Chapter 108 Tokyo Love Story
Lu Mingfei smiled helplessly: "Eat while walking."

Erika nodded, and followed him obediently.

However, in just a blink of an eye, Lu Mingfei realized that the person behind him had disappeared again.

This situation has happened several times just now, so Lu Mingfei is not afraid, but just a little anxious.

It was already very late, and he was afraid that he would not be able to catch the last tram if he delayed any longer.

When she found Erika, she was squatting at the door of the wood carving shop, staring at the wood carving that was about to be formed in the hands of the carpenter like a curious puppy.Seeing Lu Mingfei approaching, he hurriedly called him over: "It's very cute, I want a Sakura."

It must be too late in time, Lu Mingfei tried to dissuade him: "Wait until we get off the tram and leave, we won't be able to climb to the top of the mountain."

"But I really want a Sakura." Erika insisted.

She is very sensible, but after getting along with Lu Mingfei for a long time, she will occasionally show her little willfulness.

"Sakura said that no matter what she does today, she can satisfy Erika," he wrote again.

"Okay, okay." Lu Mingfei lost to her, and went to communicate with the shopkeeper.

"Are you in a hurry?" The shopkeeper heard their conversation just now: "There are two semi-finished products here. If you don't mind, you can catch the tram after the end."

Lu Mingfei thanked repeatedly: "I don't mind, I don't mind."

The sawdust was flying, the carpenter speeded up, the carving knife seemed to come alive in his hand, and within a short while, two round logs took shape in his hand.

During the waiting period, Lu Mingfei saw the bubble blowing toy in the hands of the children returning home, and with a thought, he told Erika to sit here quietly and ran towards the elementary school students.

Concentrating on the carpenter's carving, he nodded in agreement.

The master carpenter also looked at Erika distractedly: "Do you want to paint them yourself?"

Erika's eyes lit up, and she wrote in her notebook: "Is it okay?"

"Yes, this one is ready, you can use the paint here as you like." The master carpenter handed her the miniature carved version of Lu Mingfei.

Doing it by hand is completely different from just looking at it. Erika thought it was very simple when she saw the carpenter coloring. Just like my brother before, I watched the doodle book she brought her. Just follow the example above. It won't be ugly to paint.But now it is different, there is no example picture.

Eriyi can only use the image of Lu Mingfei constructed in her mind to paint her face seriously, brown hair, white face, black eyebrows, golden brown eyes, and red lips...

Erika tried her best to reproduce the Lu Mingfei in her mind.

And Lu Mingfei also bought half of the bubble blowing tool from a child who came home from school at a "sky-high price" of [-] yen.

Realizing that this might be the last time we spend together, Lu Mingfei had the urge to dump all the good things on Eriyi.

He felt that this impulse came from his guilt and was a kind of compensatory psychology, so he accepted this change with peace of mind.

When she came back, Erika had just finished coloring, and she showed Lu Mingfei her superb coloring skills.

To be honest, it’s really not very good-looking. The originally vivid wood carvings with the colors like children’s graffiti are extremely contradictory, but Lu Mingfei still gave Eri Yi a thumbs up: “It’s very similar to me, Eri Yi is very powerful.”

He reached out to take it, but Erika carried the woodcarving behind her back and gestured with her free hand.

Lu Mingfei understood.

This shrunken version of himself belongs to Erika, and the shrunken version of Erika is his.

They want to exchange each other.

"Okay, paint it too, young man." The carpenter handed the miniature version of the painted pear clothes to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei had no choice but to paint the hair, eyes, nose, white maiden costume and red bow carefully under the expectant eyes of Erika.

Time was tight, but Lu Mingfei still tried his best to color carefully and patiently.It was getting dark after the service, so Lu Mingfei threw a wad of money to the carpenter and ran away pulling Eriyi.

The master carpenter looked at their backs that were getting further and further away, heaved a sigh of relief, and took off his headgear.

"I'm suffocating, I'm going. It's not human to wear a mask in summer and do this kind of physical work." Clear female voice, overly gorgeous face.

She turned and walked to the back of the workbench where the original carpenter sat motionless.

"Thank you, grandpa. This is the reward. You should know what to say when the boy comes back, right?" She asked with a smile.

The old man couldn't make a sound or move, and was sweating profusely. Hearing this, he couldn't resist, so he couldn't stop nodding.

Only then did Qian Li untie the restraint, took out her phone and looked at the two dots on it: "I hope you escape from prison successfully, don't let me down."


The mountain tram was built next to the small town shrine, and they finally made it to the car before it started.

There were only two passengers in the carriage, Lu Mingfei and Eriyi. Eriyi carefully packed little Sakura into the bag that Lu Mingfei bought for her, and looked out the window with her feet shaking.

The dense trees almost covered the entire track, and wild flowers such as honeysuckle and thorn roses grew in the gaps. They seemed to be shuttling on the road completely composed of flowers, listening to the sound of the mountain tram.

The world is completely quiet, and in this silence without fireworks on earth, there is a sense of beauty in the silence of only you and me between heaven and earth.

"Sakura isn't Japanese, is she? Why do you know such a beautiful place?"

"I watched a TV series about Japan's platoon before, and this is a famous scene in that TV series." Lu Mingfei explained.

"What TV series?" Erika asked curiously.

"Tokyo Love Story." Lu Mingfei handed the bubble-blowing toy clutched in his hand to Erika, and began to tell her the general plot.

While listening quietly, Erika dipped a small wooden stick into the soap in the bottle and blew a string of bubbles. These bubbles were blown towards the wall of the car with the wind in the car, and then burst.

This side seems to be a very empty and large space in Erika, and it has become a cage for these very small bubbles.

The bubble exploded, and Lu Mingfei's narration came to an end.

In fact, this place has always been one of the places he wanted to visit this trip, but he was embarrassed to tell Chu Zihang and Caesar, even Qianli.This kind of behavior of coming here because of a TV series sounds stupid, and the otaku wants to go to the holy place of Akihabara, and the latter sounds more acceptable.

But Eriyi is different, she doesn’t know anything, and only when Lu Mingfei told her that she was moved to tears after seeing the ending, she seriously wrote down “it must be a very touching TV series”, instead of I think it is a shameful behavior to cry while watching a TV series.

Lu Mingfei took out a piece of cloth and covered Eri Yi's eyes: "You will see a more beautiful scenery when you open your eyes later."

(End of this chapter)

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