Chapter 135
The three of them silently helped Kazama Liuli, who had lost her ability to move, back to Gao Tianyuan.

In just one day since the last time they walked together, they have changed from proud sons to defeated roosters.The rain gradually stopped, but the gloomy atmosphere hanging over them did not mean to subside.

They searched around the Tokyo Tower, but they still couldn't find the... traces of Qianli and Fingel.

There are too many dead servants, and without the protection of the kingship, they simply cannot stay there for too long.

Yuan Zhisheng was dragged away by Tachibana Masamune and Sakura, and the three of them supported each other, saving Kazama Ruri halfway.

Caesar looked up at Gaotianyuan's neon-decorated signboard, feeling as if it had been a lifetime away.

I haven't had time to find out what it has to do with Gattuso, and I haven't seen enough of the struggle of my good brother Chu Zihang. Why did everything recede like a wave with the heavy rain?
Kazama Ruri twitched from time to time.

He has not recovered from being overly frightened by General Wang, his pupils are dilated, as if he has encountered a ghost.

"Hey, hey, junior girl, don't you really want me to lose money?"

"If you don't lose money, whoever loses money, if you didn't create me, would I be like this now?"

"That old advertising airship is enough to hold me back, but you still insist on slipping on it, isn't that going to kill me together?"

"I only weigh less than eighty catties, why can't I hold on?"

"You weigh eighty pounds, not eight taels!"

"You actually know about two pounds?"


"Alright, alright, Wang, Heracles, let's celebrate the two of you for saving your life, so stop arguing about it. Wang's medical bills are all covered. Let's clink our glasses and laugh away our grievances."

"It's still Mr. Jing who understands the general situation. I respect Mr. Jing."

"Brother Waste Chai holds the cup too high. According to the toasting etiquette, people with low status will be lowered by at least half the cup height than the boss."

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the three people who were chatting happily, and stretched out his hand to rub his eyes vigorously.

Is he hallucinating?

Otherwise, why would Brother Waste Chai wear a small silver suit and comb his hair like Elvis Presley?And Junior Sister, except that her body was covered with bandages, she looked the same as usual.

The three cups collided, Finger and the humpback whale drank it all in one gulp, Qian Li took a sip and put it aside, only then did he notice the four people who were frozen in place.

"Senior brother, young girl, are you back?" Qian Li giggled.

"Ouch, you're back, just when we're happy to drink, come here, waiter, put a few more glasses on." Fingel waved familiarly, as if he was the owner of the store, and they came to join him Poor country bumpkins of wealthy relatives.

"Bitch, Junior Sister, aren't you... dead?"

"Brother Mingfei, are you scolding me?" Qian Li put away her smile and kept a straight face.

"No, I'm calling you Brother Waste Chai." Lu Mingfei waved his hands quickly.

"Hahaha, I know," Qian Li laughed loudly, "I'm kidding..."

A black shadow flashed in front of her eyes, and the next second she was hugged into a slightly cold embrace.

Qian Li couldn't help coughing twice: "Brother, the wound hurts."

Chu Zihang quickly let her go.

"Hey~" Fingel made a disgusted voice, and quickly realized what happened, and hurriedly clapped his mouth: "I have a cheap mouth, I have a cheap mouth."

It's one thing to watch Qian Li's fun, but it's another thing to watch Chu Zihang's fun.

He hugged Lu Mingfei and complained to him, feeling gross.

Qian Li wrinkled her nose: "Hey~"

After the contempt was still not enough, he grabbed Chu Zihang's sleeve: "Senior brother, let me tell you, I was in danger at the time. I managed to grab his rope so I didn't fall directly, but he threw me down!"

Fingel was dumbfounded by her fluent villain's operation of complaining first, and after a while, he pulled off his suit: "The rope was not tied firmly, and you suddenly came up to grab me, and I almost fell on it gone."

He didn't wear anything under his suit, and when he opened it, there were bruises and bruises and terrible wounds.

"You didn't die after being injured like this?" Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded.

"Aren't scars the badge of a man?" Fingel laughed.

"Then I'm more manly than you." Not to be outdone, Qian Li probably breathed in the cold wind, and couldn't help coughing again.

"Wang can talk and laugh like this. Wang is indeed stronger than the average man." The humpback said with a smile, "I won't bother you anymore. Heracles will be a member of our store in the future. You are all good friends. We will communicate more in the future.”

Talk shit!
Is it something to brag about introducing a friend to a prostitution den? !And the store manager, do you know what you brought in?The person standing in front of you now is a super useless who can keep grades in Kassel College for ten years, from a noble A grade to an annoying F!

As long as you dare to let him eat enough, he will dare to take off his tall camouflage and become a chewing gum that sticks to the sole of your shoe and can't even be peeled off!
Of course, the humpback whale didn't know what he was thinking, lost himself in Finger's compliments, and went back to his room blithely.

Finger breathed a sigh of relief, and patted his shocked chest: "Damn, you guys are finally back, I almost couldn't hold back! This guy Qianli keeps tearing down my stage, how on earth do you get used to her?" Like this?"

From the change in his address to Qian Li, it is enough to see how much impact Qian Li has had on his mind during this period. In just a few hours, he has adjusted his face and dog attributes.

"It's clear that I'm spoiling them!" Qian Li yelled dissatisfiedly: "Come here, Mingfei, to celebrate our tenacious survival for another day, hug one."

She pushed Chu Zihang away and opened her arms.

Lu Mingfei hugged her: "Thank you or."

After letting go, he solemnly gave Fingel a hug.

Fingel seemed to be shocked, like a girl who was sexually harassed, hugged her chest nervously, looked around, but couldn't say a word.

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at him and said in unison, "Welcome back."

Qian Li poked her head out from among them: "Young girl? Are you angry? Are you really ignoring me?"

Kazama Liuli's complexion was a little better than before, but her face was still dull, her eyes fixed on Qianli, and she didn't speak.

"Oh, I'm afraid that you are in danger." Qian Li raised his tone: "The king is too scary, you must have not prepared enough to assassinate him."

Kazama Ruri remained silent.

Qian Li said again: "Oh, I was wrong, I shouldn't cooperate with General Wang, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time."

Kazama Ruri still didn't speak, but her attitude softened obviously, and she nodded as a forgiveness.

"I know our young girl is the best to me." Qian Li blinked: "It's getting late, if there are no problems, let's all rest."

(End of this chapter)

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