[Hahahahahaha!Shi Lingling's Virtue Accumulating Charity Talisman is really amazing! 】

[Those who suspect that the Wealth Breaking Talisman is not effective, you can refer to it. 】

[Another prophet was sent to the hospital and died. 】

【What's the meaning? 】

[It's just that there are some things that I don't want to change.Always want to see the results before deciding what to do. 】

[If the prophecy is all right, then Shi Lingling can be ignored.Whatever you want to do, keep doing it. 】

【According to the prophecy, decide to act.This prophecy was accurate. 】

【impossible.The future is messy, but the results are not bad. 】

[Is this the master again? 】

[Everything related to the prophecy has been blown up.Everything related to metaphysics seems to have come. 】

[Scream!This sauced pig's trotter is very timely, if you want to eat it, you can ask for it yourself! 】

[Don't bark, who cares about pig's trotters?Can't you eat something human can eat? 】

[Why can't pig's trotters be eaten?Pig trotters are the best! 】

[Shi Lingling, here's a stir-fried sausage! 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "That dinner is not for now."

[Do you have any points?Let Shi Lingling eat well. 】

【Shi Lingling, can that predict? 】

[The prophecy is definitely possible, it depends on your skill. 】

[Masters will not easily predict, because it will shorten their lifespan. 】

[Some people like challenges, as if they have no grievances with Shi Lingling, they just want to challenge. 】

[Even if this kind of competitive spirit is used, it doesn't matter, it seems to be mutual use, he can use it to defeat Shi Lingling. 】

[This kind of lack of concept of right and wrong is very scary. 】

[Yes, some people are crazy, there is no right and wrong.Because depending on their ability, they can live well on their own.Others don't care about life or death. 】

[If you have the ability to care more about food and the environment.Wouldn't that be a better challenge? 】

[Some prophecies serve certain interest groups, if they are useless, they are useless. 】

[Hey, in some groups, are important decisions predicted? 】

【there must be.However, there are not many strong prophets, and weak ones may not be accurate. 】

[Can Shi Lingling prophesy? 】

[Didn't Shi Lingling already say that?Everyone should stock up more, work hard, and the future will be even better. 】

[The supermarket is already sold out. 】

[All supermarkets are sold out. 】

[From now on, foreign countries will stock up on New Year’s goods just like domestic ones. 】

[Rogue//The country is starting to play hooligans.Some hooligans took to the streets, committing all sorts of crimes. 】

【This is not Shi Lingling's fault.This is the rogue//country's own problem. 】

[Rogue doesn't take care of his own affairs, he always thinks about others.That is, some people do their own thing, completely ignoring the general public. 】

[What else does this kind of Guo Jia keep?Your future is in your own hands. 】

[Shi Lingling, I want to get married, but the master said that there will be no good days in the year. 】

[Yes, my classmate is scheduled to get married next Saturday.Then ask for two days off, plus three days of marriage leave, plus the Spring Festival, there are two weeks. 】

【Ah, this is pretty good!I knew I was married years ago. 】

[The master said that our birthday horoscope or something, in short, it is not possible.My mother-in-law said that she probably wanted us to pay for it. 】

【Oh, what do you ask Shi Lingling to do? 】

【According to Shi Lingling, you can get married anytime.Shi Lingling, right? 】

Ruan Lingwen nodded: "Husbands and wives are united, families are harmonious, every day is a good day."

【Oh, my mother-in-law said, next Saturday. 】

[Aren't you too nervous? 】

[No way, there is.My mother also said that keeping the wedding simple is the same as living a good life after marriage. 】

[We asked for two days off, plus the Spring Festival holiday, it would be fine. 】

[Little Fairy, what I said is also correct. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "You are right, but they are right to suspect."

[Oh, I'm busy.Shi Lingling, my mother-in-law said to donate 10 yuan to accumulate blessings for the children.My mother asked for a bride price of [-], and was going to donate it too. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "No big deal. You can learn by yourself. Let's go."

【Ah, it's just that there are a lot of stumbling in life, as long as you put your heart into it, small things will make you happy. 】

[This mother-in-law looks good.My neighbor has a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. She is very careful, as if her son has no responsibility. 】

[This was originally a happy event for the baby, so the people who have to make trouble are unhappy.Pregnant women are unhappy, how about grandchildren? 】

【Everyone should resolve conflicts, not create them. 】

[Did you mean me?I'm ready to break up, the child is gone.This kind of mother-in-law will not be able to live in the future. 】

[I can't bear it, this kind of mother-in-law will definitely have a lot of things in the future.Living is not the same as talking with someone. 】

[The person I'm talking to doesn't think much of her, maybe she doesn't care either.Now that she is getting married, she is about to put on it. 】

[Shi Lingling, the master plans to help us resolve it with 1000 yuan, do you think it's okay? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Six hundred and six."

【Hahahahahaha! 】

【Hahaha!My mother-in-law said good things come in pairs. 】

[Mother-in-law is grand! 】

[Why do you want to give the master money? 】

[Because of the conflict in my heart, do you understand that you can lose money and eliminate disasters? 】

[1000 yuan is within the acceptable range, let's get married and look happy. 】

[Master just wants to make more money, but he is not black-hearted.Otherwise, Shi Lingling should talk about him. 】

[Hahaha my mother-in-law said that he might not be familiar with the business. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "The wind commentary has been murdered. Don't spread it anymore."

【Hahaha!Most gurus aren't that bad.I asked the master for help before.You deserve some money. 】

[I don't know about others, anyway, I practice by myself, afraid of bad karma. 】

【Amitabha. 】

[Actually, you still have to see for yourself.Bad guys don't get written on their foreheads.Don't be nervous when you hear bad things, think about it. 】

[Not to mention other things, the rules of metaphysics are very simple.You have a clear conscience and do good deeds, all of which can be resolved very well. 】

【Shi Lingling greatly eased everyone's tension. 】

[I was approached by a ghost before, and after talking with the ghost, the matter was resolved. 】

【How did you talk to the ghost? 】

[I invited a Xuanxiu, not very powerful, but able to talk to ghosts. 】

[I think it's good that Xuanxiu gradually becomes more standardized. 】

[If you have any problems, you can report them, and those who report maliciously must be dealt with, so as to jointly maintain this environment. 】

[Shi Lingling finished eating pig's trotters? 】

Finished in one plate.Yao Juan brought over another plate.

Ruan Lingwen said softly, "Thank you, Mom."

[This is cute, shameless. 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[I think it's pretty good.My child has learned from his mother's hard work since he was a child. 】

[Isn’t it taught in kindergarten? 】

[He is very smart in his studies.But it's just a resemblance. 】

[Hahahahahaha!It is more difficult for anyone who wants to be similar. 】

[Shi Lingling: What are you talking about? 】

[I was worried about the price increase of pig's trotters before, but now I'm eating it hard. 】

[That's right, before the price goes up, I want to eat my fill. 】

[This trick again? 】

[Punish people related to Shi Lingling, such as Ruan Kailin. 】

[Sanction Ruan Kailin? 】

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