Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 503, the little fairy is dead

It has been four years since Gao Xuan came to Gao Ning again.

In the past four years, Gao Ning has changed a lot, but it seems like nothing has changed.

Gao Ning is still Gao Ning, there are so many people who come to Gao Ning every day, they come to make a pilgrimage.

Although I want to come to pan for gold, I am a little afraid of Gao Ning. Now I can see the police on the street at any time.

Normal tourism is not affected, and Gaoning in spring is more beautiful.

Gao Xuan got married and went to Zhangshu Village with his new wife.

Zhangshu Village is an Internet celebrity place, but not an ordinary Internet celebrity place.

Gao Xuan and his wife came here to hold a ceremony under the old camphor tree.

Nowadays, many people advocate simple weddings, so weddings under ancient trees are very popular.

Making a wish under the old tree, accepting the blessing of the old tree, and respecting nature have become everyone's pursuit.

Now it is spring, and the old trees are more and more vigorous, like a kind old man, full of vitality.Having a wedding under a tree feels even better.

Therefore, ancient tree weddings require long queues and appointments.

Gao Xuan and his wife came over and lined up in a long line. Would you like to be here, chat and watch what others do?

Both are newlyweds, beaming.Look at this simple wedding, very happy.

This wedding is not an ancient one, but a new creation. According to the tree-worshiping changes in "Tree God", it seems to have been inherited.

The ancient tree wedding was not because of "Tree God", but after Forest City, that is, last year, it suddenly became popular.

The filming of Forest City is so good!Better than Taohuayuan!Let countless people yearn for!

So, everyone went back to Zhangshu Village to create this wedding.

From last year to now, people come every day.On a better day, there are long queues from morning till night.

The newlyweds are all dressed in their favorite clothes and dressed up beautifully.

If they are not unified, they can do whatever they want, except for being immoral.

Gao Xuan's clothes were simple, and it was his turn to pay the money first.This ceremony is very simple, and the money paid is not much, 66 per person.Marriage is of course for two people, 66×2, and good things come in pairs.

This money, some people say IQ tax.It was also said that a ticket for an attraction.

There are also people who want to customize it personally, and it is not bad to make any tricks here.

Gao Xuan watched, Gao Ning's people didn't make that kind of money.You really have to come here to feel it.

Not to mention whether the ancient tree is alive or not, but there is a requirement for those who preside over the ceremony: they must have feelings, and they cannot smile professionally.

A bride asked with a smile: "You see so much every day, can you feel it?"

The little Taoist replied: "This is practice."

The bride didn't know, so she asked others: "Do you really practice?"

Gao Xuan read it on the Internet, and said that it was a young Taoist priest Xuanxiu, who would drive him away if he saw something wrong.

He doesn't care if it's a good match or not, but if it's a fraudulent marriage or something, he will call the police.As for posing for pictures, it is not allowed.

A few Internet celebrities were on the side, so I didn't dare to take pictures casually, but it was quite interesting to watch.

It was Gao Xuan's turn.

A lady asks them, go wash your hands.

The water was not used by the people in front, but a girl and a boy each brought a basin of clean water, and put a little spice in the water, so it didn't smell bad.

After washing his hands and wiping them clean, he stepped forward and knelt down.

There are two futons under the old tree, kneeling facing the old tree.

The little Taoist priest prayed and said auspicious words.

Gao Xuan and his wife held hands, as if completely immersed in it.

Those who worship the gods do not know whether the spirit is working or not. In fact, whether the spirit is working or not is their own. At this time, the two people can reach the same mind.

The little Taoist was very happy and said a bunch of good things.

A man behind said: "Can you remember after talking so much?"

Another man laughed and said, "Don't you know that their first lesson is to learn to speak? Can others believe you if they don't sound good?"

An Internet celebrity next to him said, "I can see it!"

Several people asked him: "What do you see?"

The Internet celebrity said excitedly: "The Taoist leader sees the value of heart-to-heart bond. If the newcomer has a good character and a similar heart, the Taoist leader will be very happy."

The little Taoist drank his saliva, this practice was hard work, and it was also a beautiful job.

Although it will be disgusting to see, most people are happy when they get married.

Internet celebrities looked at the ancient tree in awe: "Can this tree promote the connection of hearts?"

Gao Xuan and his wife, Li Cheng, stood at the side holding hands, and said: "Camphor tree can refresh the mind, it should be related."

The Internet celebrity said: "Not everyone is useful, it probably depends on the degree of fit between the two."

A bride asked curiously, "Then different trees will have different effects?"

The hottest thing now is this tree, because it is the prototype of the tree god.Many people travel to Gaoning by the way.

But when it becomes popular here, many people want to learn from it.Nowhere else has this effect.

A crowd of onlookers shouted: "The King's Tomb Village is about to open! Daoist, do you know?"

The Taoist priest was busy and presided over a couple of newcomers.

Gao Xuan and his wife are gone, don't stand in the way here, there are many places for Gao Ning to turn around.

This ancient tree wedding takes about 5 to 10 minutes, and the charge is 66×2. If it is divided into several people, it should be no more, no less.

To put it simply, Zhangshu Village has to charge a part, although tourists come, there will be other consumption.

A couple of newlyweds walked in front.The bride complained: "Nothing."

Gao Xuan's daughter-in-law said: "I want to ask for a talisman, just like a little fairy, I can't do it."

There are too many people who go to Gaoning to ask for talismans and sons. Do these 66 still want talismans?Send you a book back to read it!

Someone said, "Go to King's Tomb Village!"

Another said: "The management of Wangmu Village is even stricter!"

It doesn't matter if it is strictly controlled, everyone should try it.

Gao Xuan and his wife also went to see it.

His daughter-in-law smiled and said, "Everyone is curious about Wangmu Village, but it just doesn't make it into the trending searches, hahaha."

Gao Xuan looked at his daughter-in-law more and more satisfied, and said with a smile: "This is the first attitude of Wangmu Village."

His daughter-in-law looks average, but her face is full of happiness, very blessed.

King's Tomb Village.

It has been built now, and the whole area is about [-] acres.

Not too big not too small, big enough to hold more than enough stuff.

Jiang was really busy here, so he didn't bother to look around.

He came later and is here to make alchemy.

Alchemy takes up quite a lot of space, even Xuanxiu can come, but the investigation is strict.

This side of the yard is even stricter, and ordinary people cannot enter at all, because it is dangerous to enter.

When the weather is good, the inside is like a stove, as if the whole thing has become a solar cooker.

Jiang Shi is dressed coolly, has amulets on his body, and is serious about alchemy.

Although it is not the same as Xiaoxianzi, it is also good to make it with a solar stove.

The old lady is staying cool in the house and does not go out.Just look at the latest Dan, really beautiful.

According to the construction of a factory, this piece is definitely not enough.But on a small scale, there are still many.

These pills can not only cure cancer, but also cure many diseases. It feels like the sky is going to change.

Maybe like a sci-fi movie?People in the future will not get sick, but will suffer from different diseases from now.

Jiang Shi ran over to cool off.

A guy said, "It's been rumored on the Internet that the little fairy is dead."

The old lady held Dan in her hand and asked, "Who died?"

The young man said: "It is said that she has a nose and an eye. It is also said that she offended someone and was dealt with secretly."

The old lady said, "Have you fed your brains to the dogs?"

Jiang Shi drank cold water and said coolly, "Probably to force the little fairy to come out and take him in?"

Oh, and the old lady has nothing to say.

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