Chapter 105 Elopement to the Moon

"If you want to see the outside world, you have to pay a very high price. I already knew it." Erika wrote.

It turned out that she knew everything, Lu Mingfei breathed a stale breath in his chest.

Knowing that I am different from others, knowing that I have to pay a high price just to run out to see the world, knowing that my life span is short, but I don’t want to spend my whole life in that hut.

So willing to pay any price, just in exchange for a short period of freedom.

So no matter how uncomfortable you are, you will not show a crying expression, you have to eat cheap and delicious junk food, you have to wear beautiful dresses of different styles every day, and you have to praise every thing you have never seen before. Every minute counts.

Lu Mingfei wanted to hug her, worried that he would offend the beauty.

Eliyi saw his intention, and took the initiative to hug Lu Mingfei's neck.

This is a dangerously intimate gesture between the opposite sex, but it can bring a huge sense of security to people. Eriyi always hugs him in this position, but Lu Mingfei calmly puts it aside most of the time.

But this time he didn't.

He buried his head on Erika's shoulder and put his arms around his waist.

"Anywhere else you want to go?" he asked.

Erika pushed him away, her eyes sparkling.

"Anywhere is fine. There is no limit today. Sakura is at the service of Patriarch Uesugi 24 hours a day." Lu Mingfei added.

Erika was as happy as a bird coming out of the cage, she had come and walked excitedly several times while waiting for Lu Mingfei to change her clothes.She seemed to be debating whether she should take that little friend out with her, but she finally settled on the little yellow duck.

Lu Mingfei put on his most formal and expensive attire, wiped off the dirt on the toes of his shoes with a paper towel, and gave Erika his arm: "Let's go."


"How's it going, our bride and groom?" Qian Li opened the door and entered the room, looking at Su Enxi who was sitting on the sofa.

"I rented a Porsche 911 and rode wildly. I was almost caught by the police for speeding, and I even got rid of the police very badly. It's an extra crime." Su Enxi chewed the potato chips.

"It feels like eloping to the moon." Qian Li smiled and sat beside her.

"It would be great if I could really elope. Erika took off all her make-up and drove through Tokyo without any disguise."

"Don't worry about this, you won't be caught." Qian Li said: "Now some of the elite of the Snake Eight are in the Baiwang Hatchery, and some are in Shinjuku. No one will notice them."

"I hope so. What is Patriarch Yuan doing?" Su Enxi asked.

"I don't know, maybe I'm looking for my sister and brother, or maybe I'm thinking about sacrificing someone else?" Qian Li shrugged.

"It sounds like you're very upset with him."

"I'm not dissatisfied, it's just that his current thoughts run counter to the doctrine I pursue. I hate the practice of sacrificing others to achieve the so-called grand plan." Qian Li wrinkled her nose.

Su Enxi raised her eyebrows: "I always thought you were a person who would do whatever it takes for your ends."

"The purpose is the purpose and the interest is the interest. I can be a bad person and wait for the other party to take revenge at any time, but I will not be a glorious leader who asks his subordinates to sacrifice for himself."

"You are really contradictory." Su Enxi said: "But the boss specifically told me not to trust any of your words, Miss Liar."

Qian Li stuck out her tongue: "How dare I lie to you."

"Then tell me why Lu Mingfei is so familiar with the road map of Tokyo all of a sudden, and he can accurately avoid every pursuit by the Eight Snakes and the guards. The navigation on his car doesn't have a predictive function." Su Enxi said.

"Erika's hearing is different from that of ordinary people, maybe she can hear it from a distance."

"It doesn't matter if it's you or not, Lulu has already followed, carrying her most convenient weapon."

"Don't be so serious, do you know your boss's attitude towards Erika?"

"I only know that my boss is a profit-oriented person, and he will never let Erika escape."

"Does this count as complaining about the boss behind his back, and will his salary be deducted?" Qian Li asked.

Su Enxi: "..."

If it wasn't for Changlegs not here, she would definitely give this guy a friendly blow with Changlegs.

Is it too annoying?
She stopped talking to Qian Li, and instead stared at the GPS locked on the Porsche 911 and Mai Shutoku's motorcycle.

"Heron, Heron, I saw that your movement has stopped, and the target is on the way to Shikoku."

Jiu De Mai, who had just unscrewed the bottle cap and had no time to pour water into his mouth, rolled his eyes: "Can't I just stop and drink some water? I didn't even eat breakfast, so I followed this pair of dogs and girls for thousands of kilometers. , Exploitation of labor is enough, why bother to embarrass each other when they are all migrant workers?"

"But our broadcasting vans were all abandoned by Lu Mingfei. We have no way to monitor them except for GPS. What should we do if they escape? If we have enough money, we can refuel wherever we want. According to this progress, we can even Tour the whole of Japan!" Su Enxi looked anxious.

It was true that the planned wedding was cancelled, but the boss did not allow Erika to appear outside their surveillance range.

"What's the rush? They should still return to Tokyo in the end. You want to travel far away on a whim, but the end of the journey will always be the origin." Said Mai Tokuku.

"Now is not the time to pretend to be a literary youth. What if they really don't come back and the boss loses his nerve if they can't complete the task?"

"Whatever, he won't fire us anyway. The boss is a very calculating person. We are all pawns in his hands. As pawns, we only need to walk the path he only gave us, and wait for him to create miracles for the rest. That's good." Mai Shutoku hung up the call.

Su Enxi was dumbfounded.

Is this still the long leg she knows?How come there is a feeling of breaking a jar?

Did you finally give up treatment completely in the day-to-day torment of the boss, the vicious capitalist?
After listening to the whole process, Qian Li chuckled: "So, there is nothing wrong with doing your best and obeying the destiny. Anyway, you are just migrant workers. If you really can't finish it, let the boss take care of it?"

Su Enxi scratched her head: "Okay, okay, that's the only way."

In fact, she is also a person of Buddhism. Since the little friends have started to lie flat, she doesn't need to roll anymore.

"Have you had breakfast?" Qian Li asked.

"not yet."

"I order fried chicken, do you want to go with me?"

"Is it bad to eat fried chicken early in the morning?" Su Enxi was a little moved.

"Experts pointed out that if you don't eat on an empty stomach, you will die. Besides, the chickens have been fried. Even if we don't eat them, we can't put them back in the cage. We are saving them and letting them exert their last light and residual heat."

"I'm convinced by you!" Su Enxi gave a thumbs up: "Another iced Coke."

"Heroes see the same thing."

(End of this chapter)

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