Chapter 133
Minamoto looked at Tachibana Masamune sadly.

The strange sound of wooden clappers lingered in everyone's ears again, and the bloodthirsty Deadpool's offensive became more violent.

Tachibana Masamune's cheeks trembled, his face was ferocious, but he quickly calmed down, and only the kindness of the elderly remained in his silver eyes.He looked at Yuan Zhisheng, as if looking at his proudest son.

"Follow them."

Yuan Zhisheng beside him was lightly pushed towards Chu Zihang and others by him, and a beam of cold moonlight penetrated the siege of the dead servants and spread on the ground.

Tachibana Masamune was alone in the light, and they were in the dark.

He has a long gun in one hand and a long knife in the other, like the protagonist of the intermission theater, with light footsteps and quick movements, he shuttles among the roaring dead waiters, performing his own killing art.

Yuan Zhisheng closed his eyes and read out the long-lost language.The domain is released and slowly expands.With him at the center, the spines of the dead waiters made a sound like cracking, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Sakura supported him from the side, who was on the verge of falling, and walked quickly to the elevator.

It's obviously a short distance, but it seems that there is no end to it. With Minamoto's movement, the scope of the domain gradually separates from the place where Tachibana Masamune was. people.

In the beginning, Tachibana Masamune could still see the scene of knocking the approaching Deadpool into the air. Later, the number of Deadpool gathered more and more, and the terrifying sound of devouring became more and more clear to the ears.


Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were shattered, he pushed away Sakura's hand, and ran towards Tachibana Masamune.

He can't take it!
I can't accept this way of sacrificing myself, and I can't accept that I can only watch people like my father being swallowed up by these monsters in order to save myself.

"Yuanyuan, what you have in this world is what you give up. When you hold on to one thing, the other thing is destined to leave you." A familiar voice sounded in his mind, Yuan Zhisheng paused, and then continued to run towards Tachibana Masamune.

If it is his life that is sacrificed, he is willing to make this deal.

The sound of the wooden clapper changed suddenly, from impassioned to sad.

Yuan Zhisheng subconsciously looked back.

As if in slow motion, Sakura standing next to Inuyamaga was caught by the collar of a deadpool with a chain hook in his hand.With Sakura's ability, it is impossible to break free from this level of Deadpool.

And Inuyama Ka, who was closest to her, was doing his best to deal with another Deadpool, and there was no time for distraction.

At this moment, he finally understood who he was going to give up.

"If possible, let's watch the cherry blossoms together at this time next year."

"I don't need you to help me kill, but I lack a beautiful subordinate. If I have a beautiful girl following me when I go out, it will look very majestic. Would you like to be my beautiful girl?"

"Is your name... Yabuki Sakura?"

Yuan Zhisheng's breath stagnates.

He had lost something, lost forever.

That beautiful, stern and even clumsy girl flew away from his palm like a light swallow.

He nearly fell to his knees.

"...Idiot, I know that you don't want to let go of anyone who is greedy." The familiar voice sounded again, helpless and distressed.

Bangzi's cross talk changed again, and Deadpool's movements were affected, and he froze for a moment.

At this moment, Chu Zihang exploded and cut off the long arm of the scimitar that hooked Yabuki Sakura with a long knife.Caesar raised the Desert Eagle and fired several times.

"Bastard, stand still and wait to die, get over here!" Caesar roared to wake Minamoto from his blank mind, Minamoto seemed to be born again, grabbed Tachibana Masamune's arm and pulled him out of the pile of dead waiters. pulled out.

"Cough cough cough...I'm so stupid..." Qian Li almost coughed out her lungs.

"Sister, are you okay?" Fingel gasped as he lay beside her.

"Try it." Qian Li could barely speak, all in a voice that was squeezed out of her lungs, but she continued to knock on the clapper with her hands: "Damn it, save a big enemy with all your strength!" It's worse than killing me."

"It's okay, I owe you my life. I have an order next time. I promise to keep cheering and cheering for you when you fight to the death with that guy." Fingel patted his chest, but was forcibly pulled down from more than 100 meters in the air. Someone made a humanoid meat pad and hurt him a lot, so he joined the coughing army with the people around him.

Hearing his reassurance, Qianli almost stopped breathing: "Useless thing, I should have thrown you to death at that time."

At the end, she couldn't help laughing again.

"You fell to my death and my vice principal will find Angers to settle the score." Fingel said.

"What's none of my business?" Qian Li replied.

Fingal was silent.

That's right, based on his understanding of the relationship between Qian Li and Ange, he probably wished that the other party would get a fat beating.

When he met Qian Li for the first time, she sat in Angers office and played with the two squirrels raised by Angers.The face of the girl god himself was bathed in the evening sun, and she looked like the goddess of beauty and love in Greek mythology, which immediately surprised Fingel.

It didn't take long for Ange to come over. He thought he could see a harmonious relationship like a father and daughter, but when Ange saw her almost turned into a grumpy father, he wanted to beat her up himself.

At that time, he didn't understand why, after all, Ange had always claimed to be romantic, even if he didn't want to have a year-end relationship, he should be inspired with infinite love for a girl like Shang Qianli.

After contacting him two or three times later, he knew that it was best not to talk or do anything about Qian Li.

Of course, it is best to speak and do things under the hands of the enemy, so that you can get the most supreme and pure schadenfreude.

"Why did Angers pick you at that time?" He asked the question that had always been in his heart.

"Why did the vice-principal pick you at that time?" Qian Li returned the words without any changes.

"Of course I value my character and strength. If it wasn't for me, you would have screwed up this time." Fingel boasted, "Caesar already suspected you, but luckily I was smart enough to confuse you with the Gattuso family." together."

Then we made it up and rounded it up, and finally spent a thrilling night.

"He suspects me that I won't lose a piece of meat. Don't add settings to me indiscriminately. What if I don't remember the ooc one day!" Qian Li looked angrily: "I didn't say it when I was doing the background. Is it mainly to highlight an unrestrained and freewheeling one?"

"You are too arbitrary, I have to think about the rationale for a long time if there is a problem." Fingel protested: "I will send you your latest identity when I go back later, it is absolutely seamless."

"It's hard for me to believe your so-called perfect clothes." Qian Li rolled his eyes with difficulty: "The last time you told me that the perfect clothes were to let me pretend to be No. General Wang is alone, so it’s clear whether I’m number zero or not. Fortunately, I’m smart enough to say that I was rescued by Herzog.”

(End of this chapter)

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