Chapter 138 Bluffing
Qian Li let out a "tsk" and leaned back.

"Wow, the posture of the brother pulling the belt is so handsome, stop pulling the belt, and hit me."

As soon as these words came out, except for the guests who couldn't understand Chinese, everyone's movements stopped.

There was a deathly silence, as if not even breathing existed.

She didn't deliberately lower her voice. The people present heard it clearly, and it was impossible to comfort herself if she heard it wrong.

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded, smoking all over his body: "Junior Sister, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Wow Mingfei, you actually understand what I'm talking about. I didn't expect you to be such a Mingfei." Qian Li blinked.

Lu Mingfei broke down: "Stop talking about it! Junior sister, your image in my heart is about to be completely ruined!"

Qian Li looked surprised: "Isn't it completely over yet?"

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Is this something to be proud of? ! !ah? !

And ever since he heard those words just now, he was completely unable to look directly at Qian Li.

It's like a good friend who told you that snails climbing railings is fun just a second ago suddenly made a girlfriend and then kissed you in front of you.

Qian Li laughed so hard: "Don't worry, I just suddenly remembered the words I saw online, just kidding."

Lu Mingfei reluctantly convinced himself that this was just a prank by Qianli.

"After all, I only like to be a S, and if I want to smoke, I will smoke him." Qian Li added.

Lu Mingfei broke down and yelled: "Don't harm pure lovers like me! You hateful carnivores!"

"You are actually a pure love party." Qian Li turned pale with shock.

Lu Mingfei nodded solemnly: "It cannot be more pure."

"It's so pitiful, the pure love party will be reduced to work in this kind of place." Qian Li's tone was regretful, but his eyes were gloating.

Lu Mingfei is firm: "Pure love can also be practiced here."

"That's really difficult. After all, in front of you are three pure love parties... Ah no, two pure love parties' strip shows." Qian Li said.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

There is no way to refute.

"But at least don't want to take off all your clothes like Senior Brother Waste Chai."

That's too out of character.

During their conversation, Caesar and the others had returned to normal expressions, and started another round.

Qian Li probably felt bored watching it, so he took out a deck of poker from somewhere and put it in front of Lu Mingfei: "Brother, do you want to play?"

Seeing his vigilant expression, subconsciously crossing his chest, Qian Li was overjoyed: "Don't worry, it's not about undressing."

"Oh, that's good." Lu Mingfei put his heart back into his stomach.

"Play something more exciting."

"?" Lu Mingfei was full of question marks.

"The loser should stand still for 3 minutes." Qian Li said.

Lu Mingfei was even more confused: "What do you mean?"

"For example, if you lose, then whenever I say stand still, you must stop what you are doing and stand still for 3 minutes." Qian Li explained: "Of course, during this period, I promise not to treat you Hands up and down."

Lu Mingfei's face was full of black lines: "Junior Sister's last sentence doesn't need to be guaranteed."

"I thought you cared more about your innocence." Qian Li clenched her hands into fists and pressed them to her lips.

"If you don't say it, I may be more confident that I can keep my innocence." Lu Mingfei subconsciously drew a card, and quickly put it back: "No, you said that you are very good at these games, why should I bet with you? , isn't this courting death?"

"Good question." Qian Li snapped his fingers: "I'm blindfolded, you shuffle and deal the cards, I don't touch the cards during the whole process, and after the deal is over, I'll play with you with open cards."

"...The more you promise me, the more I feel that I will lose." Lu Mingfei retreated.

Often only those who think they will definitely win will make absolute concessions on the rules, because they don't care.

"Well, how about this, let's play bluff, just to see who can deceive whom, not the skill and quality of the cards, okay?" Qian Li made a concession.

Lu Mingfei has heard a little bit about bluffing. It basically means that you can say what you have done, and then the opponent can decide whether to believe you or not. If he doesn’t believe you, he can choose to let you show your cards. What you said at the time was different, so you have to take the cards back.

In the end, whoever finishes playing the cards first wins.

It sounded like it really only needed to fight a psychological battle, Lu Mingfei thought about his chances of winning, and finally nodded.

It's hard to say about other aspects, but pretending to deceive people here, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

Qian Li was overjoyed and handed the cards to him: "It was supposed to be played by three people, but there are too many cards for two people, let's hide some, just to increase the difficulty of the game and save me from counting cards."

"Wow, you're actually counting cards! So dangerous!" Lu Mingfei yelled.

Qian Li stuck out her tongue: "After all, I'm used to it. Didn't I tell you in advance? If I want to cheat you, I won't tell you. You are more ruthless than anyone else if you don't lose."

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Lu Mingfei nodded, and randomly pulled out a few cards and put them aside.

Chu Zihang pursed his lips and hooked the corners of his mouth.

Lu Mingfei is doomed.

Just from the fact that he wanted to play cards, Lu Mingfei had already been cheated by Qian Li once.He originally didn't want to play, but Qian Li deliberately confessed his ability, and finally pretended to make a huge concession to make the situation look fair.

Lu Mingfei agreed with this rule, but he forgot that his bottom line at the beginning was that he didn't want to play cards.

Fingel could also see that he hesitated to speak to Shang Lu Mingfei's eager face, and finally said nothing.

Everyone has his own life!
Let go of the spirit of helping others and respect the fate of others.

What's more, they can't protect the mud bodhisattva crossing the river now, so they don't have the heart to save their brothers.

After the cards were dealt, Qian Li and Lu Mingfei both had a bunch of cards in their hands. She stretched out her index finger and tapped on the table: "Senior brother, you go first?"

"Okay." Lu Mingfei nodded, took out a three of hearts, and put it on the table: "Three."

"Yes three."

Lu Mingfei glanced at the cards in his hand. He still has a three in his hand, which has a [-]-[-] probability. Qian Li couldn't see anything from his face, so he had to continue to press a card: "Three."

"To three." Qian Li said again.

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded.

"Continue? Brother." Qian Li asked.

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth, he couldn't lose morale if he lost in the first round: "Continue, three."

"To three." Qian Li repeated again.

Lu Mingfei was numb, and he also drew two cards: "Verse three."

"Take it back." Qian Li said lightly.

Lu Mingfei choked.

Didn't even ask for a reveal card, it's too bullying!
However, he knew exactly what had happened to him, and sadly received the deck of cards in his hand.

Completely dumbfounded after unfolding.

Except for the two threes he played, he didn't have any extra threes in his hand.

In other words, Qian Li used the unwarranted pair three to lie to him until now!

Qian Li laughed loudly: "But senior brother, you have written clearly on your face whether you have it or not, it's really hard for me to pretend that I can't see it."

(End of this chapter)

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