Chapter 137
Erika didn't stay outside for long today, after buying the flowers, she went back with her skirt in her hands.

On the way, I met Ms. Ying, who looked anxious, as if she was looking for someone.

Seeing Erika leaving and returning, Sakura heaved a sigh of relief, walked quickly to her and bent down: "Patriarch Uesugi, the young master is looking for you."

Erika stuffed the amaryllis flower into Sakura's hand, tilted her head, and wrote on the cardboard: "Brother, what do you want me for?"

Sakura's eyes dimmed.

Erika saw this familiar look again, everyone who passed by this morning looked at her like that.

She didn't understand the meaning, but she didn't like the look.

"What happened?"

Sakura lowered her eyebrows and closed her eyes, her tone was heavy: "The young master hopes that you can go to see Mr. Masamune for the last time."

After they went downstairs with Caesar's team and others, they split into two groups with a tacit understanding. Patriarch Inuyama stayed where he was with the "ghost" and the crow he brought to deal with the remaining dragon-shaped Deadpool.

Tachibana Masamune insisted on staying, and asked Sakura to take Yuan Zhisheng away.

"Father." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Masamune Tachibana with a complicated expression: "You are injured, you must go back with me to treat the wound first."

"You are the one who has to deal with the wound." Tachibana Masamune smiled: "Are you worried that I want to die here?"

Yuan Zhisheng didn't speak.

Tachibana Masamune continued: "Don't worry, I still want to wait to see your wedding."

When he said this, his eyes traveled between Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura.As a father, she can tell at a glance which girl her son likes.

Sakura didn't respond, but Yuan Zhisheng's face showed a bit of embarrassment.However, the excessive use of royal power caused too much harm to his body, and his consciousness could not last long, so he could only ask Tachibana Masamune to help him find Qianli's whereabouts before he fell into a coma.

He didn't think Qian Li would die, even if he saw her being shot and falling from a height of several hundred meters to the ground full of dead servants.

Tachibana Masamune nodded in agreement.

Yuan Zhisheng originally thought that he would be able to receive Qianli's whereabouts after waking up, but what he got was the news that Tachibana Masamune died unexpectedly during the aftermath work.

He didn't respond for a long time.

Inuyama Ka, who was traveling with him, was also seriously injured, and was carried to the ICU of the hospital by Crow and Yasha, covered in blood. His consciousness fell into a coma, and he has not yet regained consciousness.

According to Crow and Yasha's description, Tachibana Masamune seemed to see Qianli's figure, and followed them to the depths of the underground garage regardless of their obstruction.Inuyama Ka followed closely behind, leaving everything to the two of them.

Ten minutes later, Inuyama Ka came from the underground garage with Tachibana Masamune on his back, and when he saw them, they only had time to say "run" before falling to the ground.

At this time Tachibana Masamune was out of breath.

Now that Inuyama is in a coma, no one knows what happened to them during that time in the underground garage.

Erika who was standing opposite Sakura blinked.

She didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but she was just curious about what Sakura said: "Why is it the last time, is father going away?"

Sakura paused, then nodded: "Yes, Mr. Masamune has traveled far away."

"Okay then." Erika wrote: "Let's go to send him off together. I bought flowers, do I need to buy other gifts?"

Sakura smiled and shook her head: "Mr. Masamune will like it very much."


"Junior Sister, don't you play?" Lu Mingfei whispered in Qian Li's ear.

Tonight's guest named them to play mahjong. Lu Mingfei was originally curious why some people would ignore the beauty of mahjong and covet the momentary pleasure of winning or losing mahjong.Later, he realized that he had made a big mistake. When he first entered the society, he was still too naive. What the guests played was not winning or losing mahjong, but the stripped version of mahjong for adults!
And she is the director of the Kansai Mahjong Association, Finger has already taken off the loincloth, Caesar is better than him, with underwear and socks left, Chu Zihang is the most intact one, and the lower body is still intact.

The guests came prepared, wearing two scarves, but up to now only one pair of stockings and two scarves have been left.

Lu Mingfei served tea and water at the side, and Qian Li smiled with her head propped up in a wheelchair.

Hearing Lu Mingfei's question, Qian Li waved his hands: "I don't have much experience as a guest."

"how do I say this?"

"I haven't lost this kind of game before. People gave me the nickname 'Gambling Holy Immortal Buddha'." Qian Li winked at him.

"I'll go, let's earn achievements here!" Lu Mingfei stared.

"Guess who will lose and take off first?" Qian Li touched Lu Mingfei's shoulder.

This is to determine whether this game or the three people on their side will lose.

Lu Mingfei shook his head.

"I guess it's senior brother." Qian Li said.

"Sister, what you said is wrong, here are all your senior brothers." Fingel opened his mouth, piercing through Qianli's word play.

Qian Li looked him up and down without any hesitation, and retorted: "It's better not you, if you really take off your clothes, I doubt I'll get the eye of a needle."

Listening to the conversation between them, Lu Mingfei always felt that something was wrong.

He looked at Fingel again, suddenly realizing.

Fingel always looks like a dog leg, and he has never seen him quarrel with anyone, let alone the other party is a beautiful woman.The guest sitting opposite is not as good-looking as Qian Li Gao, Finger's eyes are shining, he didn't resist the temptation of beauty and fed a bunch of cards so that he became the biggest loser, it doesn't make sense for Qian Li to be so handsome In front of him he turned a blind eye.

Qianli's facial features are flawless no matter they are disassembled or put together. After getting along for so long, it is rare to see her wearing makeup. She looks so good-looking all day long without a face.

According to the ranking of Lu Mingfei's inner beauty, Qian Li is a level higher than Su Xiaoqiang, and Su Xiaoqiang can fight against the plain Qianli only when Su Xiaoqiang is in full makeup.

Although Qian Li has such a temperament, it is inevitable that he will ignore that face after getting along for a long time, but Finger only spent less than a day with Qian Li, so he will not get this debuff.

too weird.

The two are familiar as if they have been friends for many years, and they are still the kind who are keen to hurt each other.

Provoked by Qian Li, Fingel cursed and sent out a few more cards.

The guests have already listened to the cards, and Caesar showed an anxious look.

If he loses again, he will only have one piece of underwear left. This is his last line, and there are more than ten minutes before the end of the agreed time. Who can resist this?
Chu Zihang played a card blankly, ninety thousand.

The guest was overjoyed, he grabbed the card and put it to the end of the card, and pushed it down in front of everyone—he was fooling around again.

Lu Mingfei is so sad.

He thought to himself that the senior brother is really confused, if he can't play cards, he can't count. It's obvious that a piece of [-] has not been played on the card table, as if someone is holding two [-] cards and is waiting to win the card. How dare you fight out!

Chu Zihang was willing to admit defeat, so he pulled out the belt neatly and put it on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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