Yunju is full of Ruan Lingwen's anger now.

When Ruan Lingwen was in retreat, he also made some things for the house, instead of closing his eyes and falling asleep.

She also made some things for Wangmu Village, so Wangmu Village can be opened.

When Lou Chao came over, he saw the child sitting in the pavilion in the backyard, in a daze.

A few years have passed, and he is still a child, silly and cute.

After all, he is only 24 years old, how many people have graduated from college, and he is new.

The little fairy is soft, with a round face and a fleshy face, she is just a child.Although she has a fairy spirit on her body, she should be called a jade girl or a little fairy.

Although there is no golden boy, one little fairy is enough, and the whole Yunju is her aura.

Lou Chao was wearing a shirt and sat down casually, he was also in a daze.

It's been a busy day, and when Xiaoxianzi resumes the live broadcast, he will still be busy.

Xiaoxianzi doesn't want to live broadcast anymore, just like he doesn't want to work anymore, it's fine for now.

Ruan Lingwen was wearing a light blue thin sweater with an avocado green skirt underneath. She was comfortable and stylish.Her long hair was coiled up by Yao Juan, her whole person was a bit mix-and-match and refreshing.

Just like the current rock and roll, with a fairy spirit, it can probably rock a real person.

We Will Rock You!There is also a kind of slow rock, which is also very good.

Now rock and roll is playing tricks, and everything is blooming, like a spring garden.

Ruan Lingwen opened his eyes, and the garden was instantly overshadowed.

Lou Chao was a little dazed, her eyes were almost catching up with real people, but they quickly subsided, and it was flat, more real.

Although she is a child, she has a cultivation base of 60 years or even stronger, and every pore exudes immortal energy.

Ruan Lingwen looked at Boss Lou, snorting, dissatisfied with the boss who came to urge her to go to work.

Lou Chao smiled wryly.He is usually elegant and handsome, but he is more interesting when he is older.

I don't know how many people have written his novels, usually Lou Chao doesn't care about it.

Lou Chao got down to business: "Many mothers miss you."

Ruan Lingwen's face was cute, her eyes lit up, and she was obedient again.

Lou Chao looked at her, cuteness is written in her DNA, no matter how good she is, she is a good treasure for mothers.Now it's great and I can control it.But you can't watch too much.

Lou Chao said: "Although there are rumors that you are dead, everyone should be worried. This year is your natal year. There is also a saying that you will go crazy after retreating. In short, you really care about it."

Ruan Lingwen nodded.Mother's concern can be felt from Yao Juan.

Lou Chao said calmly: "Most of the current scams are drugs."

Because of taro, because cancer has been conquered, medicine is unprecedentedly popular, and it seems to be immortal.

Lou Chao said: "Most of the medicines won't kill people. They probably use taro or something, and the price is very high. Besides, if the price is low now, the price will increase in the future, so the old men and women are hoarding wildly, tens of thousands of yuan every now and then. of."

Ruan Lingwen looked up at the sky.

Lou Chao also wanted to roll his eyes.But this kind of thing has been seen a lot, and it has been turned over.

Lou Chao said another thing that made people roll their eyes: "Now the live broadcast is more popular, there are many Xuanyuan. I don't want to learn from you, I learn by myself. Dress up beautifully, sit there and pretend to practice, and there will be many people watching."

Although there are a lot of hidden things inside, or edge balls, but at a glance, it looks like that.

Lou Chao looked at the little fairies and knew they looked like farts, but the little fairies were not just for casual viewing.

Some people like to watch that.As long as you don't break the law, it's going to be done vigorously, and it depends on who does it well.

But this doesn't really make any sense.The anchor doesn't do serious repairs, but only thinks about making money; the audience doesn't care much, and their minds may not be very clean.This can have very bad repercussions.

Lou Chao showed the little fairy, and said: "The three major gangs behind Xuanyuan, one is from the country, the other is from the Luo country, and the back of the one is the shadow of the gangster//country."

Needless to say, you know what their purpose is, which is all kinds of poison.

Lou Chao showed the little fairy an anchor: "This is Xuanxiu, but she leads to Luo Guo." The most important thing is, "Luo Jingshan is alive again."

Ruan Lingwen looked at the female anchor, his eyes went directly to her face, he didn't even need a small yin and yang mirror.

Lou super awe!

Yao Juan brought Mr. Lou something to eat, proud of the big baby.

Those are really clowns.

Lou Chao looked at it with his mobile phone.Half of these Xuanyuan are in Youmi, and now Youmi is very popular and has a bad reputation, and it is almost catching up with the life-and-death Doudu.This Xuanxiu beauty is live broadcasting.

She just finished her work and sat down to drink tea.

A netizen in the live broadcast room asked: [Shi Lingling is dead, what do you think? 】

Xuan Yuan faced the camera with a dull face and a cold voice: "Everyone is mortal. Metaphysics does not belong to a certain person. I hope everyone can cultivate well, and don't be as miserable as Ms. Luo back then."

There are a lot of bullet screens, and netizens are emotional.

【Yes! 】

[It's good to die! 】

[Or else it will be as if she is the only one who can fix it! 】

[It's just for sale. 】

[I don't even recognize my biological parents, and my adoptive parents are also dead. 】

[Miss Luo is really miserable.It's just that it is more clever, so it will end up that way. 】

【Anchor, don't be afraid, you have us. 】

Lou Chao watched, a bolt of thunder fell, and the anchor was gone.The situation of the navy is not clear.

Soon, Lou Chao looked at the phone and smiled mysteriously.

Ruan Lingwen blinked, seeing that Mr. Lou had started with metaphysics.

Lou Chao raised his head to look at Xiaoxianzi, he can't do it, and the information on the Internet doesn't need metaphysics.

A group of people called him, and Yumi's boss called again.

Ruan Lingwen said, "Talk to him and give him three hours."

Lou Chao nodded, told this sentence to Youmi's boss, and said, "This is the greatest tolerance."

Needless to say, Guo Jia has been watching for a long time, unless Yumi wants to die.

Why can Dudu keep standing?That can be crushed to death at any time.No, it was blocked again.

Netizens responded very quickly, and it became the top trending search.

#Metaphysics rectification#
#Youmi was blocked#
Lou Chao hurriedly checked, and it turned out that Youmi was also blocked.

I don’t know where this fart/ass is, so it’s right to seal it.

A group of people called Louchao.

Lou is super calm.Zhongle has never been banned, although there will be problems, as long as the attitude is correct and resolved in time.

So, it doesn't matter if others are jealous or want to drag him into the water, just be afraid that he won't be able to pull him, the little fairy is here.

Ruan Lingwen eats spring rolls.

Spring rolls and toon spring rolls are delicious in spring.

Lou Chao also eats, if he doesn't hurry up, he will finish it up.

Yao Juan brought another plate of spring bamboo shoots and spring rolls, just eat.

Ruan Lingwen was delighted to eat, and looked at his mother with watery eyes.

Yao Juan is gone.The big baby is as innocent as when he was five years old. What else can mother do besides pampering her?
Lou Chao was speechless.The cuteness of the child is really fatal.

Ruan Ling was pleased with the news and ate some.

Lou Chao looked at her just for food?

Jiang Lingjie came over, holding the mobile phone in his hand, and said to Ruan Wenwen: "A few Xuanyuans are looking for Mama Li, saying that they are your nieces?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "They wish I could die."

OK!Jiang Lingjie was eating spring rolls, and now he wished they would die, it was so annoying.

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