Chapter 104 The Last Conversation
"I am going home."

Lu Mingfei was taken aback, subconsciously trying to dissuade him.

He didn't know whether he was worried that the task given to him by Caesar would fail or he simply wanted to keep Erika, which made him flustered: "Are you leaving? Why is it so sudden, why don't you play for a while?" , we still have a lot of places to go.”

"My family is coming to take me back. If I don't go back, I will hurt Sakura."

When Lu Mingfei saw that Sakura, he suddenly became sad. He regretted that he didn't tell Erika his name. From the beginning to the end, she didn't know her true identity and still trusted him so much.He is such a natural bastard, he will go to hell for cheating such an innocent girl.

But he has no choice, he must use everything to keep Erika right now.

"We can go where your family can't find us," he wrote on the cardboard with trembling hands.

"It's useless. I shouldn't come out and run around. It's not good for everyone. My sister has done a lot to make me stable, but I still lost control."

"She won't blame you." Lu Mingfei could only write.

"My sister likes you very much." Erika wrote: "She wants me to believe that you are a good person."

Lu Mingfei was stunned.

It was actually Qianli who catalyzed Erika so much in believing him?
He didn't know whether the news was good or bad for him, but the answer made him feel empty.

He just said, how could anyone think that he would be an exception in his own life?

"Sakura is sad?"

"No, how come, I just figured out some things."

"You are sad." Erika drew a frame on the sentence "She wants me to believe that you are a good person" that she just wrote: "It was my sister who asked me to say it. She said this to dispel your doubts. But if it breaks your heart, let me tell you the truth."

Lu Mingfei was a little bewildered by her, and after clearing his mind, he finally understood what Eliyi meant.

That sentence just now is false?Qianli was afraid that he was still angry and why Eriyi would trust him so much, so she specifically told Eriyi to do so.

As if to increase credibility, Erika wrote on it again: "Erin will not lie."

Lu Mingfei couldn't laugh or cry.

But you were lying to me just now with your sister.

But when it came to Qianli, he suddenly remembered the scene he saw that day.It is useless for Qianli to communicate with Erika, as if he also faintly heard Erika's voice last night.

"You can speak, right? Why use writing instead?"

"I only say strange things, and sad things happen when I say them."

"What's making you sad?"

"Dead. The people I spoke to are all dead. Only my sister can communicate and we can understand."

"Is sister talking to you different from what you said?"


Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded.

What Qianli and Erika communicated with was not a human language, nor a dragon language, but a language that only the two of them could understand?

"What did your sister teach you?"

"Erika will know it herself, and so will my sister."

Lu Mingfei put his heart back into his stomach.

Fortunately, at least it proves that Qianli is not some ancient mysterious species.

"Your voice is actually very nice," he wrote.

"But I can't say it." Erika stretched out her index finger to her lips.

"We should have left early last night."

If he had left earlier, he would not have been chased and intercepted, and Erika would not have exploded at the end, so with Qianli's continuation, he should be able to last for a few more days.

"But I finally met Sakura's family. Sakura's uncle is very nice, but my aunt doesn't seem to like me."

Lu Mingfei said in his heart, girl, you don't know something. In this world, there are love houses and black houses, but there are also hate houses and black houses. It is obvious that my aunt is the latter.If you are Lu Mingze's girlfriend, then she must like it very much. She can't take you out every day to show off her good daughter-in-law, but you are my girlfriend.

Lu Mingfei realized that he wanted to do the split again.

It's all the fault of the little devil, who has been talking about the love of gods and ghosts in his ears before, which led him astray.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously denied the voice in his heart, and blamed everything on the little devil.

But what surprised him was that Erika could tell that his aunt didn't like her. He always thought that she was a blank slate, and she couldn't accurately distinguish all the emotions from the outside world.I didn't expect her to be so sensitive. At that time, my aunt had already done it very covertly.She noticed this, and still insisted on smiling at her aunt.

"It's not that she doesn't like you, it's that she doesn't like me. I did a lot of things that she didn't like."

He could only explain.

"But I am very happy to be able to eat with my family. I used to go to that restaurant to eat in a car that is not transparent. After entering, I have to wear a veil and stay in a separate room."

"I'm sorry." Lu Mingfei's heart throbbed.

He did so many bastard things without realizing it.Fortunately, he still claims to be a qualified follower of the little princess.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, this body can't last long. My sister can only extend a part, but these days I have seen a lot of sunshine and stepped on water. If I am not willful, I can last until the second time. But I don't want to , hurt my sister too much."

Lu Mingfei understood.

The little princess was doing it on purpose, she couldn't refuse Qian Li directly, but she didn't want to rely on her feeding to survive, which would drag Qian Li down.Moreover, it should take a certain period of time for Qianli to continue Eriyi, and once it cannot be continued, it will basically be abolished.

Erika took off her gloves and showed him her arms.

The blue-gray blood vessels pulsated in the field of vision, like little snakes crawling with poison inside.

"Have you persisted until now?"

"I can't let my sister find out, and it's very fun to play with Sakura outside. This is the most free time in my life. I haven't had it before, and I won't have it in the future."

"It turned out to be so hard."

He never knew, he should have found out long ago.

If only he had been more careful.

He remembered that several times in the past few days, because he didn't want to go out, he deliberately lied to Erika that it was raining heavily outside or there were too many people outside, so he couldn't go out for the time being, and he would be discovered.

Thinking about it now, Erika might know about it, but she kept silent to make him happy.So every time I just nodded silently, and then sat in front of the French windows on the balcony and watched the outside world quietly.

People who can enjoy the sunshine wantonly are always used to magnifying their pain, but they never thought that some people have already expended all their efforts just to appear in the sunshine.

Lu Mingfei thought of this, and quickly corrected himself.


The junior sister told him before that there is no way to compare the pain.

Everyone has pain that others can't understand at all, and these pains are experienced first-hand, and no one can accuse the other party of not being strong enough.

While we celebrate being strong as a virtue, we must also accept that not being strong is normal.

(End of this chapter)

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