still there? 】

【Your grandma is looking for you. 】

Zhou Cang said: "Now I have a lot of inspiration, and I am not ready to get married yet."

[I don't care if you get married or not, I just want to listen to the music. 】

【A few more concerts, small ones are not enough. 】

[My grandpa is ready to rock and roll.Said he still wanted to play in a band when he was young. 】

Zhou Cang said: "I won't talk about it here, see you again Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I have nothing to say, goodbye."

After turning off the live broadcast, Ruan Lingwen could fly.

Jiang Lingjie watched from the door, this is the blessing of countless people, right?

Their sincere blessings really sent Nguyen Van Van to heaven.

Ruan Lingwen's feet were floating, and he floated downstairs.

Yao Juan looked a little worried, the child just wanted to watch.

This light is actually very comfortable, and this is what dipping in the light means.It's just that the light of ordinary people is not so strong or shines out.

Wu Kerang came over and looked at this child like a light bulb.

Ruan Lingwen doesn't keep it now, Yuanshen and the balloon are floating like that.

Wu Kerang said: "In Yunzhou, the ghost king was scared back."

Ruan Lingwen blinked.

Wu Kerang breathed a sigh of relief.Those ghosts are very troublesome, just know that you are afraid.

Wei Zhou sat on the side and said, "The crooked ways have been suppressed."

Ruan Lingwen said: "The whimsical ideas of the rogue//country side are worth paying attention to. Although they can't do metaphysics or science metaphysics, some of the things they toss out are troublesome."

Wu Kerang nodded.Hooligans//There is no national character, but there are brains.

Not only hooligans//country, there are a lot of lunatics.If you go crazy, you are not afraid of being finished.

Ruan Ling smelled the backyard and released the ghost from the small yin and yang mirror.

The ghost was terrified.

Wu Kerang didn't know what was in the mirror, but if this ghost dared to play tricks, he should be punished.

Chen Gao came over and knew this ghost, but he didn't like him at all.

The ghost saw Chen Gao dumbfounded, and seemed to remember something bad.

Ruan Lingwen didn't watch him act, but directly took gold bricks to shoot.

The gold bricks burst into dazzling light.

Chen Gao hurriedly stepped back, seeing that the little fairy was about to become the sun.

Ruan Lingwen was a little confused, so he took the gold brick and released all the ghost kings in the mirror to take pictures.

Wei Zhou saw that she was really strong now.Ordinary ghost kings are not enough to fight in front of her.

Ruan Lingwen felt that she was quite weak, this wave of golden light was given to her by Lord Yan?This is amazing.

Now it’s impossible not to retreat.

Yao Juan asked from the side: "What about the formation?"

Wu Kerang immediately said: "Little Fairy is the first. Anyway, that still needs to be studied."

Research they have.Just like the little fairy can fly, how much worse is it for others?
Xuanmen now seems to have seen a great avenue, with no end in sight.

Even if you don't know metaphysics, like the master of Jingping'an, you can still achieve success.

As long as you cultivate with your heart, you will be fine.

The influence brought by the little fairy is incalculable.

Let you believe in yourself, self-confidence!The dragons are awake!
Wu Kerang asked: "Is the retreat master here? Where else?"

Ruan Lingwen hurriedly said, "It's here."

She will cause a lot of trouble for everyone.

Wu Kerang didn't think so.If her safety could not be guaranteed, what else could she do?
The residents of Huxi Yunshu will not care, this is already a holy place!

The ghosts here benefit greatly.There are still many ghosts who want to come, but they can't just come.

Devils certainly can't.Even though some are not evil ghosts, they are not good enough to be like evil people.If you encounter this kind of thing, you will directly chop it.

Xuanmen is growing stronger, and it is becoming more and more proficient in dealing with ordinary ghosts.

Although some people say that the little fairy has messed up the Xuanmen, this is just nonsense.

Even if the little fairy didn't do it, wouldn't the teacher be wiped out?There are fewer things that are harmful to fans/beliefs?

This is just to turn over the garbage dump, the smell will last for a while, after disinfection, it will only get better and better.

Instead of letting those who harm people in the dark, the police can't figure it out; of course, it's better to make it public, at least figure it out, and find a way to deal with it.

There are already preparations here.At night, there was an extra row of people.

Yunju is at the end of Yunshu in the west of the lake, so people in the back basically do not affect the front.

Behind is Yunshan.The ghosts around are not affected, they are excited.

As for the ghosts outside, they are looking for death.Some came here without knowing it, and some were deceived.Generally don't care, send it away.

There are also a lot of Taoism here, and a lot of people come to practice, and the more you practice, the stronger you will be.

Ruan Kailin came back, looked at the situation at home, and just got used to it.

She is now going out with her younger brother, surrounded by people.

Ruan Haolin doesn't roam around casually, riding a horse or something, they are all fixed places.Whoever lied to him didn't bother to answer.

Ruan Kailin studied with peace of mind.But many people are going to be her sisters, godmothers and aunts, and it's very lively.There are still people who want to learn from her, so I don't care.

The third aunt came back and said to the second sister: "Someone is chasing me."

Yao Juan asked, "What kind?"

The third aunt was really speechless, and complained to the second sister: "30 years old, very rich, handsome, very gentleman."

The female ghost laughed and said, "It's not that the ghost chases you."

Third aunt was even more speechless.Because the ghost wants to sneak into Changyang Palace, so it's not surprising that he pleases her.

Yao Juan looked at her younger sister, there was a pill made by Wenwen for her, she looked healthy and energetic, and she looked about [-] years old.If you're serious about chasing, there's no problem at all.If it's not serious, it's like peach.

The third aunt is not interested in men.It's a good day now, I really don't want to do anything else.

Yao Juan did not persuade her younger sister to marry, if she really wanted to marry, she would do it in another 20 years.

It's not surprising that the old lady got married twice.At that time, she was completely herself, living as she liked.

The third aunt just wants to hurry up and learn more.It’s not bad for a Ph. D., right?
Let them look down on it and pretend to be it.

Third aunt thinks highly of herself.Even if you are a scumbag, you will work harder than others, and the more you use your brain, the more active you will be.

Zhanguang, Wenwen's blessing is very powerful.The third aunt and the second sister said: "It is very reasonable for chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven."

Yao Juan smiled.This is confidence.

Ruan Letian is also very confident now, he can become the king of ghosts, and he can be around for a longer time.

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