On the afternoon of the 3rd, at one o'clock, Ruan Lingwen opened the live broadcast room.

Anyway, the live broadcast started, and she was busy with her work.

It’s still the same, and the layout is not too fancy. It’s just a table with a large plate of sauced pig’s trotters.

Ruan Lingwen wore a dark coat. She has fair skin and looks good in anything, making her look small.

After the new year, I will be 27 years old, and Ruan Lingwen looks like [-], mainly because of his good skin and clean body.

The long hair is simply braided, and the person looks very pure.She is wearing a beige knee-length skirt, and the whole look is okay.

Sit down and eat.

[Shi Lingling is good. 】

【Are you going to eat alone today? 】

【Is Shi Lingling not full at noon? 】

Ruan Lingwen killed two pig's trotters, stopped, and said comfortably: "I'm full at noon. The main reason is that the sauced pig's trotters are delicious, let's enjoy it first. I'm not alone today, there are so many people!"

With a long voice, she expressed the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, and said in surprise: "Aren't you going to work today?"

【Shi Lingling, there are people who can't sleep at night and try their best to deal with you. 】

[I'm at work, and the boss is staring at Shi Lingling's live broadcast and asked everyone to stop and watch the live broadcast. 】

[My boss is also allowed to watch.So leave your phone on and work at the same time. 】

【Hahaha!We all have our phones on in class.I changed my economics class today. 】

[My supervisor is even more frenzied (bushi), let us write papers, make predictions, and speak freely.The question is, who could have predicted this? 】

[It’s fine for the School of Finance to do this. In our School of Biological Sciences, the instructor said that we cannot do without economics.I think he is reminding everyone to have a brain. 】

[Excuse me, can the Academy of Life Sciences treat this situation? 】

[Shi Lingling, someone prophesied that you would disappear. 】

[Shi Lingling, someone predicted that the economy would prosper. 】

[Of course, the economy must be prosperous.Do you think that if a group of hooligans do things, others will be finished? 】

[The sage has long predicted that the future will be beautiful, but the process will be tortuous. 】

Ruan Lingwen held a pig's trotter and didn't chew it for a long time.

【What is Shi Lingling thinking about? 】

Ruan Lingwen faced the camera and asked seriously, "Will the price of pig's trotters increase?"


【This is a problem. 】

[The price of pig's trotters has increased, will Shi Lingling not be able to afford it? 】

【Shi Lingling, don't panic!I plan to slaughter [-] heads this year, and I promise not to increase the price for you. 】

[Can Shi Lingling eat [-] heads?There are three hundred pigs per day. 】

[I am a small pig farm, and I slaughter [-] pigs a year, which is guaranteed to be enough for Lingling to eat. 】

[So, Shi Lingling thinks seriously, that is, cares about her trotters? 】

[Then what do you let the child care about?What does the child know? 】

[Shi Lingling actually knew that the economy would affect the price of pig's trotters?That's a lot to understand. 】

[Our Shi Lingling already knew a lot.But she only cares about her trotters. 】

[Who doesn't care about himself?Shi Lingling just cared about pig's trotters and had no more ambitions. 】

【Hahaha!This question is too spiritual!Shi Lingling only cares about the trotters. 】

[Shi Lingling, I have a question, the economy is booming, why does the price of trotters increase? 】

【Is there a problem? 】

[I don't know much about economics.But looking at the history, "The money of the capital is huge, and it is rotten and cannot be corrected; the millet of Taicang, Chen Chen Xiangyin, is full of dew and accumulates outside, until it is corrupt and inedible."]

[In the eighth or ninth year, Fengren came frequently, and the rice bucket was four or five dollars.By 15 years, rice is worth two dollars per bucket. 】

[By the 13th year, Mount Tai was granted, Mi Dou reached Thirteen Wen, and Qing Qi Gu Dou reached Wu Wen.Since then, there are no valuables in the world. The rice bucket in the two capitals is less than 32 Wen, the noodles are 210 Wen, and a piece of silk is [-] Wen. 】

[I don't know the specifics, but does this mean that the price is low when the supplies are abundant? 】

[The conversion ratio between one money and one article is different in different periods.The weight of a bucket of rice will also vary. 】

[Isn't there cheap grain that hurts farmers? 】

【Won't.Because other things are also cheap, ordinary people can't hurt them. 】

[In other words, the same money depends on purchasing power. 】

[More money and lower purchasing power is false prosperity. 】

[So Shi Lingling is right to worry about the price increase of pig's trotters. 】

[Now there is a food problem, people don’t have enough to eat, what do pigs eat?As the cost of raising pigs increases, the price of pig's trotters will inevitably rise. 】

[Even if someone wants to give it to Shi Lingling, she won't ask for it in vain, and it doesn't mean that the price of pig's trotters hasn't increased. 】

【So Shi Lingling is right to care.Afraid we can't afford pig's trotters? 】

[Recently, the price of pork has increased again. 】

【Shi Lingling knows about daily necessities. 】

[Does Shi Lingling know the price of vegetables? 】

Ruan Lingwen gnawed at the pig's trotters slowly, and said, "I have them in my land. Everyone can plant some if they can, but you can't hustle the public areas. Don't look at the empty public areas, and the empty ones are not yours."

[Shi Lingling, many people came to my field to steal vegetables and use them as wild vegetables. 】

[There are so many shameless people like this, it's disgusting. 】

[A group of old men and old ladies are very familiar with playing tricks and rascals. 】

[The old man is so unmerited, isn't he afraid of retribution? 】

Ruan Lingwen slowly gnawed at the pig's trotters, and suggested, "Shall I give you a talisman?"

【it is good! 】

【it is good! 】

【it is good! 】

[Shi Lingling, what are you doing? 】

Ruan Lingwen frowned: "This big vegetable thief wants to come to my house to steal vegetables?"

【What?Shangshi Lingling's family stealing food? 】

[I think it was eaten by gods. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Don't tell me to be lenient. The basis of this talisman is all of you."

[Yes!Whatever you sow, you will reap the fruits! 】

[This kind of shameless thing should have been cured long ago! 】

【I am not afraid that this bad habit will be passed on to the next generation, and I even think it is very good to teach my children and grandchildren on purpose. 】

[They all read less and still refuse to read.How can such a person become a big deal? 】

[Thinking about speculating in coins to make money all day, but not studying, you deserve it for being cheated! 】

Ruan Lingwen put down his pig's trotters, wiped his hands, and said, "This is a talisman of good deeds. I won't do evil things."

【Yes! 】

【Come on Shi Lingling! 】

[I've wanted to cure those things for a long time! 】

[Go to the mall to draw paper.You said that you can just take a little and use it at will.It was intended to be taken back for use.How much money can that have? 】

【Let me tell you, if you have time to learn more, don't be limited by the old tricks. 】

[Learn more and have a good influence on the next generation, getting better and better, it is much cheaper than it. 】

[The poorer the people, the more attention should be paid, so as not to be poor all the time! 】

Ruan Lingwen got ready and began to draw the talisman.

【stop! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling!It will work according to the will of the people. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

【The maid asked you to stop, did you hear me? 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Ruan Lingwen has finished the painting and sends it away.

Refreshing and refreshing, she moved the sauced trotters over and continued eating.

[The effect is good. 】

[The few stealing vegetables in my field, they left as soon as they stretched out their hands. 】

【Ha ha ha ha!I was not reconciled to leaving, and turned around, still wanting to steal. 】

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