Chapter 144 Neuropathy

At this time, the humpback whale walked over quickly and handed a car key to Caesar: "The boss told me that the car is parked in the garage. Here is the key."

Caesar played with the car keys, with a playful expression on his face: "Is this implying that we should run away?"

"Senior, I think this is an explicit indication." Qian Li joked: "The devil is coming soon, let's run?"

"You finally said something useful." Fingel said that the hero agrees.

Chu Zihang shook his head with a look of helplessness.

"I think it's her asking us to choose to leave, or to stay and face Yuan Zhisheng. No matter who the boss is, her role is limited to protecting us, right?"

The last sentence was said by looking at Qianli.

Qian Li nodded her head, "That's right, that's why I know her. After all, I'm also a contestant in the nanny group, and I plan to debut with her in the nanny group 101 in the future."

Caesar ignored her nonsense and continued to analyze: "But staying has no effect on us. We can forgive him for putting us all in the Japan Trench. Does he still want to kill us all? The most is to send us back to Kassel .”

"Both of us don't want God to be resurrected, but it's completely opposite from Yuanzhinv's standpoint." Chu Zihang said: "We must understand the king through Yuanzhinv. If he is handed over to Sheqi Bajia, First of all, his safety cannot be guaranteed, and secondly, we have lost our biggest bargaining chip in Japan."

"Yes, yes, it cannot be handed over." Qian Li still nodded.

Chu Zihang stretched out his hand and pinned down her head which was moving like a child.

Qian Li was forced to look up at him, not knowing why: "What's wrong, brother? Do you have another opinion?"

Chu Zihang didn't speak.

He just thought that the way Qianli shook his head just now was a bit cute, and in Lu Mingfei's words, he was cute, so he subconsciously pressed his hands down, without any other thoughts.

"Or is it that senior brother wants me to contact Wang Jiang?" Qian Li asked.

"Only you?" Before Chu Zihang had time to say anything, Finger spoke out first: "It's faster and more accurate to count on you to help us contact the general than to count on ourselves."

"How can you say that about me! I looked at you with my nostrils!" Qian Li was indignant.

Caesar had a dark face.

He closed his eyes in pain, feeling hopeless in life.

"I think it's definitely not possible to hand it over." Lu Mingfei suddenly said, "You can't hand over Yuanzhinv to the Sheqi Bajia."

He has never expressed his opinion on this kind of matter, let alone saying it so categorically now, several people can't help but look at him.

"What's your reason?"

"I always have a feeling that I can't explain," Lu Mingfei returned to his previous cowardly appearance, rubbing the back of his neck: "What we see now are all appearances, and the real danger is hidden behind the scenes. The plan is not as simple as resurrecting the gods, and the only one who can deal with the king is Yuanzhinv. Compared with his brother, the tortoise is an idiot. He is indeed strong, but he is also very stupid, strong and stupid."

Qianli couldn't help laughing out loud: "Indeed, Yuanyuan is just a stupid kid. Since he was a child, he was not as smart as a childish girl, and the person who taught him has always deliberately guided him to be a pure and innocent partner of justice, which made him unable to see the darkness of this world. or see it but don’t care, he thinks his sharp sword can cut through everything.”

"I also have this feeling." Chu Zihang agreed, "General Wang's plan is definitely far beyond our imagination. There must be something terrible in it, but I can't think of it."

"Don't look at me." Qian Li raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Our cooperation is limited to the resurrection of God, other than that, my position and his are very different, but one of the goals is similar, and I am willing to provide convenience for him." , and he will meet my needs accordingly.”

"Then can you guess what his real purpose is?" Caesar turned his eyes.

Qian Li swallowed her saliva: "I don't know, but I agree with Ming Fei and senior brother's point of view, it must be scary, because he agreed to me very quickly, as if that thing was not worth mentioning to him. But my needs, If they were replaced by someone else, their plan to resurrect God might come to naught.”

"I agree too." Yuan Zhinv appeared and leaned against the wall beside her. The man who was so handsome a day ago now looks like a broken man, and his whole body is "dead": "The king is a man like an iceberg , What he revealed to the world is definitely just the tip of the iceberg. I always feel that a huge danger is coming, which is completely different from what my brother thinks. The purpose of the king is definitely not evolution medicine, nor is it a god. He is the kind of person who wants to The person who devours everything, all those standing in front of him are his enemies, and he will never allow anyone to threaten his status. How can such a person just covet a bottle of evolution medicine and become a god? You can kill Dead Dragon King, you can also kill him."

"But Sheqi Bajia won't believe it." Zero pushed open the door.

Her knees had been fully bandaged, and white bandages were wrapped from the middle of her calf to the middle of her thigh. She was wearing crutches and came to them step by step.

After the protagonist of this kind of funny scene is replaced by her, people can hardly laugh.

But Qian Li has no quality, she laughed very loudly.

Zero responded coldly: "You are no better than me now."

Qianli stopped smiling, and the smile shifted to Fingel's face.

A bunch of neuroses.

Caesar raised his forehead again.

"Continue to tell what you found." Chu Zihang lightly parted his thin lips.

"On this night, the people from the Bajia of Sheqi dug the well for storing bones, and all the dragon subspecies inside followed the water flow into the artificial lake made of [-] tons of mercury. If the embryos were really hidden in the well , then it will also suffer a major blow, I think at this time your brother has already begun to celebrate his success in thwarting the king's plan."

"How do you know this?" Caesar was startled.

"I just came over there." Zero explained: "The well of hidden bones is Chiguichuan, an underground river. The records of the Saki Hachika beautified Izanagi. He didn't want to destroy the holy bones at all. Human greed protects that thing. In the end, the well of skeletons failed to become a prison to imprison the holy skeletons, but became a hotbed for the incubation of gods."

"Did the principal arrange for you to come here?" Chu Zihang asked.

"My goal is to assist Qianli. I am in charge of data collection, and she is in charge of..."

"Oh, I'm responsible for killing and piercing here." Qian Li took the initiative to answer.

"But you suffered such a serious injury, but it was not for our ultimate goal. The principal has decided to mark your internship grade as unqualified for this semester." Ling said.

Qian Li Huarong turned pale: "I know that bad old man is very bad. He just told me that it doesn't matter. As long as I can catch up with the final progress, he is actually ready to fail me."

(End of this chapter)

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