Chapter 109

After getting off the mountain tram, Lu Mingfei took Eri Yi all the way forward, through the dense jungle, and came to the end of the road.

It was a cliff, and Lu Mingfei helped her climb up a raised rock.

The evening wind blew up Erika's long hair and skirt, and she opened her arms like a young eagle about to soar between the sky and the earth.Lu Mingfei behind him could push this monster that could easily destroy half of Tokyo off the cliff with just a little force.

It's ridiculous to say that such a great power is actually in the hands of a waste wood in the eyes of the public.

But Lu Mingfei didn't want this right at all.

Looking at the girl's back like a willow tree in spring, he always felt that a pair of huge black wings would extend from the shoulder blades.

She should be free.

She should not live in the iron cage built for her by Snake Bajia, nor should she live under the 24-hour surveillance of Kassel College.

He actually knew what would happen if he was judged by the secret party as a dangerous hybrid. He had read related materials on library management.

Once Erika is under the supervision of the academy, she will be taken to that isolated island immediately.

There is no difference from the small iron cage where she has lived for more than 20 years, except that there are more sunshine and sandy beaches.

Isn't more gentle imprisonment not called imprisonment?
All the crimes in this world should not be borne by the innocent girl in front of her eyes.

So after Qianli said in the morning that she put a map and patrol schedule under Erik's pillow, Lu Mingfei made up his mind.He lied to Caesar and Chu Zihang, and he chose the same position as Qian Li regarding Erika's freedom.

Lu Mingfei held Erika's shoulders and helped her remove the blindfold from behind.

The setting sun jumped into the center of her field of vision, and the huge red sun had already touched the sea level, blooming red golden waves on the sea at the junction in the distance.The red sea tide rolled up to Erika's feet, hit the black reef, and shattered into pieces of white.The forest surrounds the entire sea, is swayed by the wind, and looks like one with the sea under the light of the setting sun.

The small towns are distributed along the winding coastline, extending far, far away.

Erika didn't speak, just parted her red lips slightly, staring blankly at the scene in front of her.

These days he has been to playgrounds, watched the Tokyo Sky Tree, and seen fragments of the world made up of buildings of various styles, but there has never been a place like this, which is independent of the bustling city of Tokyo and has become a city. The unobstructed world under her feet.

Lu Mingfei plugged the earphones into Erika's earholes, and there was "Sudden Love" written by Oda Masakazu.This is the theme song of "Tokyo Love Story", and it was already in the phone when Lu Mingze sent it to him.

At that time, he thought viciously that Lu Mingze would also listen to this kind of song, it would be too embarrassing for the devil.

Hearing the familiar song back then, Lu Mingfei realized that his emotions at that time, like the memory of the movie, had gradually been forgotten with the passage of time. With the leak of small sounds, he could hum the tune of that song again without thinking.

He had discussed memory with Qian Li before, and the other party said something that was still fresh in his memory.

Memories are always illusory things. People rely on sound and graphics to try to remember everything at that time, but what they see in their dreams at midnight is always a blurred face.Memory is deceiving, as is the eye.

With the passage of time, it will be gradually fabricated by oneself into an anonymous appearance. The memory we are talking about now is just a fact fabricated by ourselves.

The moving and beautiful appearance you think is deepening day by day are all illusions. After that incident happened, after that person left, you began to selfishly tamper with it based on your own imagination.

So people who are immersed in memories are not melancholy and sentimental, but narcissistic.

He fell in love with what he constructed.

At that time Lu Mingfei somewhat disagreed with this statement, but now he understands.

In fact, the touch of "Tokyo Love Story" ended as early as the end of the film, and the rest was his one-man show under the light in the dark.

He looked at Erika, finally raised his hand, and left a photo of Erika in the mobile phone that Lu Mingze gave him.

He was a little bit resistant to this matter, and always felt that leaving a photo was like freezing this moment in his life, and this person broke into your world at this moment from now on, and he could never get rid of it.It's like picking up a stray cat or dog on the side of the road, no matter how many days you feed it, you can throw it away completely on a certain day without any scruples.

And once you give it a name, it will be bound to you from then on, and you will give it a home.

He said that he didn't bring a camera and that the phone's pixels were not good enough to lie to himself.

It boiled down to his fear.

But now Lu Mingfei caressed the girl's face against the setting sun that appeared on the phone screen, and felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Is it possible to keep denying that this period of time does not exist?

In April in Tokyo, when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, there was a girl named Erika Uesugi in his world. This is an established fact and no one can deny it.

During the time of the song being played, Erika remained silent and expressionless, just quietly looking into the distance, at the quiet coastline and the spinning Ferris wheel, at the reciprocating sea and swaying trees.

Lu Mingfei inexplicably became nervous amidst the sudden silence.

He didn't know if it was appropriate to make this their destination, and if Erika would like it.But this is what he thinks is the most beautiful place in Japan, and Lu Mingfei very much hopes that she will like it here.

Out of this great hope comes great fear.

Out of love comes fear.

If Eriyi said that this place is boring and meaningless, it's only suitable for bad people to remember the love they never had, then he can only take her down the mountain in desperation.

"The world is gentle." Erika held up the sign to him.

Lu Mingfei was taken aback by this adjective, he never thought that the world could be described with tenderness.

"The previous world was not like this, it was not so gentle." Eri Yi wrote.

"What did you think the world was like before?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"The gem guarded by the snake group is very beautiful, far away, and very dangerous."

Lu Mingfei thought for a while, and felt that this adjective was very appropriate.

Those bustling cities are gems surrounded by a group of black pythons. They move unscrupulously through the darkness, hiding dangerous fangs.

But he also remembered a sentence.

——Your perception of the world comes from who is standing next to you.

(End of this chapter)

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