Chapter 134 Good Brother

"What's the difference between you and deliberate provocation?" Fingel looked sideways.

Not long after arriving in Japan, the news was completely blocked, and he knew what Qianli had done.

"Of course there is a difference. The more I brag, the less Tachibana Masamune dares to recognize me. Otherwise, according to this development, even the real number zero will be in danger. But he was not recognized, and I was the only one who was unlucky. Every night in the middle of the night I dare not sleep, for fear that I will reveal my identity in my dream." Qian Li complained: "Can you be more reliable, we have cooperated for so long, every time you have put me on the edge of a cliff, if I hadn't strongly demanded that the deputy The principal sent you here, and even if I die, I will find no one to take revenge."

"You can question my eloquence, but don't question my professionalism and ability as a paparazzi. Wait..." Fingel grabbed the key words and stared: "You asked me to come here?!"

"Of course, good brothers will die together." Qian Li grinned, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his eyes: "You made me like this, how could I let you get away with it?"

"There's an old saying in your country... Only a villain and a woman are hard to raise!" Knowing that the source of his misfortune was the person in front of him, Fingel was full of grief and indignation.

"Wrong, it is non-toxic and not husband. By the way, I recorded it, and it will be released to EVA to listen to."

"Knock your wooden fish well. Those juniors seem to be unreliable. Let's go back to Gaotianyuan together later." Fingel said, and kicked the king general who was like a dead dog: "What should I do about this? Are you going to stay?" with?"

"Of course we have to keep it. That old man Tachibana Masamune is very bad. He even shot me black and hurt me so badly. After I recover, I will stab him every day." Qian Li gritted his teeth.

Fingel: "..."

very powerful.

He suddenly remembered another question: "You have exposed so much in front of my eyes, are you afraid that I will not be able to resist the principal's coercion and lure, and tell you?"

"Do you still need the principal's coercion and lure?" Qian Li gave him a sideways glance, and finally put down the wooden clapper in his hand.

In fact, she had no strength at all, Tachibana Masamune's marksmanship was very accurate, aiming at her heart.After dragging Finger and General Wang to a hidden place, she didn't have time to treat her wounds, so she hurriedly found the wooden clapper from General Wang and tried to control those dead servants.

From then on, all the willpower was used to support the two hands and knock on the wooden clapper to let those people get off the elevator safely.

She is so tired.

The wound on the body has not healed yet, and a new one has been added. It is difficult to move the already weak fingers, and it is still necessary to hold on to save people.

"Is it worth your hard work?" Fingel looked at her hands shaking like chaff, with complicated eyes.

He finally faded away from his foolish look, and became serious.

"I don't care whether it's worth it or not, I just do what I want." Qian Li almost fell asleep.

"I really don't understand you. Everyone has a past, but you don't, but you want to protect these children more than those who have a past." Fingel stood up with difficulty and lifted Qian Li up.

"People have to do something to feel that they are still alive." Qian Li said.

"That doesn't sound like your style."

"Your vomit is a bit like a senior Caesar." Qian Li smiled: "Are you going to leave the useless family and embrace the status of Gao Fushuai?"

"People like me can't be rich and handsome, that's not suitable for me." Fingel also laughed: "I've been a worthless life in my life, but useless people also have the benefits of useless people, and some desperately want to protect them." s things."

"It can't be me, right?" Qian Li said "Hey" obviously.

Fingel: "There's a hang glider in front, how about I tie you to it and fly in the sky?"

However, the girl on his body didn't return to him.

His back was wet.

is her blood.

"Fuck, you're not really dead, are you?" Fingel yelled.

"It's almost there, and you have your last breath. If you move more, it will be almost the same. I have already seen the jio of Hades."

Fingel: "...let's hold on a little longer, the main reason is that after you die on me, my back price will drop badly, what should I do if other young and beautiful girls look down on me."

"Grandma dripping bear."


Kazama Ruri didn't understand why she suddenly appeared in the mall.

He clearly remembered that at the moment Qianli fell, he was trying to save her.

It doesn't matter if you cooperate with General Wang or not.

There are only two important women in his life, Sakurai Kogure is dead, and he can't lose another one.

Wearing a tattered costume, he didn't even have time to explain to the guard who hesitated to speak, so he stumbled out.

He has to go back to Tokyo Tower, where his brother and Qianli are.

A Maybach stopped right in front of him.

The driver stood by the car door with a warm smile on his face. When he saw his figure, he bent slightly and stretched out his white-gloved right hand to open the rear door for him.

It's the car of the ghosts, and the ghosts are still waiting for him... No, it should be said that they want to send him back to the blood pool.

He subconsciously wanted to draw the knife, but he saw the old man in black uniform on the back seat of the Maybach move in and patted the seat beside him.

The mask on the old man's face had appeared in front of him in countless midnight dreams.


Lightning tore through the night sky, Kazama Liuli only felt that her brain was blank, and her ears were filled with humming.

Fear flowed to his limbs, making him even lack the courage to draw a knife.

After paying so much and such a heavy price, he actually climbed up from hell.

He is simply an unkillable evil spirit!
Kazama Liuli's teeth were rattling, he didn't know if it was fear or anger.His eyes were bloodshot, and he finally pulled out the long knife at his waist.

He jumped up, his figure was like an eagle soaring in the sky, and swung his knife to chop down.This knife seems to split the world.

However, General Wang who was sitting in the car didn't even look at him approaching, took out his wooden clapper leisurely, and tapped lightly.In his hands, the tiny wooden stick turned into an unknown instrument, playing strange tones.

Kazama Liuli's strength was emptied in an instant, and the winged eagle fell to the puddle on the ground, rolling in pain.

Wang Jiang took the time to take back the wooden clapper, trying to pick up the twitching Kazama Liuli on the ground.

At this moment, a bright light pierced the darkness, and the Toyota approached at a very high speed. At the moment when it was about to hit, the driver slammed the steering wheel, and the car spun in the rain, causing water splashes half a meter high.

The water curtain retreated, and the Maybach was knocked forward and jumped out.

The doors on both sides of the Toyota popped open at the same time, Chu Zihang rolled over the roof, and the long knife spread out in a fan-shaped arc in the air, hitting the driver's neck hard.

The driver grabbed the back of the knife with an extremely quick reaction, Chu Zihang quickly let go of the handle, and fisted the driver's face.

(End of this chapter)

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